LĂSAM UN FĂRĂ DE 14 ANI LA ​​ALEATORIE să conducă PARLAY!! – Episodul 179

LĂSAM UN FĂRĂ DE 14 ANI LA ​​ALEATORIE să conducă PARLAY!!  - Episodul 179

După ce ne-am îndreptat spre Costa Rica, nu pierdem timpul să pornim spre Matapalo, un mic loc de surf epic în capătul sudic al țării. Aici îl întâlnim pe Ben, un băiat de 14 ani care făcuse surfing cu noi, pe care l-am invitat pe barcă să petreacă după-amiaza cu noi… care a ajuns să aibă un impact destul de profund asupra întregului echipaj…. SV Parlay este un catamaran Lagoon 450 avariat de uragan, pe care Colin l-a reconstruit împreună cu prietenii și a început să navigheze în jurul lumii. Au găsit avarii în peretele etanșului catamaranului lor din Panama, așa că au reparat-o și sunt aproape gata să traverseze Oceanul Pacific!! Pentru a ni se alătura pe Patreon și pentru a obține conținut exclusiv și șansa de a veni cu noi, faceți clic aici! https://www.patreon.com/parlayrevival Pentru a cumpăra marfa Parlay Revival faceți clic aici!! https://parlayrevival.com/collections Toată muzica este de la sunetul Epidemic! Înscrieți-vă aici și obțineți o probă gratuită de luni pentru a vedea dacă vă place! https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/ym5nvt Urmărește-mă pe instagram pentru actualizări zilnice! https://www.instagram.com/parlayrevival_colin/ ​​Pagina de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/parlayrevival Editat de @flippyhipped (instagram)


35 thoughts on “LĂSAM UN FĂRĂ DE 14 ANI LA ​​ALEATORIE să conducă PARLAY!! – Episodul 179

  1. lol. another awesome episode down. i dunno Jamie about the bars… 😀
    Re: Ben – what an awesome experience to be able to meet him and have your paths cross.

  2. I enjoyed seeing this young man. Blessings to that young man. He reminds of an old soul . Started hearing Words to Calypso by John Denver in my head

  3. Ben is a Spirit Guide that brought a message to all of us, to remind us to find kindness and beauty within each of us. He is an extremely soulful young man that will have a lot to offer this world. Grateful for this episode and meeting Ben.

  4. Ben is a great, smart , energetic young man. The sky is the limit for him. Wish him the best. I'm still trying to figure out Jamie's pearl of wisdom about fishing. I'm sure there is a deep meaning in there somewhere.

  5. "Sometimes people come into your life and they leave you with something."
    That was incredibly profound and I think that you all did that for Ben. I think that this experience with you will be part of what shapes his life.
    Also, I think this is fitting because this is what Parlay Revival seems to do. Amazing people coming together and they all give something and they all leave with something.

  6. Colin, you guys are kind hearted bunch, but to treat Ben with that type of genuine kindness and respect says volumes about how GREAT you guys really are! GOOD ON YOU MATES!

  7. Sometimes people just touch you, and that’s what Ben has done to virtually everyone who meets him I have a feeling…… He’s special & I’m so happy for everyone that you met him and got to spend some time with him. Maybe he’ll keep in touch, he’s by all I saw a great Communicator, in fact it wouldn’t surprise me to see him speaking to great crowds of people…..

  8. Ben's a hansom kid, needs some meat on his bones but I'd bet by the time he's 20 he'll be 6'2" and ripped with muscle. What a smile he had. Thanks for doing that for him, a memory he'll never forget and that's what life is about!

  9. Yo Ben you're amazing. The Parley tribe from around the world are sending you good vibes.
    You made a big impression on YouTube today. Best wishes.

  10. The green screen just keeps getting better and better -It almost looks like they’re actually on a boat and not in the studio. Amazing work. (And the kid actor was fantastic. Even better than when he was in Hamlet in London).

  11. What a sweet young man. Ok so yall gotta start a fund me for Ben or give him a camera. Help him set up a tube. would love to see a part 2 of Ben. I have a son 13 years old. I can only hope that he is such a pleasant / Respectful intelligent young man and people talk about him the same way yall have of ben. Just Beautiful. much love yall happy safe travels yall.

  12. About on what days are you passing by near Puerto Quetzal? Might help you with stocking food or a bottle of Zacapa. Love from Osoyolo in Antigua Guatemala.

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