Ei bine, asta aproape a mers îngrozitor de greșit [Sailing Via Ep 74]

Ei bine, asta aproape a mers îngrozitor de greșit [Sailing Via Ep 74]

Luăm o pauză de la croazieră și ne întoarcem la viața terestră pentru câteva săptămâni, iar totul ia o întorsătură cu un accident ciudat. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce călătorim prin țară, cucerim o varietate de peisaje frumoase, lucrăm cu barca (!) și, în sfârșit, ne întoarcem în Mexic pentru a începe următorul nostru sezon de croazieră! CUMPĂRĂ-NE O BERE: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=A5EL74F283JVA Urmărește-ne pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sailing_via/ Consultați blogul nostru: https://www.sailingvia .com cele mai recente videoclipuri de navigație | cele mai noi vloguri de navigație| navigare vlog-uri pe youtube | navigand cu caini | cele mai bune vloguri noi de navigație | cele mai bune videoclipuri noi de navigație | nou canal de navigație | youtube sailing cupluri | cele mai bune vloguri de navigație de pe youtube | cele mai bune bloguri de navigație | canale de navigație youtube | #sailiing #sailingaroundtheworld #sailingvia #sailingwithdogs #sailingvideo #boatlife #nouestsailingvlogs #sailingmexico #cruisinglife #seaofcortez


19 thoughts on “Ei bine, asta aproape a mers îngrozitor de greșit [Sailing Via Ep 74]

  1. Just subbed last week so I'm still new to your channel. Honestly I thought I was hearing Nikki talking from Gone with the Wynn's, but came back Into the room to see new faces. Happy I found your channel, and it looks great on the big screen. Have fun guys

  2. Who were y'all in y'all's past life to have all this bad karma? I'm thinking pirates! 😁😁😁. Poor Lucy, glad she's doing better!

  3. Yep, super glad that Lucy ended up ok. Not a lot better than in ‘n out. Looks like you had an amazing time away, if ever back in LA please give a holler. Off to MX soon, will wave at ya flying overhead. Cheers,

  4. Yep, super glad that Lucy ended up ok. Not a lot better than in ‘n out. Looks like you had an amazing time away, if ever back in LA please give a holler. Off to MX soon, will wave at ya flying overhead. Cheers,

  5. Great episode guys ✌️ Bummer for Lucy, yet thanks to advanced veterinary medicine. From Maine (moved to Arizona and now Florida) so have a real appreciation of the woods in the NE……….yet happy, as you are, to be in the warm climate of the South. ✨ 🌊 💨 ⛵️ 🏝 👙 🌞 ✨

  6. Boats busses and cars as opposed to planes trains and automobiles. Apart from poor lucy enjoyed the episode nice to see what you got upto on your working vacation away from via 😊

  7. I love you guys. Your dogs are so sweet and you are both so chill and pleasant. Safe travels, happy adventures and thanks for sharing:)

  8. I have driven over the Golden Gate bridge. Impressive! But I found the drive over the Mackinaw Straits bridge in Michigan more impressive. Even more scenic. I admit I am biased, I'm from Michigan, and have driven over it in all kinds of weather, summer and winter, in a semi and private vehicle. I have had to wait several hours to cross because the weather/wind was too bad to cross. There was always a little "pucker factor" when it came to crossing the Mackinaw Bridge. Both bridges are impressive. I got to see the Mackinaw Bridge being built.
    Glad your dog is doing well. Yucca plants can be very dangerous.

  9. So happy to see you two back. I’ve really enjoyed the trip you have taken all of us on. Good luck and love to the puppies.

  10. Great to see what you were up to during hurricane season. I'm glad Lucy is on the mend. When four-legged family members have health challenges, it is stressful for all! ❤️

  11. My heart skips a beat or two anytime one of the girls is hurt or sick. We so enjoyed having them stay with us over Christmas a few years ago and love following your adventures. Glad you are all doing okay

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