Cea mai proastă navigație din circumnavigația noastră

Cea mai proastă navigație din circumnavigația noastră


Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nahoa

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/sailingnahoa Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/sailingnahoa/ Nu crește niciodată, Ben. Ashley. Willa. Bodhi.


36 thoughts on “Cea mai proastă navigație din circumnavigația noastră

  1. Wow! That was a pretty awesome passage. I don’t think I could have done it with a smile on my face. You guys are some tough Canucks! Your channel is one of the few sailing channels I continue to look forward to. I love your attitudes and adventure.

  2. That smile on Willa’s face when the two children were sitting together at the table was so joyful.🥰 I guess she was happy the sea calmed down. I’m really happy the boat repair appears to have fixed the issue. I was scared for your crossing wondering if it was sufficient and not also bulkhead issues. And now I’m wondering what the new plan is.😬 Whatever it is, I will keep watching. 💖from Calgary

  3. Hi Nahoa, we are also owner of a lagoon 410s2 and have had from one moment to to the next extreme leaking windows on the outside hull during a heavy passage.
    Please check the gluing window /hull.
    we have been close to loosing one window in the middle of he Biskaya.
    We have screwed them now. Fair winds and greetings from Hamburg Germany

  4. Very brave sailing. Looking good. If you get horrid comments you will just have to dump them overboard. You know the one about not being able to please everyone.

  5. I think the four of you are incredibly brave to do what you guys do. I always look forward to your videos along with my Sunday morning coffee. I always feel like I’m a part of your adventure I have my days where I look forward to the end ofJourney but also look forward to when you guys start your new adventures on your new boat. Be safe see you next week.

  6. I didn't hit the like button, nor did I hit the dislike button but, your words at the close sum up my concerns for 2 little ones who have no say in the decision making process on board, yet suffer the fate of Nahoa just the same. I'll keep my fingers crossed for the children. A land locked Canuck.

  7. Glad You getting closer to the east coast of south africa the Kwa Zulu Natal region, Nice subtropical weather, although You arriving in our rainy season and summer time!

  8. Great video and look forward to your weekly video. Your kids are growing fast and are great little sailors. You two do an amazing job with them and taking us along.

  9. Kudos from Vancouver Island to you both and your beautiful children. Your videos inspire people to go beyond what they think they are capable of.

  10. I love the videos! Keep them coming please. I’m glad I can watch y’all because I would never survive a trip like that. We’re part time RVers, part time homesteaders from South Carolina USA. Ben, your American comment made me laugh. Thanks for sharing your beautiful story with us.

  11. The youngest member of the @SailingNahoa crew shows what this family is all about. Bodi gets knocked down and he gets right back up again. This was a thrilling passage. I was scared listening to the crashing sounds and huge waves. You are great sailors.

  12. Life is not without risk. Risk is not without reward. Keep doing what you’re doing and teaching your kids those valuable life lessons.

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