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Sailing Isle of Man – Peel – Sunet vițel – Marea Irlandei – Ep. 266

17 thoughts on “Sailing Isle of Man – Peel – Sunet vițel – Marea Irlandei – Ep. 266”
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Night time harbour manoeuvres are a nightmare. We came into Dun Laoighaire at night and we were SO disoriented which considered we “thought “ know the marina was off putting.
Great information about flag etiquette, I live and learn thanks to you both. I am sure Paul whose boat we stayed on in Port Errin wants to be reminded of that place, although it was ideal getting ready to go through the sound. As usual enjoyed the video
Why I love my transition lenses on my glasses minus sea glare
Nice one… looking forward to your next video..

The black ribbon was a great idea. Myself and fellow boaters at the club removed the flag for the two weeks and put one at 1/2 mast up the flag Hayward. Nice to see some sunshine while you were on the water.
A Sunshine, a sunshine! almost a bikini weather. Wait, not anymore
A great reminder of our trip from Peel to Conway in July and that awesome coastline to the Sound of Calf.
You always seem to be able to make lemonade no matter what life throws at you. Fair winds.
They have a lot of swing and rising bridges on the ICW here in the USA , occasionally they are down and everyone has to go on the outside (which we like to do anyway)
Another great video with lots of useful information. I'm planning to solo sail next year from Clyde to Holyhead and beyond so your videos are great for planning!
Never been to Peel yet, your blog gives great information for entry day and night. One question is how do you keep your boat so clean, mine never looks as good
Wot? No kippers?
Thank you again (on behalf of the Isle of Man) for your visits and positivity towards my homeland, even when weather and swing bridges try to test your resolve. Looking forward to spotting a few more familiar places in future episodes. Cair Vie xx
Looked like a nice leisurely sail down the west side, is it irony that this video finishes short of you passing through the Sound, but YouTube's next recommended video is your Ep.67 from a previous trip through the Sound. Hopefully next week's video is a lot calmer, although, from memory, it was Ep.67 that was my first sighting of your channel and I instantly hit the Subscribe button, so a win win there
Thought you might have been doing the TT? Sail Safe Guys, Ant & Cid.
Peel harbour is a scary place imho. You both looking super relaxed in this episode, your confidence in handling all types of situations seems to be high. Great stuff. Best
Well done that looks like a nightmare especially tired and late at night. Handled admirably I might add. Presumably the wall is subject to tide? How do you tie up there? ps love the penguin hat.
I'm not sure about the black webbing, you could question that your disfiguring the ensign which is worse and disrespectful. loweringbthe ensign is a sign of acknowledgement. Great video all the same
Sailing in fabulous summer conditions … feels like a very long time ago!