Cel mai scump iaht din lume

Cel mai scump iaht din lume

Acoperit în aur masiv și îmbibat în lux, acesta este cel mai scump super iaht din lume! „History Supreme”, cel mai luxos iaht din lume, despre care se zvonește că ar fi deținut de un om de afaceri malaezian care a fondat Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts. Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/mrluxurybrand TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mrluxurybrand Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/MrLuxuryBrand Reddit: https://www. reddit.com/r/MrLuxury Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrLuxuryBrand Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/MrLuxuryBrand Credite Lurssen: https://www.lurssen.com/en/ Stuart Hughes: https ://stuarthughes.com/ Pentru probleme legate de drepturile de autor legate de acest canal, vă rugăm să mă contactați direct la: contactmrluxury@gmail.com Cel mai scump iaht din lume Cel mai scump iaht de lux din lume


28 thoughts on “Cel mai scump iaht din lume

  1. What a waste of money 💰, if I had access to that kind of resources I would have put it into R&D for a Luxury Submarine. Then you have true anonymity.

  2. If there is 100 tonne of gold and platinum is that about 3.2 million oz at $2000 plus australia $ thats 6.4 billion ???????? and you have not started the boat ?????

  3. Hello, I'm Mr luxuries Father, my Dear son, it's really time to show the whole world our best-kept secret our 59 high deck 3000 cabin diamond-clad super deluxe super yacht complete with triple runways for our fleet of solid gold Boeing 747s Pip Pip a diddle do

  4. The anchor isn't solid gold just so everyone is clear. This is because while gold is expensive it's also a soft metal. So the anchor is more likely plated in gold. While being made of steel. If the ship exists at all.

    Knowledge of metallurgy is a good ideal to know when someone claims their yatch has a solid gold anchor.

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