SPERIAT DE MOARTE – Când VIAȚA BĂRCUȚILOR merge prost: 70 de noduri la Ancoră! ✚DEVENI UN PATRON ȘI ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPEI: https://bit.ly/3aGBvnf (Live, Reduceri în magazin și în culise!) ✚STORE ‘NOMAD CITIZEN®’: https://bit.ly/2Pk2SeL ✚’PAYPAL ME ‘ : https://paypal.me/nomadcitizen ✚INSCRIE-TE PE INSTAGRAM : https://bit.ly/3sam8t5 ✚MUZICA PE CARE O FOLOSIM : https://bit.ly/37yLicK ▼ URMEAZĂ-NE ▼ INSTAGRAMUL DANIELEI : https: //bit.ly/3ucDgjA INSTAGRAMUL lui MARVIN : https://bit.ly/3btO44r TWITTER : https://bit.ly/2ZAsKEH FACEBOOK : https://bit.ly/3pCnRWh TIKTOK : https://bit.ly /3samhN9 SITE WEB : https://nomadcitizensailing.com ▼ PARTENER ▼ BATERIEI LITIU (NC21: -10%) : https://bit.ly/3aJbJ1L (Transporter Energy) SPADE® ANCHOR (NOMAD10: -10% ) : https: //bit.ly/3aGjJAc SHIPCHANDLER (NOMAD10: -10%) : https://bit.ly/3sf58BO (STE Europe)

20 thoughts on “SFERIAT DE MOARTE – Când VIAȚA DE BARCĂ merge prost”
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Coucou les amis. Les Caraïbes en saison cyclonique sont en effet loin d'être le paradis. Même au sud, on n'est pas à l'abri.
70 noeuds doivent être un vrai cauchemar. On n'imagine même pas.
Nous pensons fort à vous 🥰
That was crazy so glad you guys are ok and minimal damage ❤️👍
What a scary experience! Glad that the only damage was the bimini and that you were able to get it repaired quickly. It's great to see Tara swimming!! She must sleep like a rock if she didn't wake up during the 50 knot winds 🤣
A beautiful couple working together through safety procedures.
Your children are so beautiful.
Respect for your ability to keep your eyes open in salt water!
Merci pour partager votre bel état d’esprit. Ça fait chaud au cœur ♥️
Glad you guys made it through the storm ok
Yes, when we were sailing and the wind blew 30-50 knots it was windy.
Glad all are ok
Oh là là je partage votre frayeur mais je dois ajouter bravo Dany pour le self-control
You're a beautiful family!
Great video guys!
Very happy to see your all safe,
Beautiful family. Beautiful mom.
Thank you for sharing