Suntem la vânătoare pentru următoarea noastră barcă! Căutăm un trimaran care să fie suficient de mare pentru a trăi timp de câteva săptămâni până la o lună+ la un moment dat, dar încă suficient de mic pentru a putea rula. A fost greu – dacă nu imposibil! – a găsi. Până acum majoritatea bărcilor pe care le-am văzut au fost prea mici într-o dimensiune sau alta, așa că în acest episod, încercăm să mergem MAI MARE. Sper sa iti placa! Lauren, Kirk & Renata SOCIALE + BLOG Patreon: Instagram: Facebook: Website : Instagram-ul lui Kirk: MUZICA Cântec temă: Adventures by A Himitsu Creative Commons — Atribuire 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Descărcare gratuită / Stream: Muzică lansată de Argofox Muzică promovată de Biblioteca audio Toată cealaltă muzică: ARTLIST — https :// — Utilizați acest link pentru a obține 2 LUNI GRATUITE de Artlist! Căutăm mereu muzică! Dacă dvs. sau un prieten, rudă sau cunoștință faceți muzică originală și doriți să o prezentați pe canalul nostru, trimiteți-ne un strigăt la CAMERA GEAR #trimaran #sailingcouple #sailboat
Să mergem MAI MARE! | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 114

20 thoughts on “Să mergem MAI MARE! | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 114”
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Please talk about the truck/or fees to haul it. I am interested to see if your planning on towing this boat or paying a professional.
Look at the Corsair 970. Same layout at 31’. Only 6’2” headroom
Thank you
I don’t know your price range (none my business) but I wonder if you guys are SET on a sailing boat? I watch this other couple on channel NautiStyles. If you’re willing to spend for a Trimaran, you might want to look at what they bought. It’ll go anywhere, but it’s not a sailing boat.
missed you guys
I don't see the use for trimarans. They are a compromise of negatives. They have smaller interiors than a mono hull and a catamaran, but with a cat you can travel between hull inside the central part, but trimarans you can only access the outer hulls by going outside. in rough weather forget about going to the outer hulls. lost space, lost usage.
Wow by the times you guys find a boat will be living in on the moon stop with the cliff hangers
Never sailed a tri but they look fast and stable..a farrier 34 sounds like a good fit. When you use them and anchor how do you get to shore? Do you move the big boat right up to shore and step off and anchor med more type, bow out anchored? Carry a dinghy? An interesting mode of sailing. Watched an f 27 fly at 16 knots by a Florida owner. Good luck and hope you find a good fit.
Renata is an absolutely beautiful and cool kid. Growing so fast.
I need to poop!
I was particularly intrigued by the segment beginning at the 37 second point. I've been stepping and unstepping my mast every spring and fall at that particular hoist for years.
Just love you three! So amazing!
Just a thought. Sell "Chip" get a 1-ton truck with a truck bed camper. It would be more than enough truck to pull a sailboat of the size you're looking for.
We have a 2019 Ford F350 1-Ton 4×4 pickup, we have a 2020 Arctic Fox 811 4-Season pickup camper. We also pull a 3200# 4×4 SUV with us. Our camper is fully self contained with large water, sewer and gray tanks, generator, shower, toilet, etc. I mention this to maybe consider this as an option as a tow vehicle with a living quarters that can pull a boat. Plus you can drop the truck camper wherever you like.
So exciting looking for that one boat that catches your eye. Love the vlog
There is no prefect boat, only the best available compromise. As for a tow rig, I tow a travel trailer with a mid duty truck (2000 International 4700 flatbed). Lots of towing capacity and our car rides on the flatbed (15,000#). Having a car while traveling lets us park the truck and use a smaller car to explore the area. It is a good compromise for us. Enjoy your adventure with the family. Children do grow up so fast. i was fortunate enough that my family had a power boat when I was young. Sixty years later I still remember them as good years.
The suspense is killing me,
Just show us the new boat already?
As always Great Show
Denny from Minnesota
"But then" And we wait…………………………………………………………………

The only thing about Triman is you pay for larger dock space when you need to dock.
And a lot wasted boat that you can’t use, the outriggers. But that’s my opinion.

You’re killing me ! I thought we would know in this video. Now, the anticipation is killing me. So happy you are current and we can see how cute Renata is on the boats. She will be a great crew member.