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49 thoughts on “SPUNÂND LA REVEDERE

  1. Whoa first of all, hold the phone there Riley you can (and should) literally post three hours of lightning strike video. I will watch it. I will rewatch it. Possibly on a weekly basis, and furthermore. dude how you gonna drop this Svalbard jazz on us with the last three seconds of video. Riley whitelam I name ye champion of the cliffhanger. And on a more serious note dudes that is radical. so happy for you both you are a real-life inspiration, and the world needs more of that. extra points if you get video of a narwhal, they are the Jedi of the sea after all.

  2. The lightning storm was so awesome to watch! I'd honestly watch 3 hours of ocean and lightning 😉 Also, seeing Riley and Elayna reunite even after just a few days is so sweet; I love how animated you both were in sharing your stories with each other. Riley's lightning sound effects and Elayna's ninja turtle action was too much 😂

  3. If You going to Svalbard You should contact Cecilia Blomdahl here on yt. She vlogs from there. A swede living in Svalbard.

  4. Going to Norway! I guess you can hook up with Cecilia Blomdahl well in Svalbard or depending on how old the video is, been a lot of other youtubers in that area.

  5. Entitled parenting 🙄 your life sounds oh so hard having your children on the boat, just keep looking after yourself buddy 😏

  6. Elayna ruined what used to be the best sailing channel on youtube, since the birth of Lenny she has descended into madness about his safety to the point of manic.., now she's left (AGAIN) poor Riley can finally relax and start to enjoy sailing again.

  7. THAT is Ridiculous you have SO much trouble with VISA the US Border is Broken and they are Letting anyone AND Everyone come across Our Borders NOW and PAYING them I am PISSED I tried to get someone here from Another Country and it was TOO expensive and too Much Crap to go through SO SHE Backed out the United States Immigration Policies are BROKEN

  8. From the physics point of view there is no limit to how far thunder or any sound travel. Sound waves propagate through the atmosphere indefinitely, they just get weaker and weaker fast. In human terms the distance we can hear thunder depends both on its amplitude at the source (the lightning power) and your hearing threshold, which all differ greatly.

  9. The weapons needed against polar bear on Svalbard (by law) are:
    1 308 or 30.06 rifle, firing hollowpoint, or
    2 12 gauge semi-auto shotgun firing slugs

    I'm sure you will have locals with you – can either of you shoot?

  10. Lightening can be heard roughly 10 nautical miles away, although a lot of factors affect that.

    I do a lot of offshore doublehanded yacht racing and the rule of thumb is that for every second between the flash of lightening and the sound the strike is 1/5 of a nautical mile away. e.g 10 seconds between flash to bang = 2 nautical miles.

  11. I'm starting to wonder if there's a YouTube discount for Svalbard? Out of the few channels I subscribe to, you guys are the 4th going there. Can't blame you though. The place looks amazing!

  12. SLV – Consider my numbers suspect, but probably close. As I recall, in standard atmospheric conditions, from when you see a flash of lightning until you hear the thunder, it is about 5 seconds, per mile away. I don't ever recall counting much past 20 seconds.

    I forget the exact distance, but I know that lightning can strike you, from at least a mile away from where it occurred, so distance is not necessarily safety.

  13. OMG, I have not followed the two of you lately but I am glad to see you're still going strong! I really love the two of you and always have a smile on my face when I watch your videos.
    Can't wait to see your new boat! One day when I have my own boat, I will meet you somewhere on the ocean and we'll have a beer! …or two…

  14. Did you know you can calculate the distance for a storm by counting the time between lightning and thunder. Every second is 343 Meter, 1 km is 3 seconds.

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