Furtuni în Scandinavia [Chpt 5]

Furtuni în Scandinavia [Chpt 5]

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46 thoughts on “Furtuni în Scandinavia [Chpt 5]

  1. Loved watching your video again. I've noticed looking forward to my Saturday laundry folding just because I get to watch another episode again. Keep up what you're doing!

  2. In Scandanavia everything is a major production otherwise they couldn’t justify the prices associated with the boutique minimal design aesthetic. 😂

  3. Looking forward to what you make of sailing in the Baltic Sea. It is my home waters (in fact never sailed anywhere else) and I´ve sailed it quite entensively. Finland, Sweden and Estonia, Gotland and Aland Islands, there is a lot to discover for you. And your boat is coming home. 🙂

  4. Maya, you are a master wordsmith! Such a captivating tale you weave! What a beautiful place! Endless beauty and a wildness about it. You can almost see the viking ships comming home! Can't wait for the next one!

  5. Greatings from Scotland, wow, great tunes at the end there, your fiddle has a nice deep tone to it, loved it. Best wishes to you both 🙂

  6. Thank you for a beautiful trip down memory lane on the waters of my youth and for pronouncing the names of islands correctly! Looking forward to the next episode.

  7. It must’ve been very heart breaking to find another magic carpet (design?) in such sad condition! Could you help find a new owner? I’ll bet Alladino had a moment of thinking he could take it on! Is there old wooden boat restoration in Denmark? Has to be!

  8. Very enjoyable. Love the landscape and the narration and the music. You are right about that museum building. If it were almost anywhere in Canada, it would have been vandalized by teenagers. I do have to disagree with you on the ages of the fossils though. Even though Aladino made the age so much fun to listen to, I believe that just as so many things in the recent past, we have been lied to about the evidence for long ages by men who wanted to discredit the biblical view. The fossils are dated by the rock layers they are found in and the rock layers are dated by the fossils they contain. ALL the layers were laid down suddenly and required water and pressure for the buried life become fossils. Most fossils contain C14 which cannot be detected after an outside maximum of 100,000 years. Even diamonds contain C14.

  9. Maya. You, like my wife treasure cozy. I understand that feeling of warmth and safety in not so pleasant weather. Being from the Pacific Northwest we understand and share your love of being safe and secure. Press on.

  10. Just a quick question if I may: I quite like that that song "Hello Lisa (Liza, Elisa?), how do you do?". Who's the singer? The lyrics are clear and usually it's not hard to find. This one has got me stumped.

  11. Please don’t generalize about our beautiful country of Canada. We have a lot of sweet tiny museums in small towns all across our provinces, that aren’t vandalized. Cheers ❤

  12. Denmark seems to be a very "save" environment. When I was sailing there I also saw a shop turned shed where they sold a certain brand of plastic bowls pure on the assumption of honest customers. or maybe it is an small island thing there …
    But I really like this view of the world 🙂

  13. We are sailing in the Limfjord and nearest harbor is Fur. We love it too❤ … have enjoyed your videos for the last 2 years 👏🙏 and look forward to seeing the episodes from Sweden. I used to sail with my parents as a young girl. Now in my late 50’ I have persuaded my husband to sail 🎉. He’s doing very good and I feel blessed – especially on board. 😊 Hanne Lindberg

  14. Your videos are inspirational and beautiful. Continuing my circumnavigation of Tasmania this summer in my old boat – bit like yours. Getting lots of good ideas about the boat and the sailing from you. Thanks for the great vids.

  15. Hey there, just found your Channel and it is super interesting next to all the vanlife stories. Good luck for your journey and Greetings from Vorarlberg at the Bodensee 🇦🇹👋

  16. Thank you for your inspiring videos which I find very joyful to watch. It is so interesting to follow your work on your boats and I am excited to hear what you think about the travel through Denmark. I grew up in the countryside next to the Limfjord, with the view to Fur, so you are basically sailing through my old backyard. Thank you, and please let the episodes keep coming.

  17. Beautiful episode and a great musical ending, I don't know which of the two Mayas plays the fiddle better, thanks for this nice feeling.

  18. Schade, unser Holländischer Campingbuddy ist auf den Inseln unterwegs. Er ist Hobbyarchäologe. Da gibt es eine 8k Jahre alte Jägerkultur. Steinmesser, Abschlagsteine, Knochen-und Fellschaber und Pfeilspitzen. Sie gehen nach den Herbststürmen und nach der Ernte auf Suche. Euch immer eine Handbreit Wasser unterm Kiel!

  19. Thanks. That stirred pleasant memories from more than forty years ago. Oh to be twenty again, on a small boat in the San Juan Islands….

  20. What a lovely island. Your introspective walk back from fossil hunting was wonderful, and of course the Danish folk tune duet was delightful. Thank you!

  21. Another beautifully crafted video story. Scenes of grasses & wildflowers on your walk were stunning. Always such a joy to hear the violin by you & your twin. Thank you!

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