Joacă War Thunder cu link-ul nostru pentru a câștiga un pachet bonus gratuit și minunat cu amplificatoare și vehicule epice – War Thunder este un joc de luptă cu vehicule extrem de detaliat și captivant, care include o cantitate imensă de tancuri, avioane personalizabile și nave. Acesta este ghidul Epic History TV pentru HMS Victory, una dintre cele mai faimoase nave de război din istorie și nava amiral a vice-amiralului Nelson la victoria sa decisivă asupra flotei combinate franco-spaniole de la Trafalgar în 1805. În acest episod ne uităm la compoziția echipajele navale și modul în care navigau, luptau și trăiau la bordul unei nave de război precum Victory. Mulțumim Muzeului Național al Marinei Regale pentru ajutorul acordat în realizarea acestei serii. HMS Victory se află în prezent într-un proiect major de conservare, dar rămâne deschis publicului pe tot parcursul. Mai multe informații aici: Mulțumim Muzeului Național Maritim pentru sprijinul acordat în realizarea acestei serii: Pentru a vizualiza mai multe picturi navale de Derek Gardner, inclusiv lucrări disponibile și arhiva vânzărilor anterioare, vizitați site-ul Jack Fine Art: Animații 3D de https://www. Model cutaway HMS Victory de la Susține Epic History TV pe Patreon de la 1 USD per videoclip și obține avantaje precum acces anticipat fără reclame și voturi pentru subiecte viitoare https://www.patreon .com/EpicHistoryTV Cumpărați postere, tricouri, hanorace, căni și autocolante la magazinul nostru de produse:
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HMS Victory: navigarea și lupta cu o navă de război napoleonică

40 thoughts on “HMS Victory: navigarea și lupta cu o navă de război napoleonică”
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I hope you enjoy the new video! Special shout to all Patrick O'Brian fans, who will be nodding along sagely to most of this. Thank you to our sponsor War Thunder – play with our link to earn a free & awesome bonus pack with boosters and epic vehicles – War Thunder is a highly detailed and immersive vehicle combat game that features a huge amount of customisable tanks, aircrafts and ships. Thank you to everyone else who helped to make this series, including the National Museum of the Royal Navy, the National Maritime Museum, the estate of Derek Gardner, James Malcolm and Simon Edwards – links in video description. Head over to our Patreon page for production updates and news of what's next!
That's a lot of Johns 5:25
Incredible video. Bravo
Take your time Epic History! It takes time to make these kind of top-quality videos! We love them
Superb documentary. First Rate!
A remarkable video. That quality…
No pets?
Great job team. These videos are great!
Ship's Boy was the sailing 101 class of its time. All walks of life was a ship's boy not just the lower classes.
About halfway through and I had to drop a comment to say how impressed I am with the amount of research and effort that must have gone into this. There's knowledge being dropped with every sentence. Whoever you are – you deserve to get commissioned by the BBC or history channel. Your work is as good if not better than many mainstream studio's that I've seen. Keep it up! Very appreciative.
amazing ¡¡
These are the best I spent years daily ng a replica 1812 privateer and I do mean replica to dude was a history nut, to various tallship events. We had a museums worth of authentic cutlasses and flintlocks even a 150 year olld hardtack biscuit two parrots 2 4 lb guns 4 3 lb guns which we fired…often, the sound wave would set off car alarms on streets 300 yds away….I can't imagine what Something like Trafalgar was like with multiple ships of the line trading broadsides, I'm surprised anyone had any hearing after an engagement like that, I have permanent damage from an irresponsible discharge of the 4 lber by somebody all hopped up on re-enactment battle fever….some of them get shell shocked too…seriously. I would honestly trade my life now to be a warrant officer under Nelson or maybe one of Franklin's privateers which is a title I recommend to anyone interested in this sort of thing
It's so nice to see content that doesn't have an American accent thank you I really enjoyed this .
Seen the crew drawings and illustrations ..
Now I am even more impressed of the details in Master and Commander movie, what a masterpiece.
I went to the National Maritime Museum a few weeks ago and it was a true treat. Galleries upon galleries of excellent historical value and interesting objects with themes and a coherent structure, and pleasing aesthetic. The fact that the museum is free and come with a free audio guide only adds to its excellence. Highly recommend a visit.
Epic history your content is unmatchable!! I’ve been a fan for years since the Napoleonic War content. As a American I would love you see your content on the American civil war. I know for a fact that you would make it perfectly and explain the battle in depth. It would be greatly to see Epic History!
Exelent video

I learned an enormous amount about duties and equipment of these vessels in this video. Fantastic presentation of vital information. Makes me wonder why everyone doesn't make such informative videos?
I strongly suggest the movie "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World" after this video. Although it's a fictional account and involves a much smaller frigate type ship, it's historically accurate and you can see many of the things discussed here in action.
Fantastic work! Bravo!
This is an amazing documentary…puts the rubbish on the history channel to shame.
Truly epic channel
Epic video!
Why are the sails so wide in that one shot???
I love these videos, and the animations! Offering some feedback however, the topsails are not set correctly here – the topsail yards should be hoisted to a position just below the cap of the topmast when in normal use. Here, it appears the Victory's bosun did have the topmen set your topsails on each mast – but no one remembered to pull the hailyards and fully extend the topsail to provide its valuable driving power. The result is that what should be the largest and most important square sails on the ship are abnormally narrow, and the topgallants above are animated to have the proportions of the topsails!
Consider this visual reference; here, Victory and her comrades in arms at Trafalgar have, given the light winds in question, set most of the sails at their command. As we can see, every ship in the scene has her topmasts just below the cap of the mast.
Awesome video. A great way to get my Saturday going
Thank you so much for the love & effort you put into this & part 1. It was well worth the wait. There was 1 small omission: you didn't define what an Able Seaman was but with so much else to cover it is understandable.
awesome stuff!
Honest I don’t think I ever seen a YouTube channel with such quality. Thank you
This is just BEAUTIFUL
This couldn't have come at a better time as I'm reading the Aubrey–Maturin series.
Well done. try to conserve her with epoxy resin.
I would like a video on Prussia. Anyone else?
I can honestly say, I wish we hadn't gone down the "militristic" design for modern uniforms. 17th 18th century military garb was nothing short of swag. Dapper gentlemen and men of war.
Extremely well done and fascinating series.
Every long waiting is worth it.
Honestly thought I was watching History Hit or Timeline. Gave the impression of a documentary rerun.
Absolutely stellar.
I was waiting for a series like that on YouTube exactly, the first and second episode was absolutely amazing!