Navigarea: Problema BĂRCILOR

Navigarea: Problema BĂRCILOR

Problemele cu barca cu pânze și de ce au devenit mult mai puțin populare decât bărcile cu motor. Dacă înveți să navighezi, să cumperi o barcă cu pânze sau să te gândești să te apuci de navigație, există mai mulți factori care o fac mult diferită de o barcă cu motor sau o barcă cu motor și acele motive sunt pentru care navigația și bărcile cu pânze și-au pierdut popularitatea de-a lungul anilor în fața bărcilor cu motor. Navigarea nu este pentru toată lumea și, deși bărcile cu pânze pot fi găsite adesea mai ieftin decât o barcă cu motor, ambarcațiunile cu pânze necesită mai multă muncă și există o curbă abruptă de învățare. 00:00 Introducere 01:49 A învăța să navighezi este greu – este o curbă abruptă de învățare 03:48 Nu poți naviga cu o barcă când nu bate vânt 04:42 Este mai greu să navighezi singur cu o barcă decât să conduci o barcă barcă cu motor de unul singur 05:29 Bărcile cu pânze sunt lente 06:55 Se ocupă de pânze și tachelaj înainte și după o plimbare cu barca cu pânze 📷 Urmărește-mă pe instagram! LISTELE MELE DE REDARE YOUTUBE: 🚤 Tiny Boat/Jon Boat Stuff – ⛽️ Motoare exterioare în 2 timpi – 💰 Barcă Cumpărături – ❄️ Iernarea bărcii – 🧰 Reparații și întreținere ambarcațiuni – 📓 Noțiuni de bază despre barca – /366Xc0a ⚓️ Proiecte de remorcă pentru ambarcațiuni – 📌 Educație și sfaturi pentru navigație – 🛠 Reparații și întreținere la costuri reduse – 🆘 Siguranța bărcii Playlist – 🛥 Excursii cu barca și accesorii pentru ambarcațiuni: ⚡️ Bărci electrice și proiecte cu bărci electrice – 🛶 Caiace și caiac – https :// ⚙️ Întreținere și reparații Volvo Penta – 🔧 Întreținere interbord/exterior – ❤️ Dacă v-a plăcut acest videoclip, asigurați-vă că vă abonați la canal! 🤝 Sprijină-mă devenind Patreon! 👕 Marfa Wayne The Boat Guy! #sailboats #sailboat #sailing Efectele sonore și muzica suplimentară nu au drepturi de autor de la iMovie


31 thoughts on “Navigarea: Problema BĂRCILOR

  1. Real Sailors drive Sailboats and boaters drive power boats. You really have to have the passion to be a Sailboat driver and the folks I know who own a sailboat love everything that most of us would view as a hassle or work. They just love the journey and the challenges associated with Sail boating. I'll stick with my 21' power boat which is easy to drive with minimal hassle. Owning a Sailboat requires a certain temperament that I know I don't have. Good video Wayne, thanks for posting.

  2. Just an observation, my experience has been that for every photo or painting of a motor boat, there are ten or twenty or more photos or paintings of sailboats. They are just beautiful out on the water.

  3. The apparent “ease” of driving a power boat is partly the source of conflict with sailboats. Some/many power boaters have not learned the navigation rules for safely operating among other boats. I’m not saying all sail boaters know the rules but I believe a greater percentage of them do. As far as weather opportunities for going out, many power boaters will stay in their slips when the wind and waves pick up…exactly the weather that sail boaters will find fun. Plus, as you note, we can go out (motoring) when it’s flat calm. So we have more opportunities to get on the water, not less. Finally regarding speed…for sail boaters it’s the journey. If you really want to get to Annapolis fast then get in your car and drive. Sailing may look intimidating but it’s really not that hard. I enjoy power boats as well as sail boats. You make some good points in your video. I just wanted to add a bit of a different perspective.

