Acest videoclip arată povestea vizitei mele la Old Bakehouse Antiques Center din Northampton. Această vizită a fost o adevărată experiență de învățare, a existat niște sticlă interesantă, dar a fost niște mobilier cu adevărat drăguț. Trebuie să mă uit la mobilă, nu trebuie să mă uit la mobilă, nu trebuie să mă uit la mobilă….. Adresa este: 88-90 Abington Avenue, Northampton, NN1 4PA. Pagina de Facebook este: Cartea pe care o arăt în acest videoclip este: Miller’s 20th Century Glass, scrisă de Andy McConnell. British Glass Between the Wars, autorul lui Roger Dodsworth The Peacock of the Lions, autorul lui Sheilagh Murray Căutările pe web pe care le-am folosit au fost: mtarfa glass românian glass basket val st lambert bubble Site-uri web utilizate: /english/company/company.html Dacă vă place acest videoclip, vă rugăm să dați like și abonați-vă, deoarece voi produce mai multe videoclipuri pe tema sticlei antice. Verificați site-ul meu web: Am și un cont de Instagram Love Decanters. #lovedecanters #Bakehouse_antiques #antique_glass #vintage_glass #antique_hunting #antique_bargains
Vânătoare de sticlă la Old Bakehouse Antiques Center Northampton
3 thoughts on “Vânătoare de sticlă la Old Bakehouse Antiques Center Northampton”
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Not your best work, all in all… 😂 Check out that Silver Wedding date, 1888, and also that Italian flagon at 25.55 looks like Salviati to me. Possibly worth a haggle if there's any sign of wear underneath. Obviously the earlier the better, but it looked decent quality.
Incidentally, I went to Venice in 1959 (family holiday), and we went to Murano where we watched a Murano clown being made plus a load of the little glass animals. We also went to Burano to see the lace making. All by water taxi. Probably my favourite holiday, I liked Italy, although strangely I've never been back…
Just starting out collecting, I find what you do so helpful, do you have a Facebook page please?
The Romanian glass was made in smaller villages in Transylvania including beautiful art glass that was very cheap, but the piece i had broke quite a few years ago. The glass artists there were quite fascinating and fine, organic with mixed metals. I'm just getting my new space open and organized, thank you for your videos.