The Forbidden Woods m-a făcut să-mi pierd mințile…

The Forbidden Woods m-a făcut să-mi pierd mințile...

The Forbidden Woods este un coșmar… 📱 Urmărește IG: 🕹 Alătură-te maidenless Gang Discord: 🤍 Deveniți membru: https:/ / Bine ați venit în partea a 11-a din First Time Playing Bloodborne, în acest episod explorăm The Forbidden Woods și ne luptăm cu una dintre cele mai groaznice creative cunoscute de omenire. Ca întotdeauna, apreciez tot sprijinul și mulțumesc din nou pentru că ați vizionat încă unul dintre aceste videoclipuri, mă distrez atât de mult făcându-le și spuneți-mi ce ați dori să vedeți în continuare. Abonați-vă pentru jocuri de ultimă generație, clasice vechi și tot ce se află între ele…… Întotdeauna deschis la feedback, recomandări și sugestii de jocuri pe care să le experimentăm împreună. Multa dragoste. #FirstTimePlaying #Bloodborne #ForbiddenWoods Despre joc: Bloodborne este un joc de rol de acțiune din 2015, dezvoltat de FromSoftware și publicat de Sony Computer Entertainment pentru PlayStation 4. Bloodborne urmărește personajul jucătorului, un vânător, prin decrepitul gotic din epoca victoriană. – orașul inspirat Yharnam, ai cărui locuitori sunt afectați de o boală transmisă de sânge. Încercând să găsească sursa ciumei, personajul jucătorului dezvăluie misterele orașului în timp ce se luptă cu fiarele și ființele cosmice. Jocul este jucat dintr-o perspectivă la persoana a treia. Jucătorii controlează un protagonist personalizabil, iar jocul este axat pe luptă și explorare bazate pe arme strategice. Jucătorii se luptă cu diverși inamici în timp ce folosesc obiecte precum săbii și arme de foc, explorează diferite locații, interacționează cu personaje care nu sunt jucători și dezvăluie misterele orașului. Bloodborne a început dezvoltarea în 2012 sub titlul de lucru Project Beast. Având multe asemănări cu seria de jocuri Souls a aceluiași dezvoltator și regizor, Bloodborne a fost inspirat de operele literare ale autorilor HP Lovecraft și Bram Stoker și de designul arhitectural al locațiilor din lumea reală din țări precum România, Republica Cehă și Scoția. . Bloodborne a fost lansat în martie 2015 și a primit aprecieri din partea criticilor, cu laude îndreptate asupra gameplay-ului său, în special asupra nivelului său de dificultate ridicat, atmosferei, design-ului de sunet, temelor Lovecraftian și design-ul mondial interconectat. Unele critici au fost îndreptate asupra performanței sale tehnice la lansare, care a fost îmbunătățită cu actualizările post-lansare. O expansiune care adaugă conținut suplimentar, The Old Hunters, a fost lansată în noiembrie 2015. Până la sfârșitul lui 2015, jocul se vânduse în peste două milioane de copii în întreaga lume. Bloodborne a câștigat mai multe premii și a fost citat drept unul dintre cele mai bune jocuri video realizate vreodată. Au fost lansate, de asemenea, unele media și adaptări similare, inclusiv un joc de cărți, un joc de masă și o serie de benzi desenate. striga wikipedia lol


41 thoughts on “The Forbidden Woods m-a făcut să-mi pierd mințile…

  1. The Hunter axe 🪓 is very effective against those snake enemies. You can do the transformed spinning attack and knock them down from a distance.

  2. There are soo many area you have missed but don’t worry i did as well on my 1st play through 👍 you will be back later in the game trust me 😉

  3. Bro…. shoot the gunmen and/or throwers first then the mobs!!! So ur not trying to fight and dodge shots while you fight, lol. Great, fun videos. Enjoy your shit, keep it up.

