Evadând uraganul Ian în Bahamas

Evadând uraganul Ian în Bahamas

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35 thoughts on “Evadând uraganul Ian în Bahamas

  1. Steph, dressing up as Bobby is not that bad your just beautiful, now on the other hand if Bobby had to dress up as you well , how the hell is he going to fit into your cloths and what about his mustache, that would have surely been hilarious . Between us i really think he lost .

  2. I have pretty much watched all your videos since you started this channel. Would like to know more about Steph. Family, where she grew up, how she got into sailing and how she met you. I love you both and this is one of my favorite channels.

  3. Ahhh the ole `Dark Side` was a wonderful boat! And Freeport Bahamas was one of the best snorkling spots we`ve visited in our extensive western Carribean stops. Bon voyage until we see the new boat!!!

  4. Thank you Bobby and Stephanie for all the adventures on The Dark Side. I'm really gonna miss that boat,
    I'm sure you've heard it many times Bobby but Stephanie is truly a breath of fresh air. She is an amazing woman, been watching this channel for quite some time and she really is the best one yet.

  5. Mentioning No insurance coverage in Hurricane season brings up the question of how did you come out when your prior owned sailboat was totaled in the big storm?

  6. Sorry to see the Dark Side is gone but your new boat will be great and looking forward to new adventures. Steph, you are the best and priceless.

  7. When you head to Thailand for your new boat, I'm about 10 minutes from Ocean Marina. I've got a big house, brand new truck and will gladly help out while you're here! 🍻

  8. Bobby you and Steph both work hard at these videos, they’re more work goes in to making them than we think. So on to the next boat and keep it coming, you are living the dream. 👍🍹

  9. And why are you selling this boat? Jeez, I know you like to sail, but you got it made man! Beautiful boat, beautiful babe, beautiful beaches… Common man!

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