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Cea mai TRĂDĂRĂ durata a ICW | Înțelepciunea navigată [S5 Ep38]
![Cea mai TRĂDĂRĂ durata a ICW | Înțelepciunea navigată [S5 Ep38]](https://sailingtv.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/1669934439_maxresdefault.jpg)
24 thoughts on “Cea mai TRĂDĂRĂ durata a ICW | Înțelepciunea navigată [S5 Ep38]”
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The rock pile is best transited during low tide so you can see everything you don't want to hit. I usually run thru there at 40 mph in the center console now that I'm a "local"
Hi, lovely video ! I remember this area well! We tied up at LuLu’s Mrtyle Beach. Bridge isssues. Rock pile was nothing and we didn’t radio ahead! Yes the scenery was gone! Wish I had Majic on board!
The true cost of the fuel could be several times or maybe four times more than we pay and could include some human sacrifice. Let's just call it one barrel.
On a btu/motive power efficiency, internal combustion engines are less than 20 percent efficient. 80 percent of the fuel energy is converted to waste heat. Electric motors are typically over 90 percent efficient. So, you’re doing much better than you think
Howdy hey there M&H… apparently my fav cruisers to watch dated vid notwithstanding… Your numbers calc Diesel to KWH conversion was excellent… I'm feeling so much better about my electric conversion (we have the same motors)… I did something similar using an online routing calculator but just in terms of Diesel projecting a trip down the ICW from TX to FL Keys… I estimated at least $500.00 in Diesel… Wow, what a savings…! And, no onboard genset or fuel of any kind (except LPG for out door grill)… Thanks for the tips on calling Seatow and Maddies handling the VHF securité call… Fair Winds…
Yes, but… Diesel works at night when there is no wind. I believe you could run for a week at 5 knots (24 hours per day) with a diesel engine. Can you do that with your electric motor? What is your max speed for 1 hour with your electric motor? For those just starting out, I would recommend a diesel engine!
Did you say 45'er? That's a lot of boat I was thinking it was a 35'er mad respect for you two boat handling skill and a bit jealous!
Love the episodes near our Cape Fear. Keep those episodes coming.
We couldn't agree more about your assessment of Myrtle Beach's aesthetics. We passed through that section of the ICW 1 year ago. It was shocking after transiting the swamp.
So by your calculations with the embodied energy of the batteries and your current solar the embodied energy is about the equivalent of about 20,000 gallons of diesel
Sure looks like a lot of cookie cutter McMansions on the water there, ugh. Glad you got through the "rockpile" in one piece!

Love seeing your continuing adventures with the sailboat Wisdom, and fair winds and following seas to you both as always!
Million dollar mansion not the prettiest part.
Great info!
Profanity is not befitting you.
It happens that I am currently researching the fuel efficiency of Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) used in boats. The very best tractor engines currently just barely get 20hp-hr/gal of diesel. The engine that was originally on this boat was probably a 1970s or earlier vintage engine of about 40-45hp and the peak efficiency was maybe about 15hp-hr/gal at full load. As load decreases, so does efficiency, but since total drag on a sail boat is decreasing faster than efficiency, MPG still goes up until somewhere around 3kt.
The larger the engine, the faster the fuel economy decreases, so that by time you get to about 15hp a 30hp engine has better fuel economy than a 45hp engine, the 30hp would be getting about 10-11hp-hr/gal vs about 8hp-hr/gal for the 45hp engine. As noted in previous videos the Morgan 45 uses about 5kw to maintain 5kt, that's about 6.7hp.
Assuming 10hp-hr/gal, that's 7.46kWhr/gal. At about 00:44 into this video Herb indicated the Morgan used 580kWh. So 5870kWhr / 7.46kWhr/gal = 77.75gal. My guess is that fuel usage would be closer to 100gal for that period.
What was the original engine in the boat?
The info for outboards is a little sparser. 2.3-9.9hp outboards get 9.5-11.5hp-hr/gal at full throttle. Tractor data indicates gas/petrol fuel economy also falls as the motor is throttled to lower power. At about 01:20 Herb indicates the dinghy used 36.5kWhr. Assuming that they had a very small 2.3-3.5hp ICE outboard (similar output to their electric outboard) and they ran it near full throttle and got 10 hp-hr/gal they would have used about 4.9gal of gas/petrol. In reality they probably would not have run the engines near max, anything over about 1.5hp of propulsion effort just makes more noise and a bigger bow wave for minimal increase in speed unless you have a very heavy load in the dinghy or you have enough HP to get on a plane. I suspect that gas/petrol use would have been closer to 10gal.
Beautiful houses, looks calm.

Myrtle Beach turned their fate over to the high-rise condo developers decades ago. My wife and I used to vacation there in the 70s & 80s, but couldn't stand it after that.
I think you are applying the efficiency of a diesel, backwards.
Engines are rated in kw/ hp per gallon of diesel…
The efficiency is already in there…
Thanks for getting back to me, and being so ‘open minded ‘ , that’s a very good character trait.
As you asked , here are my own numbers.
I have a Yanmar 30 hp , 3 HM 35F.. the boat is an IP 35 with a published weight of 17500 lb.
When cruising at 6 knots and 2400 rpm , I burn 3 litres per hour or 2 nautical miles per litre.
So with 14.2 usgal of diesel I would have motored 102 nautical miles.
I’m sure you know that the efficiency of the boat is dependent on speed, I think it’s a quadratic relationship…
So if I had patience enough to tolerate 3 miles per hour my mileage would have doubled or quadrupled…
Moving on, your electric outboard numbers sound great.
Myrtle Beach, UGH!

Herbie you didn't calculate idle time and warm up time…..other cruisers have said they get 1 hour of motor time for 3/4 of a gallon of diesel and as bad as 1 gallon per hour
Great video! Crossing the border into North Carolina …. Do you need a passport for that? Hahahaha (just a little eastern shore humor). Great info on Diesel to KWH. I have been watching the progress on the electric outboards and they have made a lot of improvements over the years.