Mulțumim din nou lui NOOM pentru sponsorizarea acestui videoclip! Faceți clic aici pentru a susține evaluarea gratuită NOOM. Uraganele vin pentru Bahamas. E timpul sa fugi!!!!! Dar mai întâi… Prietenii noștri tocmai au ajuns aici și trebuie să sărbătorim. VA VOTAȚI PENTRU NOI! Eu și Jade ne-am îmbunătățit enorm scufundările în apne, atât de mult încât destul de curând vom fi răniți sau mai rău. Mulțumim lui @Spear It Animal pentru sfaturile și trucurile comerțului. Mai devreme sau mai târziu trebuie să luăm un curs adecvat și să obținem certificarea. Și mulțumim @Sailing Naida pentru că ne-ai întâlnit împotriva șanselor, te iubesc! Vă mulțumesc foarte mult tuturor celor care au contactat despre uraganul Ian. Suntem în siguranță și slavă Domnului. Inima noastră se îndreaptă către cei afectați de furtună. Dacă cunoașteți o resursă bună care să vă ajute, vă rugăm să o postați în comentarii sau să ne contactați. Am avut mulți oameni care ne-au cerut să direcționăm eforturile și sincer nu avem încă o soluție bună. Dacă vii la Salonul de ambarcațiuni din Annapolis din 2022, anunțați-ne! Suntem încântați să vă cunoaștem. Dacă sunteți un Patron, suntem încântați pentru întâlnirile mai puțin aglomerate. Anunțați-ne aici sau pe Patreon dacă veți participa, putem planifica în consecință! Artist recomandat – Wilfred Song – Island Girl (Live) Song – Lead Me Home Annapolis Boat Show 2022!!! cod: expevans22 site: ******************************** ********* Dacă ai venit aici în căutarea link-urilor noastre Amazon, ești un tip special de om minunat. Vă mulțumim că le-ați verificat! Produsele pe care le folosim și iubim: Produsele pe care le dorim : **************** ************************ *Echipamentul nostru* Camera principală: Obiectiv principal: /3cwZRkl Microfon: Go Pro: Dronă: Laptop: *Găsește-ne În altă parte* Facebook: Jade Instagram: Brett Instagram: EE Instagram: https:/ / Dingo Instagram: Penny Instagram: TikTok: *Site web/blog* *Vrei să ne sprijini?” https:/ / *Cum am început mak subtitrări* #BoatLife #Monohull # Beneteau #TravelVlog #DigitalNomad #LifeStyle #Sailboats #NOOM
Navigarea pe Timpul IMRUMUTULAT (e timpul să plecăm…) | EE 93

39 thoughts on “Navigarea pe Timpul IMRUMUTULAT (e timpul să plecăm…) | EE 93”
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Just voted, good luck!!! I can't believe it has been 2 years. I've been watching sense the beginning.,when you were bidding on your boat. Be safe!
Like she was talking Spain Spanish….. Yeah, well now I know what language she was using..!!

Only thing I'd like to add, is I wish you'd rig some netting along the guardrails. I see the dogs get animated at times & get very close to the edge. It only takes one to launch itself over & you've got a problem on your hands. Especially if you've left them on the boat alone. Some dogs can be well trained (& yours obviously are) but they are also instinctive creatures. Take away my nervous tension & rig some safety netting please..
Congratulations on being in the award running. Your videos have always been good, but lately they have gotten so much better. The bonfire looked like a lot of fun. Hope you both got some sleep afterwards. Stay safe and have a great week.
I dont think you two ( sorry 4)
Are in the running, you are going to smash those awards!
Good luck.
You definitely deserve to win!
some of us have been around for a long time ah
So we will win this award
Nice work Guys
Definitely voted!
Already voted!
You got my vote.
I found your videos several weeks ago and watched them in order. I was particularly interested in the restoration of your boat and in particular the fiberglass work. I rebuilt wrecked corvettes back in the late '60s, '70s, and '80s and was very impressed by your attention to detail and finish work on your fiberglass patches. I am an avid scuba diver and I have been to almost all of the places you have, so far. Great videos. I noticed your wish list will take you close to the west coast of Africa and I have not heard any mention of personal security on your boat. I am former military and a retired police officer so personal security is always on my mind. I really hope ya'll have a plan beyond hope and prayer. I really like the care and attention you show your beautiful dogs and as a diver, I thank you for the consideration and respect you both show the coral reefs both in and out of the water. Stay safe.
Guys cigutara is nothing to mess with. My wife got it in Spanish Wells a year and half ago. She's still dealing with it. Be safe out there. Keep away from the larger fish! BTW we met you guys on Block last year.

