PRIMA LOR Oara! (dar lucrurile se răcesc acum) Ep 217

PRIMA LOR Oara!  (dar lucrurile se răcesc acum) Ep 217

Suntem în sfârșit COOL! ❄️ Mulțumiri CTM: Folosește codul de reducere zatara (toate litere mici) pentru 5% reducere! sau găsiți unitățile noastre specifice aici: Jeddah Yacht Club, Arabia Saudită: Vă mulțumim pentru acordare în această săptămână! Toate episoadele emisiunii noastre sunt create exclusiv de mine, Keith și copii. De asemenea, puteți urmări călătoria noastră pe Facebook și Instagram sau, dacă doriți să susțineți eforturile noastre de realizare a videoclipurilor, iată câteva modalități prin care puteți împărtăși dragostea: ❤️ — DEVENI MEMBRU AL Z-CREW! —CUMPĂRĂ UN BILET LA SHOW! –LUAȚI NIște MARFĂ sau ECHIPAMENTE DE BARCĂ: –CE CAMERE UTILIZAM? Găsiți toate echipamentele mele preferate de filmare aici: Happy Sailing! Renee & the Z-Crew ___________________________________________ Muzică în acest videoclip: Melodia noastră tematică: Float Away de Grabbitz furnizată de Monstercat: Găsiți-o aici: v=bzuSHCFQD7c Această muzică oferită de Epidemic Sound Cangri de Azucares 4 the Ops de Apollo To Be Wilder de DJ Mason Travelers de Epidemic Sound The Move de Middle și End Wonky Wayne de Eoin Mantell Impressive (Versiune instrumentală) 00:00 Instalare aer condiționat datorită CTM Marine 09:03 Alimentare 13:16 Plecare din Jeddah 17:02 În sfârșit, la ancoră! 23:17 Interviuri cu echipajul #redsea


42 thoughts on “PRIMA LOR Oara! (dar lucrurile se răcesc acum) Ep 217

  1. Keith and Renee, your all four of your kiddos ROCK! Great job on the install Jack… 🎉❤ Awesome job working with your extended new crew. 🥰

  2. Small amount of panic when I heard a familiar cadence and mannerisms then I realised it was still you and everything was OK. I hadn't accidentally swapped you tube channels to a party political broadcast!

  3. Yet another awesome Zatara video! Super interesting sailing and awesome track Sailin Round 🙂 Respect to Coleman, the comments saying he might regret it – well maybe, but we aren't living in his shoes and it must've been a difficult decision. Wishing him all the best and maybe your paths will cross again.

  4. I used to life in Saudi before tourist visas. It is good to see things have continued to progress. Particularly good to see the girls free to move around without abayas. From my experience, you either understate the admin hassles or they have moved in strides in that too.

  5. The gas station price is subsidize, if you want that price, you have to live in Saudi Arabia.
    Therefore, international

    I mete family in 2012 from Germany, they are yachting the world , according to thiam, they visited Saudi Arabia 2 times before that year(2012)

  6. As a recent follower of your guys tremendous Channel I want to make sure this isn't taken as a veiled criticism but I've noted I seldom see the crew with life jackets or safety harnesses I wonder is this standard practice or just a choice you guys make I don't know anything about sailing so again to be clear this is not a criticism. But a curiosity. Very impressed byy your children's manners and behavior and the teamwork and love they showe to one another without reservation enjoy your travels and have a safe trip.

  7. Keith, I am inspired by your ability to guide your family and mentor them. It is an understatement to say that I admire your business sense and family legacy. I don't have a mentor or a father. I would like to say I commend you from the bottom of my heart.

  8. Lol, knowing a bit of dutch/flemish, I did have a giggle at the subtitles at the end.
    Coleman, man am I conflicted, and I want to be considerate at the same time as comment on his decision to leave. Is it a reflection on his upbringing or life up to this point? After thinking about if I was in that situation, that at that age I had been fortunate to have been chosen, to have flown halfway round the world at considerable expense for an incredible opportunity, would I have thrown in the towel, inconveniencing others, and most likely incurring additional cost, because I didn't 'like' it? Absolutely not. From the little that we saw, I have to say there was an aura of 'spoilt brat'/overprivileged upbringing, that came across.
    I think it is really important to see things through, even if something is not 100% what you thought it was going to be like and to make the most of every situation that you find yourself in. If on the other hand you live in a world where you click your fingers and things happen and you get bailed out, and flown home….. I just don't think it's a good way to grow as a young adult and develop.
    I have no doubt that the Zatara family did all they could to make him and everyone else feel at home, and all I see is incredible generosity in opening up their lives and floating home to host these youngsters. Such a shame that Coleman couldn't make more of the opportunity he was given and I hope he comes to realise what he missed out on and doesn't make the same mistake in the future.

  9. If you both can not see it I can, You two have raised very adjusted kids with lots of confidence, I see in your invited guests nothing more then video, texting, internet dominate teenagers. To get a chance to visit places that are so beautiful and complain about a seven days that are boring. Please!

  10. Loved Mara's comments at the end in her native Dutch language. Having lived in a couple of former Dutch colonies (South Africa, Suriname), in my life I always respect the great English skills of the wonderful Dutch descendants, I call my friends. Such great people.

  11. Hey peeps. I live in Austin TX and am ready for some adventures. There is a reef / dive camp in NW Australia that I want to go to and I’ve forgotten the name or even the town it’s near. Can anyone on this channel point me to it? I can’t remember if Zatara went there or not but probably nearby. Thanks in advance for any info! ❤

  12. Please try and keep making factual and interesting videos instead of making "my life is better than yours style" – So many questions not answered, like entry fees to Saudi, customs, costs of food and drink and visas. Egypts cruising rules. We all love sailing and want to cruise why have you stopped sharing the details?

  13. Ha, so you gotta pay international prices, that is "convenient". I hope you realise that is just a made up rule right? They have 0% VAT and TAX, guess they gotta make it up somehow. Does that mean that if you go to the restaurant you also gotta pay western prices?
    Worth saying that the Middle East is a GOLDEN CAGE. It may look nice from the outside but once inside, you are very very restricted. They take your passport and you can't leave the country unless they allow you to.

    Not to mention that they have the death penalty, corporal punishment and chopping off the hands. That is one reason the country and all other GCC countries are VERY VERY SAFE!! And I do mean it. I went to the toilet in a food court and my work colleague said just leave your bag and laptop here on the table, don't worry about it (I was tempting to pack up and take it with me). I think their crime rate is 0.1% or some silly low number. I loved my time there (as long as you are respectful of their culture and rules), the main shock was re-adjusting to life in the West when returning home.

    Oman, UAE, Qatar and Bahrain should allow you to fill up at local prices, P.S. these countries have outsourced all the gruesome corporal punishment to Saudi😆. Saudi is behind the others when it comes to processes and visitors access. If they sort out their stuff then a lot more boaters could visit them.

  14. This yacht got kicked out off Australia..
    And Now Just a Bunch of Influence Wankers…
    Just shows how Shallow Americans Are… look at me, toss heads..

  15. hahah.. those translations at the end had me laughing pretty good! Nice work, love the channel, with this quality content, you should be at a million subscribers soon. <finger waving>.

  16. Dedicate "Dwight Yoakam-"Sloop John B" I Wanna Go Home to Coleman. So many others would love to be on the Z Crew. wish His spot could have been filled.

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