Pescuit cu submarine Pește de vis pe Marea Barieră de Corali! (Sailing Popao) S2 Ep.17

Pescuit cu submarine Pește de vis pe Marea Barieră de Corali!  (Sailing Popao) S2 Ep.17

Odată ce praful s-a așezat de la uraganul Tim, ne-am îndreptat direct înapoi pentru a încerca să găsim un Pompano pentru noi înșine. Deoarece sunt unul dintre cei mai buni pești care mănâncă din jur și destul de greu de găsit, cursa dintre noi a început. **MARFĂ A SOSIT** SĂRI LA PARTEA TA PREFERĂ: 00:00 – Introducere 03:40 – Spearing 12:00 – Curățarea peștelui 14:38 – Patul de trecere 17:50 – Explorarea recifului **SUSTINEȚI-NE** Pentru conținut bonus și cadouri, vă rugăm să luați în considerare să ne susțineți la Patreon: Cumpărați-ne o bere! ***ECHIPAMENTUL NOASTRE*** Prosoape cu uscare rapidă Will & Wind 10% Cupon: „JESSIE10” Goosehill SUP Board: 10% Cupon: „JESS10” Epidemic Sound:


26 thoughts on “Pescuit cu submarine Pește de vis pe Marea Barieră de Corali! (Sailing Popao) S2 Ep.17

  1. Hello my friends. It is now 2:40 a.m. in Texas. But I always stay up to see your videos. And of course I will comment after I watch. Hugs from Texas sweeties 😎

  2. Another fun video and nice fish. The Great Barrier Reef is on my list to spear fish when I get my catamaran. Why are you calling this video Ep. #17 when you've made way more videos than that?

  3. That is a serious looking fish… Here's a thought for you… If fish don't have mirrors, how do they know what they look like, to want to school up with the other fish who also don't know what they look like… Just something to ponder for those nights when you lay awake unable to sleep… LOL

  4. Wow what a great catch. I didn't think we have the African Pompano in Australia. American fisherman strive to catch these and reckon they are one of the best eating fish around. Great video !!!

  5. Passed up a few cracker fish though waiting for those pompano! Hope the freezers were stocked long enough to make it to the next dive. Keen as a bean for the next ep!

  6. Bloody awesome fish to take. Wanted a Pennantfish for so looooong. Love the details on filleting them too 👌🏻 hope to hear lots about eating it later

  7. Trying to learn the visual difference between the Pompano and Trivally … very similar structure, Trivally looks darker, bigger mouth and large defined lips vs the Pompano. Nice catch

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