#10 | Sailing solo | O mică problemă cu pânza mare

#10 |  Sailing solo |  O mică problemă cu pânza mare

Pe vreme grea, în largul coastei de nord a Scoției, în drum spre Islanda, rup o linie de recif în 25 de noduri și nu am altă opțiune decât să stau lângă pânza mare în timp ce vela mare se bate prin restul furtunii. Între timp, sub punți, reflectez la „luxul” pe care mi-l oferă această barcă cu pernele sale fanteziste și vorbesc puțin despre gestionarea vremurilor grele pe mare și despre câțiva pași simpli pentru a evita să fiu prea stresat sau deprimat. Dacă doriți să vă alăturați echipajului nostru Patreon, accesați: https:/www.Patreon.com/themariner Nu uitați să verificați „The Mariner Podcast” și „The Mariner’s Library Podcast” pentru mai mult conținut de navigație zilnic.


8 thoughts on “#10 | Sailing solo | O mică problemă cu pânza mare

  1. I can definitely see how that kind of environment might wear you down mentally after a while, not everyone would be so calm, collected and positive in that situation. Music was maybe a bit overly dramatic though, heh. 😛

  2. Nice one, she was powering through that, shame about the reef but nothing you can do. I used to find it unnerving in stripped out boats, especially if they were very flat forward of the keel as the slamming off of waves could be brutal and the whole boat vibrates. Just nice to keep thinking of how strong these boats are. Stay safe. Andy UK

  3. IMO, mental wellbeing and being able to keep ones mental health is more important than ones physical health in such situations. Hot food is such a moral booster and essential for the body to.

  4. Excellent – best of luck out there! The music is really effective. Is that mainsail toast now? Can it take 6 hours of flailing without being ruined? Love the deck cam and all the data input – really brings it home.

  5. Pretty awesome to see life on board as she charges along! I'm looking forward to seeing more. Take care of yourself out there. Tough times never last. Tough people do.

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