Informații @Bering Yachts: Urmărește-ne Construirea unui iaht explorator @NautiGuys Atenție tuturor fanilor BERING! Vom organiza un Meet & Greet împreună cu Alexei și minunata echipă Bering la Festivalul de Yachting de la Cannes: sâmbătă, 10 septembrie, la ora 16:00, la BERING BOOTH. Pregătește-te pentru culisele tale exclusive la punerea în funcțiune a Sea Trial la bordul acestui foarte așteptat SUPERYACHT EXPLORATOR HIBRID BERING 145 „HEEUS”. Doar în cazul în care ați ratat videoclipul nostru foarte detaliat în 2 părți în care am putut vedea această doamnă uluitoare în construcție, asigurați-vă că îl verificați! Partea 1: Partea 2: Am fost atât de norocoși să fim invitați la bord pentru a treia ei Probă Tehnică pe mare și suntem foarte încântați să vă oferim o prezentare a Turului tot ce am putut arăta în această etapă importantă a Vieții ei. Există unele zone pe care nu le-am putut acoperi în timpul acestui Tur, deoarece încă erau interzise camerelor, dar nu vă faceți griji, vă vom aduce un videoclip special odată ce ea este gata, terminată și pregătită pentru a fi prezentată corect! Bucurați-vă de această prezentare foarte exclusivă a acestui tur de iaht de expediție emblematică din Bering. Spuneți-mi ce părere aveți despre acesta în comentarii. Bucurați-vă de turneu! #ExplorerYacht #BeringYacht #SuperYachtTour De la început, am decis să ne păstrăm independența și integritatea, așa că nu acceptăm plăți pentru Yacht Tours și nu „lucram pentru închiriere”, astfel putem alege și face doar turul navelor pe care le găsim interesant pentru publicul nostru. Suntem aici pentru a ne distra în timp ce verificăm cele mai tari iahturi de pe piață și nu ne luăm prea în serios! //INSCRIE-TE ECHIPULUI NOSTRU NAUTI: MULȚUMESC PENTRU LIKE-URI, COMENTARII, COMENTARII ȘI SUBS. ACESTE 4 CLICURI SIMPLE FAC ACEST CANAL POSIBIL!!!
//URMĂȚI-NE: ○ Instagram: ○ Blog: ○ Facebook: NautiStyles/ //SHOP NAUTI GEAR: //CAMERA GEAR UTILIZAT: ○ Camera – ○ Drone – ○ Microfoane wireless – ○ Microfoane cu fir – ○ Card SD – ○ Gimbal – ○ Lumină – //SUBSCRIBE AICI:… //WATCH NEXT: ○ 133′ IAG „SERENITY” : /owhkl1Zd5OQ ○ BORDA DE TRANSPORT ACCESIBIL: 0:00 Introducere 0:59 Să mergem! 4:38 Priviți pe pod 6:05 Turul 15:02 Skylounge 17:22 Cabana căpitanului 18:40 Bridge Tech 23:00 Cabine pentru oaspeți 27:35 Locurile echipajului 32:40 Bucătărie 36:45 Suita proprietarului 39:13 Punere în funcțiune? 43:10 Salon 45:19 Outtakes Mulțumesc pentru vizionare! Ahoy, căpitanul V DECLINAREA RESPONSABILITĂȚII: Linkurile incluse în această descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs sau serviciu cu link-urile pe care le ofer, este posibil să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru tine! Vă mulțumesc că îmi susțineți canalul, astfel încât să vă pot oferi în continuare conținut gratuit în fiecare săptămână!

