Un Iad al unui Ocean Indian CROSSING / Sailing Aquarius #140

Un Iad al unui Ocean Indian CROSSING / Sailing Aquarius #140

Se pare că aproape că am terminat Oceanul Indian… 3 pasaje deja făcute. Și da – acesta este PERICULOS din cauza apelor infestate de pirații somalezi. Și destul de lung – trecere de cel puțin 10 zile. Asta a mers… cum să zic că… Ei bine, e complicat. TREBUIE SĂ URMĂȚI VIDEOCLIPUL… Și vă rog – urați-ne mult succes. L-am nevoie mai mult ca oricând. Nu folosim trucuri pe canalul nostru pentru a obține mai mulți Pateron. Dar îi apreciem atât de mult pe patronii noștri! MULȚUMESC 🙏 Facem tot posibilul să vă ținem distrați și informați și, dacă vi se pare distractiv, plăcut sau informativ, luați în considerare să faceți parte din echipa noastră și ➡️ alăturați-vă nouă pe Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/svaquarius ➡️ vreți pentru a ne sprijini, dar nu sunteți sigur de angajamentul pe termen lung? Fă o donație o singură dată pe PayPal: https://bit.ly/3bEO59t NOUA noastră marfă o poți găsi aici: https://theletteringmachine.com/SailingAquarius/shop/home Mai multe despre noi: https://www.sailingaquarius. com/ Videoclipul nostru tur cu barca: https://youtu.be/Ey1FX9icWv8 YouTube este principalul nostru obiectiv, dar pe Instagram sau Facebook postăm actualizări mai frecvente: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SailingAquarius/ Instagram: http ://www.instagram.com/sailingaquarius/ #sailingaquarius


35 thoughts on “Un Iad al unui Ocean Indian CROSSING / Sailing Aquarius #140

  1. Wow that was a hell of a passage at the end!! Aquarius did damn good in those seas I can’t imagine what that all felt like! The AMEL is made for those seas and proved it wow! I’m curious to see how the Z-Crew in the Privilege 585 handled those seas that has to be the roughest they have ever sailed in. I’m glad Ken is okay that had to be super scary. Ken get some rest thanks for sharing I love these passage videos!

  2. the Amel doing its thing – waterline length / weight / hull design – as Captain Q would say she is a moosher not a slammer – very sea kindly and a solid boat – well done and fair seas

  3. Excellent video! Wow that was some very rough seas. However, before that, going ouit on deck out in the middle of nowhere, without a harness, even in mild conditions is asking for trouble. If you went over the side by the time Ze got the boat turned around, you'd be out of sight, since there's no one else on board to maintain eye contact with the person in the water. It takes a minute, it's a pain but it beats spending a life in pain and regret!

  4. Kia Ora, Oh my goodness ….. I am also very scary …… I hope everything will be good, God bless you. What a nice passage and then …. ??? Yes, our life is an adventure ….. Wish you all the best and all the luck of this world !!! yours Siegmar

  5. Woooow what a magnificent crossing that was……im really glad that you guys arrived safe after that scary crossing,
    well well done , please let us know how is the captain doing now!!
    looking forward for the next video
    stay safe

  6. Very happy you guys made the crossing safely and did not have to deal with any drama. The boat performed outstanding. Many blessings to Ken for a speedy recovery. I hope all is well!

  7. What a passage! Shaky and windy but at least it was relatively fast. "With emotions" as we say here in Brazil. Hope Captain Ken is fine! How often do you check your mast stays? After a passage like this maybe it's an idea. My best!

  8. Amazing footage during the storm, well done you for hanging on and filming , I think I'd have been ill in my bunk !! She appeared to handled the mountainous sea's with well dampened smooth motion, a nice heavy cruiser that looked after you.

  9. Really ballsy to sail up that coast, some excellent sailing though! First time I see you using the phone app; and shew, it got gnarly at the end! But you're safe thanks to Amel boat. Nice vid!

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