A DISPARAT: Ne-am VÂNDUT Barca | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 111

A DISPARAT: Ne-am VÂNDUT Barca |  Sailing Soulianis - Ep.  111

Odată ce ne-am hotărât că este timpul, s-a întâmplat atât de repede. Într-o zi, eram în Michigan, scriind anunțul „de vânzare” pentru Tartanul nostru 37, iar câteva săptămâni mai târziu eram în Florida, luând restul bunurilor de pe o barcă – care nu mai era a noastră. Știam că va veni această zi, dar când în sfârșit este timpul să ne luăm rămas bun, este greu. Amintirile se repetă împreună ca un tsunami. Tot timpul și efortul, inima și sufletul pe care le-am turnat în această barcă în ultimii patru ani… Este mult. Dar nu vă faceți griji, aceasta este doar încheierea PRIMULUI capitol. La următorul! Sper să vă placă, Lauren, Kirk și Renata FILMAT: noiembrie 2021 SOCIALE + BLOG Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sailingsoulianis Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sailingsoulianis/ Facebook: https://www. .facebook.com/sailingsoulianis/ Site: https://sailingsoulianis.com Instagram-ul lui Kirk: https://www.instagram.com/kirkhateswork/ MUZICA Melodie tematică: Adventures by A Himitsu https://soundcloud.com/a-himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Descărcare gratuită / Stream: http://bit.ly/2Pj0MtT Muzică lansată de Argofox https://youtu.be/8BXNwnxaVQE Muzică promovată de Audio Library https://youtu.be/ MkNeIUgNPQ8 Toată cealaltă muzică: ARTLIST — https://sailingsoulianis.com/artlistio-music — Folosiți acest link pentru a obține 2 LUNI GRATUITE de Artlist! Căutăm mereu muzică! Dacă dvs. sau un prieten, rudă sau cunoștință faceți muzică originală și doriți să o prezentați pe canalul nostru, trimiteți-ne un strigăt la hello@sailingsoulianis.com. CAMERA GEAR https://sailingsoulianis.com/shop/camera-gear #sailing #sailingcouple #sailboat


37 thoughts on “A DISPARAT: Ne-am VÂNDUT Barca | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 111

  1. Congratulations! Love all the videos and have been subscribed for a while now. In the selling process, especially to a remote buyer, how did you protect yourself from being scammed? I've heard so many stories, and even know somebody personally, where the buyer used fraudulent funds, seller verifies with their bank, "buyer" took possession of the vehicle and title, just to then hear a couple of weeks later from their bank that the funds were not real.

  2. Wow, I can't get over how emotional I am over YOU selling YOUR boat! That speaks volumes about how good you guys are at what you do. Thank you for sharing it all, honestly and beautifully. Truly, thank you <3

  3. SHE'S WALKING!!!! YAY!👶 Seriously looking forward to the next chapter in your lives. Congratulations on the sale of the Tartan, and smooth sailing aboard your next vessel.

  4. I miss you both….one misadventure of getting sea sick should make you experienced. I hope you find a nice Catamaran….and see about getting funding from commercial sponsors as you advertise for them. You are a smart investor. Buying land…holding that acreage for later….properties start generate liquidity. I think a love aboard will be nice ….and you should home school…IT’s easy. Maybe 7th grade you can find a Christian Scool.

  5. I absolutely loved this episode. Eagerly anticipating the next boat purchase for y’all. The best is yet to come in quite sure. You three are awesome. I almost fell off the couch when I saw Riata walking!! Omg she grew so fast jaja🥰

  6. Wow what a change! Remember coating the bottom? So much work. So glad you didn't sell lil squeeze. Glad to hear you are tough and moving onward and upward.

  7. Sorry I couldn't watch the whole thing because I just sold my sailboat, after 25 years, last year and it was very emotional. However…. There are more boats and adventures on the way and you three will emerge on the other side of this and look back on this sd just a stop along the way. Sail On!!!!

  8. Congrats on your sale. It’s the ending of one chapter with a beginning of another beautiful chapter with the extra crew member and new journeys ahead. Love watching y’all’s journey.

  9. It is now much later but let's hope the former Soulianis boat in central florida survives hurricane Ian which right now on the 28this a monster with enormous winds and huge rains….let us know what you buy or are considering buying and the reasoning. Renata is getting so big…

  10. Hope the sale went through. If so, you are very lucky to be out from owning a boat in Fort Meyers area. Hope the buyers were able to move the boat. SWFL is going to be very distressing in the next few days.

  11. Can I ask why you removed the name when you sold her? That's usually not done. Some even say it's bad luck. I assume it is part of your channel's brand and I'm guessing your next boat will inherit the name, perhaps, but still…

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