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Andrew Tate ne-a furat fata la club!

50 thoughts on “Andrew Tate ne-a furat fata la club!”
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FULLSEND x TATE pieces live on https://fullsend.com
dana paying his friend more for his bday than his fighters for risking their lives
jesus christ
The pink hoodie is fire.
wheres steve gone
kanye west and leonardo di caprio flew to croatia
Yo that girl was so nice to Gabe
Andrew Tate sex trafficked NELK's girl. You guys really picking winners to hang with these days. Hope the clout's worth it.
Steiny really needs to get knocked out cold to know he’s place
14:11 yo is that thogden?
More than 300k , we are waiting for you in Romania guys

bro said he taught Croatia was in Switzerland
andrew be usin them hand signs like a special boy respectpa my g
does anybody know where excactly in croatia this is?
dont say the word "cheap" in front of Tristan
you wash that shirt three times and that logo falling off lol
“Tf is that guy’s problem” while having a problem with the Tate’s the whole vid.

6:21 song name pls ?
Now he is in jail for stealing a girl
Its soo funny because they do this to stieny all the time
“How are you famous on the internet when you can’t do push ups” Tate’s push-ups looked weak af, didn’t even go down all the way lmaoo

Rip takeoff
Song at the very start with Andrew tate
W Croatia
I would delete this video if I were you. Run as far from Tate as you can.
700k where Romania video lol
Tate brother bond is unbreakable
Song at the very start ?
Steiny lame asf
but UFC fighters get less
25:16 I can’t stop laughing when he said 1
Right after that “kinda cheap no” from Steiny, the Tate’s were like “oh yeah… this guys a fuckin bozo.”
Gave is GAY?!?!

ispade covjek glup
now translate it 
What's the song at 24:32
Steiny is such a clown lol. I used to like him but after he tries to act so cool around ppl he looks up to it’s satisfying to see him get embarrassed
If Steiny would laugh along with getting bullied after his shit talk I’d like him but he’s j such a baby
It’s funny bc gambles is actually funny now and Steiny is the clown
17:29 what's the name of the music?
YO IM LATE on this video but literally steiny is embodiment of a man that only says equality for women for the woman and himself. It doesn’t help anyone
Intro song: Later Bitches
Does anyone know the name of the song at 22:00 in the background being played at the party

I can’t really mess wit steiny
Man, Free The Tates
I feel like that dude from below deck would make a good nelk employee Zzz is his name he already blows darts and likes phat bootys thic chics lol
Free the tate brothers
Cool vid guys
eeee drugovi, za ovo su se borili 91.
Lol not he in jail trying not to be the end of a train lol