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Hey Guys, we would love to catch up with you all, so decided to do a PREMIERE today! see you all in the live chat:) Just in case you have missed our very detailed 2-Part Video where we got to see this Stunning Lady in the built, make sure you check it out!
Part 1:
Part 2:
Attention all BERING FANS! We will be holding a Meet & Greet together with Alexei and the awesome Bering Team at the Cannes Yachting Festival: Saturday, September 10th at 4pm @ the BERING BOOTH
Victoria had giggle juice before this review.
That's one hell of a ship. Beautiful. No wonder you guys are buying a Bering yacht. Alexi is amazing.
Did you pick lucky winners on this video?
@Bering Yachts! Very Impressive Yacht!!!
I'm three days late!!! Notifications aren't working
Hi guys. Fantastic “Sneak peak” preview! Love it. Now, when will your new 75’ baby come out ?? Any comments on the expected delivery?? Very curious and looking forward to see your faces when the keys get handed over!!!
Could you at least be open and honest about your sponsorship with Bering. No one in their right mind believes you have 4-5 MIL for a new Bering Yacht. Your old boat was worth maybe 150-200k ?? Your channel although going well is very modest in real terms and last I saw Rico was selling inflatable boats. I believe this is a great company, love their boats, but a little transparency about the actual deal would be a positive thing.
What is Rico's DJ Name?
Price range for this Yatch?
Gotta love Bering man. They are the best there is.
Alexei losing some weight! Stress from building your boat? haha
I love to watch you guys, but lately you've gone over the top with your high dollar boats. I use to think that I could possibly buy a "live aboard". Now the ones you show are way too much. Since you've gone "money", I can no longer watch. It's over my head now. Thanks
@ 4:31– I would like to know what boat that was. Looks crazy
Assolutamente stupendo. Lo voglio !!!

I can't wait to see this at the Cannes Yachting Festival! Great video! The 145 has some impressive lines! I am looking forward to hopefully meeting you guys at the Festival

You two need to review the walk thru on "Heeus". You interrupted several times and spoke over the guy in the orange shirt that was giving you a tour. I understand its your site on YouTube. If you ask a question let the person answer uninterrupted. If he is explaining something let his speak uninterrupted. I watch you two all the time and enjoy your site. I have learned a lot from you two. But this time I just had to comment. I'm not being a jerk. It may be you don't realize you are doing it.
Have a wonderful day.
My guess is you can t shut your mouth for 30sec…….
Beautiful boat
but no landing strip? 

Welcome to the Bearing channel
I like you guys a lot, but please, some respect, don't use Jesus name as a curse word. Thanks.
These two are soooo excitable, heard WOW so many times. Lovely boat ..
Greetings from PORTUGAL !!! Follow you guys since long ago. Wonderfull channel and content… But being an IT guy.. Can you dedicate some time to show us, the magic behind the IT on the Bering Yatchs.. Like, wifi, routing, network connections, Sat connections, servers, Streaming to Tv's… all the stuff that nerds and Yatch lovers like to hear about. Congrats to Alexi that build a True Yatch brand with love and passion…
Is this your guy’s new boat?
What is a unlimited captain because I thought unless ur in the Royal Navy or similar you ain’t really a captain officially it’s a masters license isn’t it?
Wow This Boat is "The Business!"
that TV is 100 inches I think, but my FAV FAV is the Galley because I love to cook! Love your channel guys sending good vibes!
Have you guys made any videos of any Hinckley Yachts? I work on them frequently and they are well built and beautiful!
De beaux bateaux [rêve].
85 inch.
85 inch 8K samsung television. Main room
75 inch 8K in the master bedroom
Every time he starts to talk. You seem to cut him off. To me it looks like he may be frustrated bye your continuous speaking over him. That's what it seems to me. Maybe I am wrong.
Here comes the Korean subtitle. Thank you. I've been watching it in poor English. I studied English to watch English channels. 럭키 is a pronunciation of lucky in Korean. English words about ships are often difficult to translate properly in Korean. But the subtitles are translated to a pretty good level. It's easy to read. After 31 minutes of the video, English subtitles are released instead of Korean subtitles, but you can understand them without difficulty.
Awesome channel!! Beautiful boat! What brand of sun glasses is Rico wearing?? Where can I get some.
Range omg
Not bad, but has no swimming pool so I'll pass on this one
I just don't understand the concept of seperately steerable rudders, you either want the yacht to go one way or another, so in my mind both rudders should point in the same direction
100in or slightly larger first tv, my guess. Of course this is an amazing ship, but I definitely do not dig the burnt orange accents :/. Blech.
I love your guy's channel and videos. They're so entertaining. You're doing such cool shit. Please keep it up, and congratulations on the life! You've earned it
P.S. Bering boats are just a league above everything else, and Alexi is cool as hell. He's clearly the coolest guy to hang out with. JEALOUS