O barcă cu vele de croazieră absolut fabuloasă. The Oyster 595. Sponsorizat de: https://www.boatsandyachtswarranty.com În asociere cu: https://www.silverstoneauctions.com https://www.intelligentmoney.com https://www.yacht-solutions.co. uk https://www.vircru.com Prețul este doar cu titlu orientativ și poate varia considerabil în funcție de locație și specificație Cu mulțumiri către: https://oysteryachts.com https://instagram.com/aquaholicnick https:// twitter.com/BurnhamNick https://facebook.com/aquaholicnick Citiți articolele mele online pentru MBY la https://www.mby.com/author/nickburnham Vezi mai multe dintre videoclipurile mele pe canalul YouTube MBY: https://www. .youtube.com/user/ybwtv
Tur cu iaht de 2,4 milioane de lire sterline: Oyster 595

23 thoughts on “Tur cu iaht de 2,4 milioane de lire sterline: Oyster 595”
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Oyster sure does build a fine sailer, they are so beautiful, they are the oyster and you are the pearl inside enjoying it all. 😊💯
My dream boat!!!
What a well-laid-out and fitted boat. Would I be correct in thinking this boat, as shown is closer to 4 million pounds out the door?
So are we not going to talking about the pirate ship in the background and why we haven’t seen a tour of it?
$40K per foot for this? That is ridiculous. Also, an uncovered helm is crazy for an open ocean boat.
2.4 M for 60 ft, no chance
Id get the optional gimbal-mounted snooker table.
how are those windows going to hold up in a storm?
so cool
Can you make a video for moody 54ds
Hopefully it will not loose its keel ? 😢
This is the sort of boat that keeps me buying lottery tickets now and then
2.4 Million boat– teak looks good for about a season. I'll take a synthetic, thanks.
Stupid boat
I have decided this is one of the best built boat on the planet…
All things considering.
Tucked away lines. Very nice!
Damn! This is a truly lovely yacht! It’s perfect!
Where is the day head?
This is an amazing beauty!
Beautyful yacht.
A very nice Oyster yacht that can make any helmsman comfortable! I love the gimble stovetop. The sleep quarters are also a place of comfort. The engine area is enough space to do what ever operational care is needed while under way. A sleek and stylish way to travel.
Those are davits? NO ONE would have ever thought those are DAVITS.
18 minutes for 3 minutes of description