Acest iaht este de vânzare: Urmărește-ne Construirea unui iaht explorator @NautiGuys Suntem nemaipomeniți cu seria noastră de iahturi de croaziere la prețuri accesibile, sau în acest caz SuperYacht Suntem Foarte încântată să fi găsit acest PALMER JOHNSON 84′ CLASIC MOTOR YACHT din 1984, deoarece are MULTE de oferit viitorului ei proprietar. Actualul proprietar a făcut o croazieră extensivă cu acest SuperYacht de croazieră (da, este un superyacht prin definiție având peste 80 de picioare!), ducând-o în zona Chicago în fiecare an. A vedea un iaht clasic întreținut și iubit în mod adecvat este atât de uimitor. Catargul pliabil este ceea ce face acest iaht atât de special și perfect pentru buclă! Ea ar fi o concurentă uimitoare de croiboard și este în prezent listată la vânzare pentru 695.000 USD. Bucurați-vă de Tur!
Spuneți-mi ce părere aveți despre acesta, băieți, în comentarii. NautiStyles Am decis încă de la început să ne păstrăm independența și integritatea, așa că nu acceptăm plăți pentru Yacht Tours și nu „lucrăm pe închiriere”, astfel putem alege și doar Tura navele pe care le considerăm interesante pentru publicul nostru. Suntem aici pentru a ne distra în timp ce verificăm cele mai tari iahturi de pe piață și nu ne luăm prea în serios! Mulțumim lui John Booysen pentru că ne-a permis să explorăm pe cont propriu! Acest iaht este de vânzare: #Liveaboard #SuperYacht #YachtTour MULȚUMESC PENTRU LIKE-URI, COMENTARII, COMENTARII ȘI SUBS. ACESTE 4 CLICURI SIMPLE FAC ACEST CANAL POSIBIL!!!
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1984 PALMER JOHNSON 84′ TUR CLASIC SUPERYACHT / Perfect Loop Liveaboard Yacht?

49 thoughts on “1984 PALMER JOHNSON 84′ TUR CLASIC SUPERYACHT / Perfect Loop Liveaboard Yacht?”
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Affordable Liveaboard Series is back!
what do you think of this Palmer Johnson?
10% down 70k and 3k monthly, better to live in this than an apartment
Wow!!! Love it!!!
Visibility is great. Updates very classy
My favorite is still the 1983 Cheoy Lee. What does a dual engine replacement cost and how often does it need to be done?
At the start of this video, I nearly commented about affordability.
You made me laugh … yeah, right … in my dreams, maybe.
but, I have to stop you right there at the 07:45 mark … because I don't see a "we've run out of toilet paper" alarm repeater … or an "I need a coffee" one … so, I quit your video and went to another channel to catch up on Mr Putins attempts to re-create "THE SOVIET UNION", and make himself its God … se-la-vie baby !
PS: what happened to the deck test ? haven't seen it in action in any recent videos !
I look at a lot of yachts, and this one is beautiful. Even though she is nearing 40, she still has that 'X' factor.
I’d be in for less the price given the year and hours is steep. Love the Palmer Johnson’s though
Very interesting layout with walkways from the bulwark going up to the fly bridge and a folding mast.. wow… so cool… Furuno, Simrad and Garmin systems.. I dont think you can get lost with this yacht..hahaha… (personally, luv the black with orange combo. awesome)
Nice day head!
PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T BE UPSET WITH ME, IT IS JUST CLEAN ADULT FUN!! Besides, I just couldn't help myself, the opportunity presented itself so magnificently!!!
Great video, what a beautifully appointed and well maintained "senior citizen" from the nautical world!!!! I hope your boat build is moving forward very quickly and sans any hiccups!!!!!!!!
PEACE !!!!!!!!!!!
The "Trash Compactor" made me giggle.
Wow considering this one was built the year I graduated from high school, it has definitely fared better!
. Great boat to do the “Great Loop” on. Plenty of room, as well as meeting the all important height restriction when the tower is folded down. Congratulations to owners for keeping it so pristine. It looks great!
When will you have another episode of nautiguys?
I sure love these older, live aboard, and affordable boats you do. This is a beautiful, interestingly laid out, boat. Or, a really fun mobile home. I could easily live on this. Love the entire forward interior space, always been a fan of galley with dine in space. For me, the day head, owner's head, and gold (brass?) finish sinks don't work, oh my God, those mirrors. BUT, easily fixed. Thanks for bringing this to us, and more, please.
Love it
Very nice. Very well taken care of.
Interesting , Thank You . i hope that the next owners care and enjoy her , for a long time
Steel hull, turn the flybridge into the upper sealed helm, curve the aft and seal that off, and you have a design that would make an amazing explorer cruiser! Stunning vessel mind…!
A magnificent boat, really well built and doesn't look anything like nearly 30 years old. I like it!
So…where's the "Cola" hide spots?
Thank you
Would be a nice little boat for a young peasant couple to get their feet wet in yachting.
Ok, Ok, I give up
How do you change-out the engines??
Can’t beat a classic.
Is That A baby Bump I See Victoria X
What a lovely well kept yacht, well kept teak deck along with wonderful well maintained varnished timber around the vessel.
Beautiful yacht would make a fantastic live aboard, love all the wood and period inferiors
For some of you who do not know Palmer Johnson made some tough sport fishing boats with great fish raising abilities. A lot of the older ones (especially single engine) were converted to commercial fishing boats in the 50's. This should make a great live aboard. Of course any boat you purchase is a hole in the water to throw money into. Depends on what kind of life style you want. Another note is that this boat has only cruised 382 miles a year since repower. That's nothing for these engines.
Cool old boat
Killer galley
Liking the new wardrobe, Victoria. Ricco's sunglasses match your dress nicely. Interesting boat as well.
Question is did it survive the hurricane,
I don't like how that oven is placed so close to the fridge
I like both sunglasses
Hope you guys made it the through the storm.
Nice boat
Dark gray anD Orange. Send the white ones to Bobby on Sailing Doodles.
I thought it was part of a cake walk, it's more about her than the vessel, mutton dressed as Lamb.
Is it still for sale? I have 4 children and 15 grandchildren! This would be so cool to own for the family and future great grandchildren!
That is a beautiful yacht. I enjoyed this video immensely. Happy October and greetings from Columbus, Ohio.
This yacht was designed by Tom Fexas.
I new Tom and when the boat was new it was shown at the Fort Lauderdale Florida Boat Show. Tom gave me a tour of this boat and I was very impressed. It was a beautiful yacht then and it's wonderful to see it is still beautiful today.
Need those aviator sunglasses!
I absolutely love the classic styling of this boat and all that for the price?? Amazing.
Isn't maintenance the key to longevity?