Ep76 | Din Muntenegru la Annapolis

Ep76 |  Din Muntenegru la Annapolis

Muntenegru trebuie să fie unul dintre cele mai impresionante locuri din lume pentru a naviga. Un fiord demn de Norvegia dar cu vreme mai bună! Am fost aici câteva săptămâni vara trecută și am știut că trebuie să ne întoarcem. De data aceasta suntem aici pentru toată iarna, astfel încât să putem explora cu adevărat ce are de oferit această țară uimitoare. Pe deasupra unui peisaj uimitor de uscat și marin, oameni prietenoși și o gamă superbă de mâncare, Muntenegru are și unul dintre cele mai frumoase porturi din Europa, Porto Muntenegru. Are cele mai bune facilități pe care le-am văzut în orice port, va fi o iarnă bună! ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––– Urmărește-ne pe Instagram #svfairisle ––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––– Vă rugăm să vă abonați-nu vă costă nimic ȘI NE AJUTĂ CU ALGORITMUL YOU TUBE –––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––– Mai degrabă vezi videoclipurile noastre fără reclame?… Există o cale… PATREON: Există o cale pentru a vedea videoclipurile actuale fără reclame înainte de a fi lansate publicului, devenind membru de onoare al echipajului și alăturându-se grupului nostru Patreon. Veți avea patru sau cinci zile pentru a vedea cel mai recent videoclip înaintea oricui. Există, de asemenea, o mulțime de videoclipuri suplimentare disponibile pe Patreon și ne puteți contacta direct la bord. De asemenea, avem acum sesiuni lunare Zoom cu Patreons, ceea ce este foarte distractiv! Continuarea producerii acestor videoclipuri depinde de patronii noștri și suntem foarte recunoscători pentru sprijin: https://www.patreon.com/sailingfairisle?fan_landing=true&view_as=public ––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– – FACEBOOK: Puteți urmări și pe facebook unde actualizăm constant ce se întâmplă: https://www.facebook.com/svfairisle/?…. ––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –- SITE WEB: Multe mai multe informații pe site; http://www.sailingfairisle.com –––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––


32 thoughts on “Ep76 | Din Muntenegru la Annapolis

  1. Porto Montenegro is lovely, try Porto Novi next time. I am English and have lived in Montenegro for 16 years. Wonderful country.

  2. Beautiful place! I was asked to vote for Expedition Evans for the YouTube competition. Haven’t seen any better videos than yours….Good Luck! ⛵️

  3. good luck at the show – hope those subs get a kick along – your playing the game and promoting yourselves which you have to do – well done

  4. Another great film. Enjoy your time in the states. Love the Tees! Wish we could make it to Annapolis. Tough coming from California with the business and everything. No doubt the best youtube films for sailing and travel.

  5. Thanks guys and I hope you enjoy the boat show (I'm rather envious actually); . Annapolis is a really lovely town, and there's plenty to do locally and further afield. I'm intrigued by the PowerRay; we're just back from two weeks in the Ionian, and one thing we thought would be an exciting development would be an underwater drone. Too late, someone's already thought of it and – more significantly – realised it. Apart from generally playing around, I think it might be an excellent tool for "diving" the anchor when the water depth/ambient light (and/or temperature) make doing this physically tricky. We spent a few nights just off Abelaki on Meganisis, and so we've covered some of the same ground as you guys. BTW, I saw a Moody Desk Saloon (45, I think) and it got me thinking that this looks like a really interesting concept for people that are more interested in the destination (the one-level living area) rather than the journey (the pure sailing aspects); any thoughts..?

  6. Hello Steve. The fish you spotted on the Drone looked like Mullet. Good eating in local restaurants I think. Stay safe and enjoy the winter.

  7. I don't understand sail measuring. Why don't the sails have their spec. sheet from the sail maker, so that measurements can be taken off the sheet, anytime in the future?

  8. Being land based doesn't mean easy visits with children and grandchildren all the time either. I have a granddaughter I have yet to meet because, well, thousands of miles away. May as well live on a boat I guess.

  9. My understanding of place names in Montenegro is that generally they get the accent on the first syllable. KOT-or, PER-ast etc. Lovely video. I have just bought an apartment there and am getting ready to move.

  10. Hello Judy
    I just wanted to reach out briefly to extend a thank you, we met at the Smokehouse Tavern in Annapolis where you and my friend Matt and I enjoyed a most wonderful conversation. Steve was busy with other subscribers and Patrons. You were so lovely and gracious, it truly was a pleasure meeting you. I wish you and Steve all the best in your travels as I will continue following you. Be well my friend.

  11. Watching this on the last day of the Annapolis show. So sorry I missed you. I did flog your vlog to a few folks at the show, so I hope you pick up a few new subscribers. Looking forward to seeing and learning more about Montenegro and the Balkans this winter (like you did with Turkey last year).

  12. expect that sub-drone will be preferable than diving on the anchor in those frigid waters. how is Montenegro for cost over-winter – a good deal or the same as most places in the area?

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