NU este cea mai frumoasă vreme pentru a naviga la nr. 144

NU este cea mai frumoasă vreme pentru a naviga la nr. 144

Oricât de frumos era râul Helford, vremea se schimbase și, odată cu ea, cumpărase burniță, ceață și umflături, așa că era timpul să ne mutăm. Ne îndreptam spre St Mawes, un mic sat de pescari la doar 5 mile marine de Falmouth. Soarele a reușit să facă apariția și a fost minunat să petreci puțin timp acolo înainte ca fratele lui Zach și soția lui să vină în vizită! Sperăm să vă placă, Becka & Zach –––––––⚓––––––– CUM NE PUTEȚI SUSȚINE: Dacă doriți să vedeți Teulu Tell Us (și un cont actualizat despre locul în care ne aflăm în fiecare săptămână) și doriți să lansați mai devreme videoclipurile, nu ezitați să vedeți Patreon-ul nostru. Link către Patreon-ul nostru: Datorită cererii populare, am deschis o listă de dorințe Amazon! Suntem incredibil de recunoscători pentru generozitatea ta. Multumesc, multumesc, multumesc. Link către lista noastră de dorințe Amazon: ––––––– ⚓––––––– VIN LA O AVENTURĂ CU NOI: AFACERI:


40 thoughts on “NU este cea mai frumoasă vreme pentru a naviga la nr. 144

  1. Great video as always…. We spent time in St Mawes last summer – it is beautiful and lovely to see areas I recognise!

    By the way I think Fowey is pronounced Foy! I learned this from bitter experience having been told off by a local!! 😢

  2. On the winches, mind the nylon spacer with a chamfered side which many winches have, it has a correct way up, the other parts as you say are self explaining.

  3. Great video and lovely places, despite the weather.
    For the winch servicing, you probably know this already, but it didn't sound like it from your video. Although you grease all the cogs, you should not grease the palls (the bits that spring out), but you just put a little 3 in 1 oil on them. Otherwise, they stick as the grease gets old and sticky, then as you say they will not work as a winch anymore.
    Keep up the great adventures.

  4. I'm not sure if you stated it or not but for us in America can you be sure to spend just a little more time telling us or showing us exactly where you are? Maybe even a quick map shot. Love your presentation.

  5. I’m so happy to see you get to start your sailing adventure. Such a beautiful place you two shared with us in this video.

  6. once saw a sailboat anchored off at porthcurno beach in the summer ,its stuck in my mind how majestic it looked ,been my dream ever since ,to do what you guys are doing now ,sailboat cornwall living life at its best enjoy am well jell lol xx

  7. Why is it that something that's alledgedly filled with air, weighs so bloody much? I'm talking about inflatables, and I think people look at them and think they weigh the same as a blow-up crocodile pool toy….er, no. I know it sounds paranoid, but be very aware that the risk of theft of small yacht tenders is stupidly high. I wish it wasn't, but. Paint Teulu's name all over it (this is often an insurance condition). Lock it to any pontoon with a really serious chain- it doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be better then the other tender moored next to you…Speaking of insurance, check your policy covers any transit of Biscay after 1st November- I know there's still a month to go, but the clock's ticking..

  8. Get to a warm place for winter don't get a dog it restricts your travels I just watched this weeks wildings the dog needs a new home and I think you will be doing the pond crossing before you know it the med hardly ever drops below 10deg so that's 90 days sorted Gibraltar for the rest of the winter then who knows the Caribbean will be calling the world is your oyster fair winds

  9. Another excellent vlog. You are doing well. //hint = You can use the Mizzen sheet and boom as a hoist for your outboard either by itself (if the boom end is over the stern) or in combination with the dingy hoist block. Just use a quick release shackle on the lower block of the mizzen sheet. By using, or adding, the mizzen sheet as a block and tackle and the boom as a hoist arm, you don't have to muscle the engine around as much. Might make a significant difference in a rolling anchorage or when surprised by a storm.
    Fair winds,
    Bob (who is tying down and stripping windage off of Wild Rose expecting a blow from a hurricane that's over 500 miles away and the other side of a neighboring state – overly cautious?)

  10. Seeing your young selves start your journey while sailing yacht florence is on her return to England after 6 years away makes me so excited for the many adventures in front of you. Living life large!! Congrats.

  11. See if a wheel kit can be fitted to your taxi. Seen a few channels with wheel kits fitted. Beaching, not a problem, just pick up the nose and wheel the boat up.

  12. You guys need some of the dingy wheels that fit on the transom on of the dingy. They fold up for when you aren't using them but fold down so you can roll at least half the dingy.

  13. You're such an inspiration to me that I've decided stop my relationship and move aboard my own 37ft sailboat . A life time dream come true. Keep up the good work,enjoy the vlogs very much. stay safe and live your dream.Thank you😀

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