Omul cade Peste bord și barca continuă! | Barci ondulate | Haulover Inlet

Omul cade Peste bord și barca continuă!  |  Barci ondulate |  Haulover Inlet

Omul cade Peste bord și barca continuă! | Barci ondulate | Haulover Inlet #shorts Haulover Boats | Barci ondulate | Haulover Inlet


33 thoughts on “Omul cade Peste bord și barca continuă! | Barci ondulate | Haulover Inlet

  1. They found him due his quick thinking, putting his hand in the props the red marker trail led them straight to him, clever…!
    Booze, Birds, Boats don't mix so well

  2. Everyone on that boat are complete dumbasses. Nobody yelled man overboard, and the captain turned to see what was going on before cutting power. Nobody was wearing a life vest either. Darwin award contestant!

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