Iată linkul către Reducerea noastră YFood: https://bit.ly/teulu_yfood_yt Am făcut-o! Am navigat cele 150 de mile peste Canalul Mânecii, de la Falmouth la Brest. Am întâlnit nave de marfă, curenți nebuni și aproape 10 noduri! Vedeți Electric Vagabonds pe insta: https://www.instagram.com/electricvagabonds/?hl=en Sperăm să vă placă, Becka & Zach ––––––– -⚓––––––– CUM NE PUTEȚI SUSȚINE: Dacă doriți să vedeți Teulu-ul nostru Spuneți-ne (și un cont actualizat despre locul în care ne aflăm în fiecare săptămână ) și doriți o lansare anticipată a videoclipurilor, nu ezitați să consultați Patreon-ul nostru. Link către Patreon-ul nostru: https://www.patreon.com/teulutribe Datorită cererii populare, am deschis o listă de dorințe Amazon! Suntem incredibil de recunoscători pentru generozitatea ta. Multumesc, multumesc, multumesc. Link către lista noastră de dorințe Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/2045NNIGRTMQT?ref_=wl_share ––––––– ⚓––––––– VIN LA O AVENTURĂ CU NOI: http://www.instagram.com/planetbecka https://www.instagram.com/zach_sea_ward AFACERI: Rebecca@evalinks.com
Acesta este ÎNCEPUTUL aventurii noastre de navigație nr. 147

39 thoughts on “Acesta este ÎNCEPUTUL aventurii noastre de navigație nr. 147”
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so cooooool!
Great episode 👍
What a great achievement, so many more adventures to come. Your filming gave me goosebumps, well done. Thank you so much for sharing your travels 😊🌹
Glad to see ya'll on your way to warmer waters. Who knows, maybe to the pacific and to the Big Island someday.
Ok until next time, Aloha from the Big Island of Hawaii! Aloha
Excellent passage, great to see! Flag pedantry here… the courtesy flag should be flown at the starboard spreader 🙂
well done to you both , must feel pretty lonely out in the open sea at night
lets us know when you get a new bearing for the windex
Well done guys first of many port’s love the vblogs
Well done to both of you funny how on can feel so proud of a couple one does not personally know and has never met , this could be why a lot of people have taken to your Chanel have fun in France 🇫🇷 looking forward to next weeks video and I will shorten the comments lol 😂
good on ya, first crossing down and many more to go. enjoy France
I'd say the windex might need a set of new bearings.
There might also be a sleeve or spacer missing/worn on the bearing shaft, which means the bearings get pinched when you tighten it up.
Well done guy's, I'm soo pleased your crossing went well. Its all in the planning lol.
Bearing is shot on your Windex, time to replace!
Congratulations on your crossing ,on to the Med.
Good on you two, well done
I loved this episode on crossing the English Channel. As a Merchant Marine, having graduated from Maritime College, I've spent most of my career with Sealand, Inc.. aboard container ships. We transited the channel from Flexistowe to Rotterdam & LaHarve. Being busy with commercial traffic one must be quite careful of both Commercial fishing craft & pleasure craft. Mostly, we enjoyed this past episode and those back issue's, love the MyFood product & wish you both the best on your voyages.
congratulations on your first adventure. well done. look forward to more sailing and adventure. power on!!
Good except so much talking and facetime. Kind of felt like a phone call…….
Camara work needs work
They are so cute. Safe travels kids.
Well done!!!
Well done Teulu is looking good!
Bad bearings in the windvane.
Congrats on the crossing! So, so happy for you guys!
Well done you two on the crossing, safely with your planning. Look forward to your episodes and adventures.
I’m very impressed at how well you are picking up things and in some areas you are showing high levels of competency. Good work team.
So good to see. The smiles, the anticipation with the achievement is a life event. Go you both.
Well done! Great to see confidence growing. ‘This old ketch’ looks like a great passage boat. That pilot house! ❤. Re windex – if it continues to be wonky likely the bearing is shot? You may be able to replace with a carefully measured eBay special.
Can we follow on ais ? Can’t seem to find Teulu ?
I enjoy the videos but hate the advertisement!
Brilliant guys. Well done. It’s great to follow your processes and look forward to watching you both grow as sailors. Enjoy France. Thanks as always.
Congratulations 👍
Absolutely fantastic and awesome for you both!!! This has been an amazing journey that you have started with your beautiful new home!!
Congratulations. Next stop Caribbean????? I think you can do that journey now. Take care and thank you for sharing.
Well done and the channel was nice to you ,its not always so happy your on your way to your dreams . Just wish it was mine too x
This is so good. What a great video and congratulations on the crossing. It seems as though your wonderful boat just yawned all the way over and asked, "is this all you've got?" Took the crossing in her stride and you guys enjoyed the comfort of a very capable boat. Can't wait to see how you get on in future episodes, which includes dealing with the Orcas. I also follow Mads and Ava, on Sail Life channel and saw you guys on their latest episode. I hope you have a wonderful trip.
Another milestone ticked.
Both have come along way since I first watched
Wow so brave crossing the Channel at night take care 🙂
Well done , the adventure begins have fun you two