Am cumpărat catamaranul nostru cu vele | Laguna 46

Am cumpărat catamaranul nostru cu vele |  Laguna 46

După mai bine de un an de cercetare și căutare la Catamarane, am cumpărat în sfârșit barca noastră, noua noastră CASĂ. Suntem fericiți de noua noastră casă și așteptăm cu nerăbdare să începem călătoria noastră ca croiboard-uri. Consultați rețelele noastre sociale: Instagram:… TikTok:… Facebook: https: // _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Abonează-te la canalul nostru 🙂 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ #catamaran #barci cu pânze #barcă #stil de viață #boating #boatlife #travel #Lagoon #leopard #seacatz #oceanlife .


13 thoughts on “Am cumpărat catamaranul nostru cu vele | Laguna 46

  1. I am also in the process of locating my cat. Question did the whole issue with the lagoons weigh into your choice or influence the survey? Just wondering as I am on this journey

  2. Please watch Colin on Parlay Revival about the bulkhead issue on your cat. You have obviously no idea of how to sail. Good luck with your adventures for you both!

  3. So, where did you do your sea trails and initial repairs? Was that at Saint Martin (French, pronounced sənt ˈmɑːtɪn), or Saint Martin (English, pronounced as seɪnt ˈmɑːrtn̩), or was it plain old Sint Maarten in Dutch (pronounced as sɪnt ˈmɑːrtn̩)? Make up your mind, please! I admire your honesty mentioning that you are going to learn to sail from now on, but isn't that a bit late? I can imagine a 46 foot catamaran is not a toy you can play with however and whenever you like! Just two questions that popped up…

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