  4. I haven't been able to watch your videos because I've been so behind on my playthrough but I finally got back into it and am at the same point as you now so I can finally enjoy these treasures!

  5. It's always so fun to experience someone's first steps into this awesome game, such great content! Btw, using the transforming attack mid combo is insane, I feel like you use it a lot with the saw cleaver but no so much with the sword. Keep combining and experimenting with different output combos, this game has fewer weapons than the souls series but every one of them is so unique!

  6. The forbidden woods is massive and terrifying. Think having a few cold ones to take the edge off is the right call. And the way to the shortcut is after taking that elevator up next to the lake and the alien dudes is to go across the small bridge with the Medusa and going up the hill a hit to another elevator. That’ll open up the door to the right of the lantern.

  7. You're doing great so far, totally love tagging along on your journey with you. Two quick tips though: slow down just a little, and view the notes once in a while 😉

  8. OK if the woods made you lose your mind wait until some of the later areas or the DLC, this is PURE INSANITY, literally…
    However, you're doing great, I'd recommend to play through areas like you do mostly blind and then look things up and revisit places you missed because there's so many cool stuff to miss haha. Also you definitely should plan on doing chalices and DLC not to late in the game, I think at Level 40-50 you can start chalices, the first are pretty easy. From level 60-70 you can definitely give the DLC a try. Don't worry, it's not spoiling anything if you play it early, the DLC adds some lore but I think nothing that ruins the game BUT you can get some REALLY good gear so you should not wait too long so you can use that gear in the game 😉
    Also don't forget to use your tools, they might not seem to do a lot at the moment but there are some that are true game changers! I mentioned ARCANE sometimes in a comment, this is mainly to increase elemental and "magic" damage, keep that in mind. I would recommend to look up scaling and stat system for the game, it looks pretty straight forward at first glance but like any souls game it's really complex and has a lot of "hidden" effects you need to understand. Look it up whenever you feel ready for it but don't wait too long because upgrading weapons after a certain point is limited due to lack of materials (you can farm but it's a pain so…)… So what you wanna do is get the good gear (you might wanna look it up to see what you want to go for) and focus on upgrding your favorite 2-3 weapons.

  9. "I never wanted to see the doll more than right now"

    Don't feel bad about using Bold Hunter's Mark! It allows you to keep your echoes while transporting you safely to the last lamp you respawned from. Sometimes it's worth sacrificing a bit of progress to get your echoes into levels.

  10. Aah I'm looking forward to catch up with these! This forestrun is such a blast and of course the most chaotic one I've seen. You got all the way to the "little people", died without a shortcut and then found them again by panicrolling through the snakelabyrinth without dying lmao that's impressive 😂!

  11. My first time in the forbidden woods had me stressin soooo hard lol i was wiggin out tryin to find a lamp or some sort of shortcut. Something that helps me out a ton when exploring a new area in these games is scouting out the edges and then slowly making my way more into the middle almost like a spiral or something.

  12. 33:41 this is one of the best moments in the game. Until that point you're like "I'm a badass hunter who hunt beasts. I don't care if it's werewolf or a giant pig, i will get them all because I'm the man😎😎😎"
    …And then you straight up see an alien standing there, and you're like "what".
    It seems so out of place which makes it so effective.

  13. Dude, the last 10 minutes of this video was terrible and you should be fuckin ashamed of yourself.

    The rule is to take a shot for each death, not starting a session already drunk 😠

  14. Everytime you pass the shortcut, I die a little on the inside, lol. You seem to always look left, whereas I always tend to look right.

  15. Watching this late and the lord of the rings show comment made me so sad. I too was excited but ended feeling more let down than the ending of GoT. Was hot garbage.

  16. It's unfortunate that you've reached that point in your subscriber growth where all the little painfully unaware, spoiler-spewing twerps are coming out of the woodwork, but it's great to see how fast your channel has been growing. Much deserved and well earned my friend, your videos are tightly edited and always entertaining. Cheers!

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