171 . Aventura pe care o iubești și pe care o urăști | Duminica navigatie

171 .  Aventura pe care o iubești și pe care o urăști |  Duminica navigatie

Săptămâna aceasta navigăm aproape 24 de ore în 20 de noduri cu swell de 2 m în Caraibe… cu câteva zone de accelerație între ele! Am lovit o furtună, ne distrăm puțin și ajungem cu bine în Guadelupa! În mod surprinzător, a fost extrem de confortabil, dar devine enervant stând la 45 de grade tot timpul 😂 VA RUGĂM LIKE ȘI ABONAȚI-VĂ LA SAILING SUNDAY 🥳 SAILING SUNDAY WEBSITE: https://www.svsunday.com SAILING SUNDAY SHOP: https://svsunday.com/ online-shop-home/ DONAȚII DE ANIMALE DE STRADA: https://www.paypal.me/jacksonstreats PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/sailingsunday SOCIAL MEDIA: Conturi Instagram @sailing_sunday @brittnimoffatt @ryanweepers @jacksontheshepherdx @animalrescueyachtclub Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sailingsunday TikTok @animalrescueyachtclub


36 thoughts on “171 . Aventura pe care o iubești și pe care o urăști | Duminica navigatie

  1. Your videos make me happy. I love your animal rescues. I love your travels. I love your personalities. I especially love Jackson, because, you know, awesome dog. Your editing and content get better and better. So, after donating to Jackson's treats a while ago, I have now become a Patron. Your channel is the first that I've done that for. Love you guys. Fair winds and following seas.

  2. …….wonderful and simply such a great pleasure from your videos…thank you💝…your "outtakes" are always a highlight too🤣😅🤗…maybe delicious dishes again Brittni?..your Ceasarsalad dressing is an integral part of our dishes👍👍🍽…so a smile is always guaranteed here,thank you🥰🍀…..you are so heartwarmingly likeable… …have fun and hugs for superJackson….🐾🐾👣👣⛵😍

  3. Yes! Resting Bitch face IS a thing! LOL! I have it too, but after all the years of being “nice” to the public, I think I “deserve” it & I’m going to enjoy looking like a bitch while I’m laughing inside…That was sooo funny!

  4. I dolphinately prefer seeing you cruising in tropical islands like this. Brit's a hero for surviving Ryan. Highest Blessings

  5. I’m having enclosure envy! We are still in Spain, but heading across the Atlantic in Nov. You guys are making me think it’s a must!

  6. Resting bitch face is definitely a thing and Chris majorly suffers from it 😂

    We were laughing as we were watching as we had the wettest sail ever today… with water literally swooshing around the cockpit… it was like a swimming pool!

    Great episode as always guys 🙂

  7. Hey smiley man, our Flag needs replacing, she's looking rather dull, and that's not acceptable 🤣🤣🤣🤣 great episode again, love u both and of course Jackson sweet heart. 🇦🇺🌈🐶

  8. Sure you are long gone from Guadeloupe, 50 years ago the whole crew got addicted to the Ice Cream on that Island, Launch runs every night just for that Ice Cream & that never happened anywhere else. We spent 2 of 3 months there because in & out air travel was better.

  9. You definitely do not have a resting b face I think you are beautiful all the time an Ryan can't leave him out he's just cool 😎 😉 you guys make an feller laugh

  10. Thank you for taking good care of my friend Jackson, he is a doll, I enjoy how you folks love animals as much as I do
    Ryan, so you and Jackson were having a private conversation, didn’t anyone teach you it’s impolite to have private conversations while others are around? Lol

  11. Love watching! I would call it your serious face, still look lovely! Ryan you are so entertaining and love seeing more of Jackson again!

  12. Always a groovy sailing adventure or is that motoring adventure with you two. All the puppies are gone, WOW! Quick Brit, get to Puppy Island. LOL! You're a funny couple and always a joy to watch. Jackson, of course, is the star; a real Salty Dog. Stay groovy and stay safe.

  13. Great snap shot on life underway on a boat. Enclosures look toasty during the rain. Thanks for the tips on how to trim the sails for a more comfortable sail.

  14. G'day guys. Found the link to your channel after the podcast with James on Zingaro. It's a bit of a wet day down here in EnZed, so a good reason to binge watch. Like what I see. Thank you for taking the time to upload and share. Take care and until next time, atb.

  15. I thought I was the only one who chewed their cheek…… used to do it for years but somehow I don't do it anymore?! There's hope for you Brittni 😂🤗💞 Love that Jackson is your dolphin spotter 😁🐬

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