  4. soooooo a sailboat requires time and effort to learn to operate, and this is an "issue". Ok then, do not buy one, this is the exact reason why people sail, it is not easy, and it gives you a feeling of accomplishment when you arrive with it somewhere.
    Solo sail is hard? No. It is not, it just requires preparation and understanding of what is going on on the sailboat, and you have to set up the boat for that.
    Lack of speed? Oh, yeah, it is, and lack of noise as well. You are not going sailing for SPEEEED WEEHEEEEEEE.

    I don't even understand how powerboats and sailboats are comparable? Yeah, both floats, but the two require sooooo different types of owners. They are not made for the same type of fun, and have nothing in common except you leave it in the marina when you are done.

    It is like comparing an RV to a convertible…..

  5. Once you get a sail boat set up it is not all that much more work. I have my 36' sailboat set up so that I can be underway within 5 minutes of coming aboard and it is about the same when I come back to the marina. When I am out, yes I have to pull some lines, but the electric winches do all the rork leaving the fun to me. Yes a powerboat is a bit faster to head out on, but not much since you have to do all your engine checks to, hopefully, make sure the engine(s) keep running while you are out. I know both types of boating well since I owned both a 33' powerboat and a 36' sailboat for the last 15 years. Furthermore, many modern sailboats have roller furling jibs and in-mast or boom furling main sails so that there is nothing to do once you tie the lines off in your slip. In contrast, my slip neighbor who has a Grand Banks East Bay 38 spends over an hour washing the salt spray off his boat EVERY time he uses it. My sailboat needs that once or twice a year since it seldom takes water on deck. Finally, going back to engines, if the diesel engine in my sailboat dies, I can always sail back. When a powerboat's engine dies, you will be calling the towing company. Finally, I used 10 gallons of diesel during summer 2022. My neighbor with the Grand Banks uses more than that in an hour. I may go to the fuel dock next summer, but my neighbor goes after every outing.

  6. My sailboat slip was 20 minutes from the bay. I would stop and drift near the entrance to the bayou and put my sail cover on and everything i needed to do so all i had to do is tie up the boat and check the shaft packing gland and make it tighter a fraction so it didn't drip when i am gone. My dock lines stayed on the dock and all I had to do is put the loop over the cleat. They were already the right length so no adjusting was needed. Lines stayed doubled in case of a hurricane i don't need to do much but remove the sails and bimini to decrease windage. Hope some of this helps you.

  7. What a load of crap! Yes, one needs a little understanding to utilize the wind, but you can get the basics in 5-10 on YouTube. Most every one motors in and out of a marina, and if there is no wind, then just motor, and if there is wind and chop then all the more fun unless you're in a motorboat. Many motorboaters will avoid going out in anything but flat seas. Also, You missed a big difference. Motorboats are for destinations whereas sailboats are for the journey. If one want to just go to an island beach then motorboat it. If one want to spend and afternoon looping around an island, then sail it. The latter can be a real dream. A sailboat is most often more comfortable. Yea, there can be a heel, but that beats the teeth pounding body slamming of planing on a chop. I regularly sail my 38' sailboat and spend about $30-$40 a year in fuel. How much do you spend? It's easy to spend thousands on a motorboat. Just ask my buddy Chris.

  8. 🤔Time ? Effort ? Draft of vessel ? Strength of tides and current ? Skill level ? Intended use ?
    Skipjacks fished the Chesapeake under sail. Great South Bay Cat-boats are specialized vessels.
    You can sail on ice and on wheels. – BUT – You cannot Power Through ! You are at the mercy of the wind and must work with the tide. Range in deep water and fuel costs are the biggest advantages of sail these days. Cats and Trimarans offer good compromises.🙂

  9. I like your video. The factor preventing me from getting a sailboat so far is dock fees! I can trailer a 24ft power boat and launch it off a ramp and rock out. A sailboat is not that simple. You need one with a swing keel and even so called trailer able daysailers are not exactly trailer friendly. I live in Cleveland and dock fees on Lake Erie are about $40.00 per ft . It’s a highly overpriced sport. I’m still trying to figure out a cheaper way to go.

