NU ar fi trebuit să plecăm când am plecat [EP 181]

NU ar fi trebuit să plecăm când am plecat [EP 181]

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30 thoughts on “NU ar fi trebuit să plecăm când am plecat [EP 181]

  1. Another entertaining sailing adventure. About your hair!!! Why don't you grow it like you use to have? You use to look like a true salty dog sea Captain. Now you sort of have a bankers look.

  2. Why not just put the spinnaker halyard straight on to the rope drum of the windlass? We hoist our dinghy up the side of the boat for security every night on the spinnaker halyard.

  3. Why on earth didn't you stop at and explore Dominica? I worked there for 4 months and though I've visited and worked in over 25 countries, Dominica is and will be my absolute favorite. Didn't you pass the northern tip at 8 pm and the reasonable good anchorage at Portsmouth?

  4. Great idea for the dinghy lifting…however we don't even have a manual windlass, but I purchased a winch adapter for a battery drill (you need a hefty drill) which makes life a lot easier…most of the time…

  5. Release the gypsy when using the ropedrum!!! What will happen with a Lofrans is that the clutch is getting tighter and tighter until you need a bloody big pipe and hammer to release the clutch. Ask me how I know… 🥴

  6. Being lazy is one of the main objectives on our boat because convincing our teenaged crew members to do anything hard is almost impossible. But, the more you change things to be 'lazy' the easier the whole boat is to operate which means your more likely to do the necessary things early: reefing early, pulling the dinghy instead of towing it, locking the boat before leaving, changing headsails, whatever. Easy things get done. Hard things get left to later, which usually leads to trouble

  7. Silent observer here.
    K is building more confidence since Adam has become a REAL Captain. Knowing her energy and her tease, I would feel the pressure…
    I can picture her zipping London streets with a Mini Coop.

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