Obțineți 70% REDUCERE la următorul cuțit Huusk! https://huusk.club/KristenMatt Săptămâna aceasta ne trezim pe barca noastră cu pânze în Vieques Puerto Rico. Am decis să facem o scufundare frumoasă în marea insulei tropicale. După ce prindem o concă, decidem să o gătim înapoi pe barcă. Terminăm cu navigarea către un alt ancoraj. Acest loc este cu adevărat un paradis! Iată rețeta de friței de conch https://www.aspicyperspective.com/bahamian-conch-fritters/ Vrei actualizări în timp real?! Susține canalul nostru! https://www.patreon.com/Goodbadandugly Ați dori să ne cumpărați o bere sau un cadou o singură dată https://paypal.me/goodbadandugly Verificați fața magazinului nostru Amazon pentru a vedea produsele de la refit, echipamentul foto pe care îl folosim, și echipamentul preferat de barcă. https://www.amazon.com/shop/sailinggoodbadandugly Merch! Susține canalul nostru și primești ceva extraordinar în schimb! https://teespring.com/stores/sailing-good-bad-and-ugly Încărcăm un videoclip nou în fiecare săptămână! Nu uitați să vă abonați și să distribuiți videoclipul. De asemenea, ne puteți găsi și contacta aici -Instagram @Kristen.r.davis @Neptunes_reaper https://www.instagram.com/kristen.r.davis https://www.instagram.com /Neptunes_reaper -Facebook https://m.facebook.com/sailinggoodbadandugly -Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sailinggoodbadandugly?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc Iată un cod de recomandare pentru a obține un credit de 20 USD când te înscrii în GOOGLE FI UTILIZAȚI CODUL K18F80 https://g.co/fi/r/K18F80 *Acesta este planul nostru telefonic internațional* SAILMAKER-ul nostru Precision Sails https://www.precisionsailloft.com/Good-Bad-and-Ugly/ Pentru întrebări de afaceri svdeaddolphin @yahoo.com Muzică pentru videoclipurile noastre -Epidemic Sound merită… https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/23ruvj/ -ARTLIST https://artlist.io/Kristen-2079495
Viața pe o barca cu pânze mâncând alimente BIZARE prinse de la mare!

24 thoughts on “Viața pe o barca cu pânze mâncând alimente BIZARE prinse de la mare!”
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What's up!! So happy to be back out sailing and adventuring again

if u enjoyed the video make sure to give a thumbs up and a share if u care
adios amigos

Great episode. I’m a little jealous I didn’t get no fritters
One thing I have to thank the pandemic for? Trying to cook my favourite dishes! I have learned all kinds of recipes and found how cheaply one can eat if they know what they are doing! Good job on those fritters.
Is there anyone else out there other than @johnnyGardner and I that wished Matt & BC would get a windlass?
nice,looks like fun!
A long way from the days of Coolie
Very entertaining video !
Thanks for sharing !
HOWEVER – I gotta stick with my boy here and say that he never got his well deserved back rub for chafing his legs climbing the tree getting you succulent nuts – I hope there was some sort of proper thank you !!!!
Hey just curious there has been several sailing channels Being demonetize because of complaining that they need to be posted as 18+ has that happened to you too ?
They say there is a group of people complaining to YouTube and their moderation
You are throwing away around 30% daily production by having 20a charge controllers. 400 watts divided by 13 battery volts equals around 30a needed minimum per charge controller. Compounding the problem the controllers will be pegged during full sun (running beyond capacity) they will start thermal throttling and you lose even more power. They wont just stop working they will slowly reduce output until they can handle the power and you will not get an error for this, you will just be missing out on power. If you can’t produce 4kw per day on a sunny day without a lot of shading you are not getting what you paid for with the panels. For the love of god invest in a hydraulic lug crimper and redo your connections when you upgrade the controllers. You almost got it dialed. Just one more component and you will have all the power you need! When I set systems up like this I use 40a controllers on 450w panels and you will see a peak of around 33a per panel, 35a controllers on 400w panels and you will see around 29 peak, so imagine what you are missing out on! You could get away with 100/30 victron controllers on this setup at $199 each but 150/35 would be better but they are an extra $100 each
DANG! Look at that boat, Son!
Hmm, lot's of Mommy/Daddy kids talk this episode.
We got a little pirate in the oven? Do tell…
Nice solar setup and those fritters were making me feel famished.
Gotta keep them nuts tight or they might just pop off on you!!!!
How about some womens V kneck Tee?
Please share conch fritter and tarter sauce recipe. Love your site!
Did the refit cost that much? Get your butts up to the Bahamas we will be there in January I’ll buy you a can of beans
I love you two. Your a wonderful couple to watch.

Traditionally, you remove the slime by massaging it with LOTS of salt in a bowl with a little water. Then, of course you wash it off thoroughly. Do it more than once if necessary.
Hope this helps.
ALL of those electric connections should be sprayed with a dielectric or moisture/water repellent after tightening, to avoid corrosion which creates poor contact -> resistance -> heat.
And another one in the books. The episodes continually make us subscribers happy and love all the fun.
See you all next week. 

Can you post your conch recipe with measurements? I looked but didn’t see it maybe I missed it
Look at that superb YT sponsor integration !! Nice work u both
you are such an amazing couple keep going guys 20 years plus and the love is more than ever
Worms in the DR?! Do we want to hear that story? I think we do! Dish Matty.