FPB 78-02 (GREY WOLF II), cu Sue Grant – Yacht de vânzare – Berthon International Yacht Brokers

FPB 78-02 (GREY WOLF II), cu Sue Grant - Yacht de vânzare - Berthon International Yacht Brokers

https://www.berthoninternational.com/yacht-sales-brokerage/yachts-for-sale/fpb-78-grey-wolf-ii/ FPB 78 de vânzare. FPB 78-02, GRAY WOLF II a intrat pentru prima dată în 2017, al doilea dintr-o serie de trei iahturi extraordinare de explorare care au dovedit că pot traversa planeta fără limită. Construită și întreținută în categoria MCA 0, are 3 cabine duble pentru oaspeți și alte 2 cabine duble pentru echipaj. Alimentată de un John Deeres geamăn de 230 CP, cu o autonomie de peste 6.000 de mile marine, ea a călătorit în Pacific, Caledonia, Chile și până în Antarctica înainte de a se întoarce în Europa de Nord și în portul ei de origine actual. Ea este impecabil echipată cu electronice și comunicații complete, precum și propulsoare de prora și pupa. Interiorul ei este din stejar australian și este întreținută profesional. Oferind recuperare de la răsturnare și redundanță completă a tuturor sistemelor majore – este vândută în versiunea completă de croazieră. Ea și surorile ei sunt spuse simplu, unice. Sue Grant Berthon Marea Britanie Tel: 0044 (0)1590 679 222 E-mail: sue.grant@berthon.co.uk https://www.berthoninternational.com/about-berthon-international/meet-the-teams/sue- grant/ – Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/berthoninternational/ LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/berthon-international/ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/berthoninternational / Twitter – https://twitter.com/BerthonIntl Pinterest – https://www.pinterest.co.uk/berthoninternational/ Titlu: FPB 78-02 (GREY WOLF II), cu Sue Grant – Yacht for Sale – Berthon International Yacht Brokers Video precedent: (DEJA VÂNDUT) Wauquiez Pilot Saloon 43 (ROBIN HOOD), cu H. Lightfoot – Yacht de vânzare – Berthon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YZFtvUEwj0 #yachtbroker #yachttours #yachtsforsale


26 thoughts on “FPB 78-02 (GREY WOLF II), cu Sue Grant – Yacht de vânzare – Berthon International Yacht Brokers

  1. The day is very far distant that I would want to buy a boat but this one really caught my eye in St Peter Port the other day and now holds some fascination over me. Cool boat

  2. Would love to run an expedition Business on her… Would be if 280 days/year fully booked about € 720,— per berth/night just for backing the Investment plus about € 800,— per guest for the running costs + crew round plus € 300 for marketing and sales so about € 1.800,— per berth/night on an eight year plan plus 25% risk buffering. You can pay more for a boring hotel suit 😉
    280days a year billable for € 13.500,— making a monthly turnaround of € 315.000,— guess YachtCharterFleet could market her for 55.000 up to 65.000 a week but would only sell if running very well 20% of her capacity. But you can get 115feet well equipped for 9 guests plus crew for less… Difficult. Great boat but storage capacity… 7 to 8 eMTBs… 8 full skiing equipments… dive equipment… sea toys plus special equipment for the trip… Guess a private owner would have more fun of her and with a YouTube channel hard to finance but would make a hell of a YouTube channel with a go anywhere beast… Could max. afford her just one week but it would take at least eight month to get it all running 🙂

  3. Built like a battle tank with a very stark, commercial feel to it. Not familiar with these vessels. What were the design and performance goals? 4500 hours on the engines. Rebuild time? Cheers!

  4. Don’t you just love scammers who lives something for sale but don’t tell me what the prices that they can change it depending on who you’re talking to. People like this should be thrown in jail.

  5. Good to hear it has huge refrigeration. Seen so may so called LRC with Weekender size refrigeration stowage. A stand alone box freezer for fresh catch is a must on a true LRC.

  6. The capabilities and resilience in the construction, equipment and systems speak for themselves. A hugely impressive boat.

  7. WOW! I was not expecting that reflection of the camera person. Ha! I just assumed the narrator and camera were the same person. Anyway, love the boat and the walkthrough. Subbed.

  8. I just saw one of these in Penobscot Bay Maine today. Never had seen one before, then its in my recommended video's on youtube the same day. OK, that's not creepy.

  9. I immediately thought of the dive possibilities from this vessel in the wetern Pacific. Add a compressor on the back deck. Very impressive.vessel.

  10. Looking for treasures of the deep …. There is so much gold on the bottom . This is much like a Unimog of the ocean designed to work for her living. Set up guest cabins for the dive team add full dive shop . But she is a bit small rather about 140 much better size . No yacht at all but that’s just fine . Instead of sitting in Monaco she needs to exploring wrecks .

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