Nu este nimic plictisitor să trăiești pe o barcă; ceva se întâmplă mereu. Tabăra de apnee Deep Week se termină, ne luăm rămas bun de la prietenii noștri și facem o mică excursie spre sud pentru a ne bucura de după-amiaza la o plajă. Îl întâlnim pe cel mai dulce proprietar de bar și ne bucurăm de timpul nostru relaxându-ne în apă, lucru pe care de fapt nu prea putem face mare lucru. Apoi, vine ancora mea!! De la comandă la Miami pentru a fi expediate la Nassau și pentru ei să o expedieze la Long Island; a durat peste o LUNĂ pentru a primi noua mea ancoră. Poate că am mers puțin în plus, dar sunt atât de încântat să mă simt în siguranță la ancora. Deveniți un Patron! Acces la conținut exclusiv (inclusiv conținut suplimentar Mako) și streamuri live Paypal: Venmo: Lista de dorințe: com/hz/wishlist/ls/WT5UKPG3ITDP?ref_=wl_share Luați niște produse Soul de La Mar! Ochelari de soare: sl104fbr.html https: // Produse preferate: Cod laurenalanders” cod Cafea „Lauren Landers Sailing”: cod „LL15” Echipament pentru navigație: https de la MauriPro :// Abonament Thrive 40% reducere: Magazin Amazon: shop/_laurenlanders Verificați site-ul meu: Rezervați un charter https://www.soudelamar .com/contact/ Instagram
BATĂ de viață: GIRL înlocuiește ancora sub apă! [ep 39]
33 thoughts on “BATĂ de viață: GIRL înlocuiește ancora sub apă! [ep 39]”
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I haven't heard Lauren mention sunscreen. Using it would probably be impractical, with her being in and out of the water so often. Plus, it would get quite expensive to use an amount adequate to provide serious protection. So I worry that in a decade or two she could start having lots of skin cancers, her skin would look old prematurely and her face could look like a prune.
With your external hard drive, if you do some research to see if that specific make and model is just a standard 2.5 inch hard drive on the inside, then you can take out the standard hard drive and plug it into something else, like the inside of a computer or another case for an external hard drive.
However if it's not a standard 2.5 hard drive on the inside then you can't.
great video kid. love your stuff. keep em coming.
Great job on the anchor, honestly never seen that done before.
Notice sadness in your heart and eyes
Very cool anchor swap. I'm glad Mother Nature cooperated. Keep up the great videos. And Merry Christmas
Why the change from Mantus to Rocha. I may have missed it in the video, or are mistaken. But as always love and wish I'd me a girl like you in my day. Who shared nit only my dream but my plan.
Does the mail boat charge money to deliver things?
If so how much is it?
Can you do internet speed tests using your phone and share the results please?
Girl you are such an inspiration! I grew up on a cruising sailboat but left that lifestyle to chase my dreams of becoming a long-haul trucker. After 7yrs on the road I sold out and bought my Irwin 46 that I'm currently rebuilding. I always look forward to your videos and hope that one day soon me and my sailing kitties will end up in the same anchorage as you and Mako! Much love and keep up with the amazing content!!! #GirlPower
U R 1 special Gal!
What a beautiful life! Lauren, thanks for letting us join in on your adventures. 😄
Merry christmas and happy New year
Wow, well done on the anchor swap
Fun video….love my Rocnas! Thx, Andrew
The Christina Applegate of sailing
Great to see Mako getting some time on shore!
Nice skills and nice lungs.
U look like you belong in the water. Excellent camera work. Try a camera on a pole for quick wildlife shots from deck, like the shark, could be a new thing. 😊
Nice video ❤ but I have to say that this was complicated.
Why didn't you just swap the chain from out of the dinghy? the new anchor was already in there.
BTW. I am so jealous of you down there in the Bahamas, cause I am in the Netherlands in – 1 degrees Celsius
Anyway have fun and take care girls ❤👄
Hi Miss Landers, how heavy was that anchor? Also, I'm guessing it was tricky getting it in that dingy. Well done. <3 😉
merry Christmas … Love your channel
I’ll say it again, again and again…..Your family must be very proud of you. What you have learned, accomplished and continue to live your life is an education Harvard could not provide. You will always be successful….
Miss bad ass!!! 👍🏻
Priority one? Note to self,fix anchor winch!
You're so lucky to live in paradise👍👍 Cat too 😼 🙃
Nice and smart technique using anchor for positioning…
Only true sailors can triple fist drinks 🤗😜
Thanks for sharing !