BARCĂ MICĂ DISTRUȚĂ DE IAHT URIAȘ LA HAULOVER !! | Boats vs Haulover Inlet Bine ați revenit la un alt episod în care omul și mașina încearcă să se lupte cu Haulover Inlet! În acest episod ne-am întors acasă la Haulover Inlet. Cine va câștiga săptămâna aceasta între Haulover Inlet și Boats? Ca întotdeauna, băieți, dacă v-a plăcut acest episod din Boats vs Haulover, asigurați-vă că aruncați ancora pe acel buton de abonare și acordați-i degetul mare! Încărcăm videoclipuri de două ori pe săptămână sâmbăta și miercurea. Barci ondulate: Broncos Guru:

38 thoughts on “BARCĂ MICĂ DISTRUȚĂ DE IAHT URIAȘ LA HAULOVER !! | Bărci vs Haulover Inlet”
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the overtaking boat is responsible for its wake. Fact. unless you are out in the ocean.
Adding a wake tower to your bowrider certainly looks great, but it changes the dynamics of your boats handling…. and not for the better. Stick with a light weight alum bimini.
Not to mention, wake boarding is a dead sport….As 100% of competitive wake boarders have had knee surgeries or issues….the sport died. Let's hope the trend to install the towers ends too.
“Put a tow line on a jet ski….”AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH
I’m always amazed how many jetskiis are just hanging around haulover.
Typically Miami idiots. When is enough enough down here. Jesus
A tow line on a jet ski??

The red boat should have been left to it self, let them pop the hatch and bail it out.
2 boats full of stupid!!
You sound like you're from Ohio
I don't understand why you don't need a license to own/drive a boat. Most of these people probably have no experience and just figure they know what to do. Ridiculous.
You thought the red boat had a lot of water in it before. Lol
I don’t understand with all of the problems boaters have at east coast inlets, why aren’t break walls constructed outward and perpendicular to the inlets like we have on the south west coast?
Idiots on parade.
Some douche is wearing a mask on the boat.
I will never understand why people put a lake boat in the ocean
If I boated in these conditions, I'd start by upgrading my bilge pump capacity.
500 GPH when you can take that much in seconds, doesn't cut it.
I work on them for a living.
Got an insurance estimate of $40k in just mercury parts iny yard right now. Collecting $100 a day storage waiting for insurance to take it elsewhere.
The brand specific hull parts, I never got a price number. I'd guesstimate mid 4 figures. Fiberglass and gelcoat repairs, not estimated. $90k valued boat only insured for $35k. And I can't even get it driving for that much. Just on parts.
Idk why it sunk. And I won't get paid to figure out why. It's totalled.
You got such an irratating voice bro
Clowns like this just keep on giving.
Always have tow insurance.. those guys do make good money on people who dont use it, but when you need it you NEED it..
All the gear, but no idea!
The term " Ocean Going Vessel" comes to 'my' mind!
Shall we place odds the bilge plug was " unhooked"??? Add swamped wave…
Insurance fraud.
SMALL BOATS MUST YIELD to larger vessels
Wake up minnow. Big boats cant move
What a complete cluster f##k, boats not designed for use in these conditions, skippers that have absolutely no idea how to handle their boats and generally boat occupants with zero intelligence. Bows full of people with the stern empty and not a life jacket worn by anyone. Morons with boats and a death wish.
stupid drop nose boats in that kind of water dosent work .
Americans and boats,….not the best combo
Because they are towing with a jet boat makes it hard, it's not the rope or the line they struggle because they don't have propeller oh man! Your not good at telling the story!
Really disappointed in haul over not teaching these NON BOATERS! Lol big boat can’t slow down is hilarious!
One douche, two douche, ocean floor. Credit card captains show up once more.
Why would the yacht even be in question? The yacht has the right of way. Was not going fast. And has limited options as to it's direction going out an inlet…
The way he wrecked that boat must be from Biden administration
Tell me you shouldn't own a boat without telling me.
stupid is as stupid does
Should have bailed out most of the water before attempting a tow
All those morons who go out in that kind of water and don't wear flotation devices deserve whatever misfortune they get.
The captain of the red boat was a complete dork. First position himself between that yacht and the other boat gave him nowhere to go. Following the yacht would have flattened out the water for him nicely. Next, the first order of business should have been getting the water out. Let the bilge pump do it's job. Also carry a hand pump they don't take up much room and can be a life saver. It may sound counter intuitive but moving the boat further out to less turbulent water would allow them to pump out and give them more time.
Thank god for all the idiot jet skiers. Couldn't a done it without them getting in the way. What do you call a sunken jet ski? A good start!