Salutare tuturor, Săptămâna aceasta terminăm de pregătit motorul. De asemenea, am transformat sala mașinilor într-un cuib confortabil curat și izolat fonic. Iată-ne pentru primele începuturi! Ai grijă Stéphanie & Valéry Bună ziua, Suntem Stéphanie și Valéry, povestea noastră începe la greu când găsim o barcă neglijată în sudul Franței. Urmați reparația completă a acestei bărci vechi, care va necesita atât de multe lucrări atente și intense cu barca. Vino alături de noi pentru a călători prin această călătorie în noua noastră viață de navigator. Site: Instagram Sailing ORIYO: Instagram Valéry:
Motor 2 pentru 1 – Ep 13 Sailing ORIYO

17 thoughts on “Motor 2 pentru 1 – Ep 13 Sailing ORIYO”
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happy friday guys
Thank you for sharing your journey.
Well done with the engine! You two are amazingly competent. So fun to watch.
One milestone more my friends. Keep moving!! Salut
Vivement vendredi, j’attendais la vidéo avec impatience. Encore du très beau travail, Hulk sera confortable dans sa nouvelle cabine propre et insonorisée.
Let’s hope she runs for years!
Good progress. The engine looks like new!
I've always dreamed of being on a sail ⛵️ boat one day but don't know if it will ever happen but I do enjoy watching people like ya'll rebuilding a sail boat and bringing it back to life. Thanks for the video 📹 I just found ya'lls channel and subscribed
Mais… C'est ma caméra !!!!
Yea I really enjoyed this episode 👍you are making great progress and the boat is looking much better!!Thank You such much for sharing your progress 🙏🙏
Top quality job. Well done to both of you.
I'd use proper engine soundproofing with reflective coating. What you have looks like basic household use foam.
Well done on a good job.
I havent been able to catch up lately with you guys … hold on to your old starter and get it rebuilt by a starter motor reconditioning specialist.
Hope you both well.
Thank you