Tatuaje tradiționale și revedere echipajului | Episodul 169

Tatuaje tradiționale și revedere echipajului |  Episodul 169

În episodul din această săptămână navigăm în ultima insulă Marquesas înainte de a ne îndrepta către Tuamotus. Ajungem în Nuku Hiva și aruncăm ancora în jurul celor mai multe bărci pe care le-am văzut în ultimele luni! De asemenea, ne luăm la revedere trist echipajului nostru, care are vieți în care să se întoarcă în afara lumii navigației! După aceea, sărbătorim cultura polineziană prin luarea de tatuaje de la un magazin local. De asemenea, sora Ericei ni se alătură pentru următoarele câteva aventuri navigabile. Alăturați-vă nouă în aventurile noastre de navigație prin Oceanul Pacific! Vă mulțumim că urmăriți aventurile WE! Melodiile prezentate în acest episod provin din Epidemic Sounds: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/wesail Vrei niște WE|Sail Merch??? Consultați WE|Sail $WAG $TORE https://www.wesail.world/wesail-swag-store Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare și NU UITAȚI SĂ ABONAȚI!!!! Gândiți-vă să deveniți unul dintre părinții noștri și ține minte… membrii nu plătesc pentru călătoria noastră, ci mai degrabă ne susțin sucurile creative, care uneori echivalează cu o bere gustoasă! Așa că faceți popcornul floricele, reduceți luminile și stați pe spate, bucurați-vă de spectacol! www.patreon.com/wesail URMĂȚI AVENTURILE NOASTRE PE FACEBOOK SOCIAL MEDIA www.facebook.com/wesailaway INSTAGRAM www.instagram.com/we_sailaway


30 thoughts on “Tatuaje tradiționale și revedere echipajului | Episodul 169

  1. What a great channel. Your channel will grow and be one of the most watched sailing channels because you tell such a great story. Good luck, and keep the same content coming… I will miss your crew!

  2. Is there not a solvent to help with that glue? And I would drill and screw those back on WITH the new glue. How about a swing stage that you can clip to the toe rail and suspend over the side? Just a couple of good brackets to hold a paddle or surfboard. Rocking with the boat would be so much easier.

    Never saw fueling like that before.
    Thanks for this episode. I need to go watch your Mexico ones.

  3. Thanks, as always, for another great video, I know it was hard, saying goodbye to your friends after all those nautical miles. It was nice seeing Warren doing that excellent job on WINDOW repair Ala dinghy🤪 the tattoos look great you guys. Continue to have great adventures.Bill

  4. Nice job on the trash – but only plastic and motor oil can’t be thrown overboard- I know that sounds bad but all organic and paper is gone within a day in the ocean. Even an aluminum can will dissolve in a month. Glass will last forever at the bottom so that’s your call but legal to dump. It’s gonna end up somewhere . Plastic is the evil of society

  5. Oh hey, the port lights – I love cats but that’s why they really aren’t blue water – it’s a production boat on blue water but they’re built for the bareboat coastal cruising market.

  6. Another great episode.  I very much appreciate how you're respectful of local culture–making a good name for Americans. That's why I voted We Sail for everything. 👍

    Warren, you're not alone. One of my wife's favorite sayings is, "You know what you could do…"

  7. We’ve only met a couple of times but I just love y’all! I keep sharing your channel with people I meet in hopes of growing your channel to the most watched on YouTube! Y’all be safe out there! We’ll cross paths again soon I’m sure!

  8. If your boat is a Fountain Pajot 2017 Sayona , it is balsa cored ! Any water ingress will rot the wood ! That's why Fountain Pajot switched to foam core construction ! Sell your boat before it rots !

  9. To promote tattoos in this way is not ok, we belive this was family oriented content. Many years of follow your travels has ended..

  10. sorry to see you two sailing buddy's leave, but nice to see your sister arrive. The new tattoo looks so original and groovy. Love following your adventures.

  11. Looks like Tanner and Patti were a great fit for the crossing, sad I will miss that really big smile of Patti’s, she always has one on.

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