După un an de proprietate, am trecut deja prin atât de multe împreună, dar nu m-am gândit niciodată că voi vedea ziua în care i-am spus asta.. 😅 Dacă vă place acest episod, apăsați pe butonul 👍 de like și abonați-vă! 🤠Vrei să ne arăți puțin sprijin suplimentar sau să ne cumperi o bere? paypal.me/invictuscatamaran Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SailingInvictus
Asta a spus ea! – Ep. 9 (urmăriți până la ep. 8 Navigare, Lucru cu barca și YouTube,)

9 thoughts on “Asta a spus ea! – Ep. 9 (urmăriți până la ep. 8 Navigare, Lucru cu barca și YouTube,)”
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Is that a 4-stroke or a 2-stroke outboard on the dinghy?
I'm all caught up on your videos. Looking forward to the next one. This is way better than the Game of Thrones prequel. Except for the dragon part.
Just discovered your lovely 🥰 YouTube channel, enjoyed it enormously, I realize that it is a lot of work keeping a boat going, and at the same time trying to start a YouTube channel, but really appreciate the effort and dedication, and it shows in it quality, just as your boat is unique in many ways, your input and voices are unique in the sailing community in so many aspects and can’t wait for the next video! I know it will come in due time, but a full details tour of Invictus would make my day 🙏. From the little I have seen, it obvious the quality of the design and workmanship is at another level. Please stay safe and Pura Vida to both of you.
I live part of the year on St Thomas and our Price Smart which is like a smaller version of Costco is an Island favorite too shop and stock up. You too are good characters. Funny personalities. Building a show takes time and good humor. You are doing a very good job. Like the Cuban background music it goes well with your show. Thanks
Damn! Jeff must be hella rich
why did we have to stay to the very end? I thought something big was going to happen…
My first time. You both seem honest, down to earth people and I am sure I will enjoy following your channel. So many sailing channels only show the sunshine and roses side of their lives so I look forward to a bit of sailing reality. Well done.
Too funny, another sailing channel…and it's you guys! We met you on the docks in Papagayo earlier in the year and you asked us if we had a Youtube channel…when I replied "no", you then replied "how f'n refreshing"…And now here you are. Hope you guys are well….