This a most enjoyable adventure you are taking us on, well done.
Vote early, vote often!!!
Y'all got my vote
Noom sounds exactly like what someone with ADHD needs. Thanks for referral, just signed up!
voted love the videos, you need to sail to Australia
They way you find and then integrate the song that makes the whole scene epic. Way to go!
Thank you for sharing, I am 70 years old and enjoy watching your adventures.
When I was young I spent most of my time at the beaches in California now I relive my young years watching the two of you , this brings great joy and peace in to my soul!!!
Congratulations on your journey
Just voted for you guys, you are my go to Yachting channel, love your videos!
Oh my God
hello there guys
that's one of the most delicious ever and tastiest meats from the sea
I know everyone is afraid of it but I would have died long time ago I don't know how many have I eaten 
love barracuda
Well, enough with blue lagoons… break something, make it up, give us some more of your grinding/vacuuming/epoxy.
You need to keep it up, I bet you lost the momentum. Don't let old trade going to waste…
Totally voted for you four !!
An absolute joy watching your channel!
Started watch from day one !
I discovered your channel a week ago and so last night I started from EP1 to catch up on your adventure from the beginning.
Congratulations, but hay, it really doesn't surprise me, you have good content, your honest, your real, oh, & you have 2 dogs. Keep up the obvious good work
SV Kiwi Lady Opua Bay of islands New Zealand
Jade, you spread happiness with that smile of yours.
You, its you that made the channel. Please don't let that lure swing around like that, leave it in the water or secure it to the rod and reel or cut it off and put it away. It could hook the dog.
Hello guys I hope that my vote helps you! Good luck!
I’ve followed you from the beginning and have admired you so much! The fact you listen to that podcast made me admire you guys even more! Fellow listener of the same podcast. You guys have a 10/10 channel!!
I'm up to and finished with the 1st 13 videos and I have to say that you should suggest to all new viewers/subscribers to go watch several of the "grinding" videos because they really, really give a totally different appreciation for what you two decided to do so you could live and sail around the world together. Watching you work together tearing down your sailboat, working in harmony when most married couples find working that close to each other totally undoable.
I love my wife sooo much and can't believe the luck I had meeting her through pure chance. I wasn't supposed to be there that day but the stars aligned and made me go there, 39 years ago.
BUT, working together??? I put up the Christmas tree and then leave the house while she decorates that tree because…??… I am unable to do it right, just ask her.
OK, on to episode 14.
Hi ! You might try permethrin spray on your hatch screens. It keeps the bugs off and lasts for weeks. Doesn’t work on skin, there is some skin reaction that stops it’s effectiveness . You can use it on clothing. I don’t know if it would work on the dogs fur ( think ticks, fleas, etc.)
Just a note:
I had a company that produced fiberglass parts. Your work in fixing the keel / structural problems was fantastastic. Might have been slightly overkill but i can’t imagine anyone doing it better. The only thing I might have done differently was the use of supplied air helmets.
Keep up the great channel
Is that a carbon fibre guitar I just saw. If it is I hear they are perfect for cruising.
So excited about the shelf! We have the exact boat as you and this find is a game changer. Thanks for sharing!!
Jade, You never have a bad day..I don't sail and I watch your vids just because of the great vibe and videography. I wish I still lived in Annapolis, I'd drop by. Safe travels.
They are very good to eat.
I just discovered your channel and have binge watched for the last 2 weeks, thank you. I have thoroughly enjoyed the videos, keep up the good work.