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Would Talisman be able to navigate the Canal du Midi in France? Or only the lifting keel version?
I had a Vega, great boat but too small. The heads… Left a lot to desire. Also steerage in reverse… Oh dear. I lived on it for a year before getting a Dufour 35 1978. Great live aboard, just a great sailor. But more money.
Hunter is a great option though.
Oh would like a sadler too, usually expensive but the interior liner is great. My Dufour had a GRP liner and it was great to stop condensation. The ENEMY for living aboard.
I'd never heard of the Stag, looks like a great boat.
Nice review there, a good selection of good solid cruisers. Glad,to see you are keeping the videos coming. Andy UK
Interesting and well done
albin ballad ,great fast mini cruiser.
Thanks Bryn ! .. Really informative …I'm starting to save my 10k already !!!
I had a twin keel Centaur and i would sail in small craft warnings out of Hillsboro inlet. The gulf stream had huge waves and was a blast and very exciting day sail.
I sailed almost daily single handed and would drag a fishing line. Large waves mean large fish. I had the 25 hp md2b Volvo with ketch rig and roller main, jenny. Highly recommended. My friend had a 32' sloop and my boat could mach his speed
trapper 501 fin and bilge
The moment you mentioned Albin Vega I knew it's going to be a good list.
Great video, lots of other good options so worth doing your homework.
On things like displacement to length or sail area to displacement. As there are compairing single (length) or squared (area) to cubic (displacement) they get a little screwed up on small boats. Good for comparrison of boats the same size but not worth being concerned about the boat falling in x catagorisation as these are really based on larger boats.
I see you used a short snippet of the HH273 that I once owned taken from one of the videos on a channel that unfortunately I have lost access to having been hacked shortly after visiting the Canaries. I don’t mind it’s fine I would add that when the weather starts to get a bit heavy the Hunter Horizon definitely became a handful so I wouldn’t like to venture out across oceans on one which is why I sold it
very good (and well explained!) advices for some smaller vessels – THANK YOU !!!
I would not include a boat with a spade rudder or transom rudder in a list of boats to cruise offshore.
Just sat on my Contessa 26 (because I can't stand up obvs) that I got for £3.5k. Hoping to get out of the marina by April and see just how far a small boat can go!
What length boat would you consider minimum for 6 with 2 kids ?
I looked at the westerly and Sadler but in the end I found my dream Vega but I’m still waiting to get her out and stretch her legs hopefully this coming spring after repairs. We have a seriously big hole that could have sunk us in seconds
Had my S29 for a couple of yeras now and am very happy, although you won't get even a tatty one for under 10k. The Sadler 26 can be purchased around that price. Really admire you two for getting out there and doing what you dreamed of instead of just talking about maybe next year.
There are plenty if project boats out there. Lets face it all boats are a project. I have a Van de Stadt Pioneer 9 for sale under £1000
Really great video! I got a much better overview and liked how you explained all these numbers and ratios. Care to make a video like this for around 30 footers? Tipp: When talking about a name or brand write it somewhere in the screen, so it’s clear even for newbies what they need to google next
Was nice having something to compare my Dockrell 27 to.. great list my boat fits right into it.
The two best boats under 20k are:
– Twister 28
– Contessa 26
By a country mile.
If you think size matters- look into the story of Serge Testa and his boat Acrohc.
Very seaworthy… And very small!
Comfort is subjectively assessed!
Where I live (Pacific NW), we have similar large tidal swings and having a bilge keel boat makes sense. Great video!
Love the first episode. Keep going
Good information, Cantessa 32 and Albin Vega 27 superb sailboats
I recommend
I’m pretty sure the Centaur in your video is my new boat! It’s amazing how much space it has compared to my Trapper 28, despite being 2ft shorter. Just getting used to sailing her now, finding hard going after being spoilt by the Trapper!
They are not sail boats, they are boats for sailing in and as a result they are sailing boats. English for under fives. Please make the effort!
I have just bought a mint Hurley 22r for £1500 with a brand new Yanmar diesel!..
These little boats are well worth a look too.. They are bomb proof and I would trust one in any Atlantic storm..
I've an affordable Ruffian 23 but would like a Hunter.
Holy moly this vid is STACKED with amazing information. Thanks for making this! New sub here and looking forward to more from you!
What do you think of a gibsea 80 plus fit 3k including a Trailer Witz everything in Good condition besonders the Main Sail.
There's no mention of a Flicka 20.
Ok it is classified as a blue water but still trailerable. And although slower than most people would like it does handle rough seas remarkably well. I'm moving up in size strictly for a live aboard. Which is why I am watching your video. But they are out there and some are at a very reasonable price. Thank you for the research and honest reviews. And you're absolutely right, go small but go! Once you know what type of sailing suites you best you're going to know what boat will also fit your needs.
You realy should put the names in writing. as someone who doesnt know any of those boats i was complete lost .. since you also dont have the cleanest english
(not meant to be rude just not easy to understand "non" english words, just like u did with the contessa