Faceți o chilă singur – Ep 8 Sailing Oriyo

Faceți o chilă singur - Ep 8 Sailing Oriyo

Bună tuturor, pas cu pas ne concentrăm asupra lucrurilor mici pe care le-am observat că sunt problematice pe ORIYO. Și sunt destul de mulți! Am surprins câteva momente din aceste lucrări cu barca pentru tine. Dar apoi, abia așteptam să vă împărtășim lucrările timpurii și alegerile făcute cu privire la chilă. Așa că pregătește-te pentru primul pas către o nouă chilă!! Pa.. –––––––––––––––– –––––––– Bună, Suntem Stéphanie și Valéry, povestea noastră începe la greu când găsim o barcă neglijată în sudul Franței. Urmăriți reparația completă a acestei bărci vechi, care va necesita atât de multe lucrări atente și intense cu barca. Vino alături de noi pentru a călători prin această călătorie în noua noastră viață de navigator. Site: https://www.sailingoriyo.com Instagram Sailing ORIYO: https://www.instagram.com/sailingoriyo/ Instagram Valéry: https://www.instagram.com/valery_platon/


14 thoughts on “Faceți o chilă singur – Ep 8 Sailing Oriyo

  1. Wonderful photography! It looks like the longer interval again inspired your artistic sense, but now that's a true cliffhanger! Was your old keel built the same and if so, how does the new one differ to last longer?

  2. Hi my friends, good to see you back. There is a lot going on but southern french skies looks gorgeous. How it's possible have jobs, renovate a boat and put all this video projects in such a high level? You're two beasts. These videos are pure joy. See you in two weeks. Salut 😀

  3. I like these boat restoration channels, especially those done by the owners. It is a huge job of a thousand tasks and we can share your joy, and pain! Making your own keel, even with some professional help, is daunting but will be of real technical interest to others and I am sure they would prefer the actual specification of the materials and not just 'corrosion resistant'. You have a real 'cinematographic eye' and produce nice images and I like the music as well and together they give you your own attractive video style so keep it up.

  4. Your presentation is excellent! The music is very soothing and it is obvious that you are talented in many ways. Truly enjoyable to watch and listen to your narrative!

  5. That quote on a new keel must be wrong. My first thought is keel manufacturer didn't want your request, but…
    Information on your keels design philosophy was interesting.

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