  10. For me its the dock fees and associated expenses.I have always wanted a 30+ft sail boat to spend weekends on or do a week trip here and there to south FL or bahamas.
    Where I live in SC its around $700 per month just for the dock fee for a 32ft boat.
    I looked I to becoming a full time liveaboard and found a few great boats that would great for it.But NONE of my local marinas allow liveaboards.

  11. Boat type is about how much time you and how you want to use your boat. Sail boats are much safer and offer redundancies.. motor/sail/tender with outboard.
    I never stepped onto a yacht until 40 yrs old, some people are just natural at sailing. So, 5 years later, l sail my Wife to the Islands in our yacht.

  12. Dribble! You call yourself “The Boat Guy”. And then show how you’ve taken out your powerboat without any training or experience…. And then boast about how intuitive it is. You’re speaking to the negatives of sailing without any knowledge of its incredible attributes.

    I’ve been a boater for well over 50 years… currently own my 10th boat. Three of the ten were power boats… the balance bring sail. Their sizes have ranged from 14 feet to over 42 feet. In my opinion, satisfaction from sailing is easily 10 to 1 over power boating. But then, I’m operating with a solid base of experience rather than spouting off from, as you acknowledge, limited experience. Good luck with your “Boat Guy Gig”.

  13. Time. Most people have a limited amount. Sailing takes a lot of time. A motor boat will get off the dock and deliver you to your destination as quickly as you have budget for. They can even be commuters.

  14. I grew up on powerboats my dad was a big fisherman after he passed I found sailing and I fell in love and it has changed my life ive met great long life friends thru it I changed my career cause of sailing and now I'm saving to cross oceans

  15. Let me fix your title: "Why doing almost anything is much less popular than sitting on the couch and watching TV". Top 5: 1 If I do something I might have to learn something new, that sounds hard. 2 The weather might not be right. The weather never changes in my living room. 3 Doing things sometimes requires other people. I can watch TV alone. 4 Doing things takes a lot of time. 5. Doing things is just a lot of work. Joking aside your list of bugs are actually features. Good hobbies challenge us. Driving a boat around on it's own is fun but can get boring. That is why a lot of long time boaters will fish, waterski, or turn to sailing to provide that extra challenge and fun on the water. So as you say it's not for everyone, but that is true for pretty much everything except sitting on the couch.

  16. Suffice it to say, you don’t “get-us, and we don’t “get-you”. As long as we’re SHARING the same water and following published standards of safe and reasonable seamanship, “fair winds and following seas” to you too. Oh, sorry, those things don’t matter to you. Have a nice day.

  17. what do you mean you can't go from the west coast of the US to Hawaii with a power boat?? A Nordhavn with an extra fuel bladder can easily make that trip!!

  18. Sailing is easy …. Pull the rope (line) sail goes up the wind blows and your sailing. Love it as the boat slowly heals over and you pick up speed. Soon you trim the sails in to match your sail plan if you have one and you become one with the boat. The sails (sheets) do talk to you, pointing into the wind the sheets start to rumble and complain. Again if you have a sail plan like we are doing a crossing you check the heading, change it or trim the sails. Back to being one with your boat. Sometimes you have a discussion do we hold the heading that takes us 20 miles too far north or wait it out perhaps the air will change. Let's do lunch and the tack back.

  19. When I was 15, I built a small plywood sailboat. It was probably about the worst built sailboat to ever successfully sail.

    I think it sailed only 12 times. But in its short life, it taught four people how to sail. And this was without an instructor or even a instruction book. I had instruction books, and I found them worse than useless. The other three people did not. They learned faster than I did!

  20. As a sailor, there is nothing better than turning off the engine and having the boat make way under wind. That said, bombing along in a powerboat has its appeal too.

    A sailor can also pilot a powerboat, but a non-sailor powerboater can’t pilot a sailboat.

    Lastly my sailboat has an an engine, and it took me a while to not think of using it as a necessary evil, but as I get more experience I realize both how little I need it, and how much I appreciate it when I do.

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