Urgență medicală la bord

Urgență medicală la bord


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27 thoughts on “Urgență medicală la bord

  1. Poor Willa. Ugh Anaphylaxis sucks. I've been able to mostly able to avoid mine and haven't had to use an epi pen but…god it sucks. Your body aches, your heart races….poor baby

  2. Ah man, I felt every single part of that anaphylactic reaction. My daughter had her first reaction at 7 months old, between then and when she was 3 I had to give her over 20 epipens.. we are in Aus and the second we give an epi we have to call an ambulance and then we stay atleast 4 hours for observations. She’s more often than not needed atleast 2 doses of epinephrine, often the ambulance arrives by the time of the secondary reaction so they are able to draw up a dose and give it to her through a much speller and less painful needle but man. It’s always, always absolutely heart breaking. I won’t even actually go in to just how bad it has gotten because I don’t want to put that fear on you. You guys did amazing. Lots of love to Willa and you guys 🫶🏼🫶🏼

  3. Talk with your doctor but Willa might need another medicine when she starts sneezing etc. I have to have an antihistamine medicine first, then if it continues to get worse you do the epi pen like normal.

  4. I’m an American ER nurse, too we’ve lived on a catamaran for the past 7 years. We used to give kiddo’s Benadryl (check with your doctor about the dose but usually about 1/2 of a tablet) in conjunction with the Epi pen. It really elongates the antihistamine effect of the pen. Of course in early stages of a reaction we would give it first if the child could still swallow. It really helped. I’m sure you know this but sometimes it really lessened the whole reaction in time and intensity. Good health to you all. Cheers, Carolyn

  5. Love you guys. Ill say it best I can, but as you grow and with little ones you express better what related all of us. 🍀💚

  6. I’m glad Willa is doing well
    When contemplating paradise on earth for me, it has always been when all my kids are home and we laugh while sharing memories. That’s paradise.

  7. Given the slow progression of the allergic response, is there an appropriate Benadryl dose you could give her? Epi is the gold, but that would be scary to use. If that doesn’t work, what’s next? Avoidance of triggers is key I presume.

  8. Hey ash and Ben, I grew up with these type allergies, pineapples with coconut, sometimes orange juice, I could react to.
    I always had gut aches from cows milk, I couldn’t do milk shakes, thick shakes full of ice cream when young, so I lived on limited milk, as no such thing as almond, soy etc, in the 70s. 80s.
    A few years ago I had full food allergy screening. I’m allergic to caesium, it’s the protein in milk, dairy.
    I too would be asthmatic sounding like Willa, nose and chest becomes restricted, starts with the sneezing and itchy throat, or eyes. Pls don’t wait until she gets to this late stage, her body has released the histamines long before, so waiting can allow the body to go into anaphylaxis. Strawberries, tomatoes, spinach are also high histamine foods, along with others. I’m sure you have seen a specialist, I just wanted to share my experiences, I still suffer allergies at times, I know the signs, so I nip it quickly with meds. I stupidly don’t have an epi pen, I hate the adrenaline heart speed factor.
    Glad she’s okay, you are such good calm parents and Willa is a sweety..

  9. Every time you cook with onions, cut it up in half and let her smell it for at least 5 minutes. Slowly she will rid off her allergy. I have studies Chinese medicine for 6 years, I have also suggested ginger candy from Chinese store for sv seeker sea sick problem. It won't cost you anything to try.

  10. Another great episode of my fav channel!!! SO sorry about Willa having an allergic reaction. My son was just like Willa when he was little. It's scary even if you know you have the right medication to give them to make them better but it's still scary for parents. Glad hers better! Little Bodhi is on the move now and they are both adorable 😍 💕 sending good vibes and hugs and many God blesses to my favorite Captain and crew. From USA TENNESSEE 🇺🇸

  11. Love your mantra, Just Be Kind. Simple.
    Willa is a trooper! It breaks my heart me watching her dealing with a reaction. I can’t even imagine how terrifying it must be for you as parents.
    BTW…paradise was right there when Brodie gave you a big kiss. ❤

  12. POV YouTube shows this channel random because I watch SLV. I'm not opposed to kids on boats. BUT last time watching this, the baby girl was screaming and they were recording in "bad weather"😡😳 Now this again, ""''DAUGHTER HAD ALLERGIES ISSUES, WAS SICK, WHAT A GREAT DAY""" That was one sentence 😡SMH. Babies 1-3 aren't soothed, they don't develop "NORMAL". Attachment Disorders = More School Shooters! These people shouldn't have had children.

  13. my heart dropped on floor when i saw the little one struggling I am still very far from having kids but it touched my heart very softly… so i cried just cried even though everything went good

  14. Feed your children formula for the first year of their life, no food at all, no baby food, no pieces of food, i wouldn't even breast feed, otherwise your kid gonna have allergies… i told the same to my sister but shes like "no im breastfeeding my child" and sure enough her kid got allergies, everyone I tell this too just wants to be ignorant to the truth

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