În acest videoclip, vom arunca o privire la Flevo Trawler 1700. Un iaht cu trauler de oțel de 17 metri proiectat de Martin Bekebrede pe aceleași linii ca și traulele de pescuit olandeze Zuidwal. Această navă de Categoria A CE are o cocă de oțel cu grosimea cuprinsă între 10-6 milimetri. Deveniți membru al canalului meu: https://bit.ly/join_my_crew Urmărește-mă pe Instagram: https://bit.ly/Yacht_Buoy Pentru întrebări de afaceri : e-mail: john@yacht-buoy.com Înscrieți-vă pentru buletinul meu de știri GRATUIT: https://bit.ly/Yacht_Buoy_Free_Newsletter Consultați noul meu canal de „hobby”: https://bit.ly/nomadic_drone_YouTube. Mulțumiri mari lui De Valk Brokeri de iahturi pentru că m-au permis să folosesc imaginile și filmările lor cu drone.
Yacht TRAWLER de 17 metri STEEL, cu o rază de acțiune de 3.000 NM!

50 thoughts on “Yacht TRAWLER de 17 metri STEEL, cu o rază de acțiune de 3.000 NM!”
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Beautiful craft. Just wish it had a swim platform and larger freezer/refrigeration.
Is it for sale?
Very nice vessel. I would think at that size though that you would have twin screws/engines. When I hear explorer yacht I think of self-sufficiency and redundancy.
My kinda little ship
Greetings from Northern California (NorCal). Another splendid Dutch Steel Trawler yacht. Nice John Deere engine as this engine has a good reputation for reliability and thriftiness although I wish this boat had a wing engine too. If you get a chance review a Diesel
Duck steel trawler yacht but I imagine they are probably rare in Europe as they are made in China. If I had this boat I would first take her up and down the west coast of the U.S. and then from San Francisco to Hawaii.
I would try to take her to the Maldives. Beautiful girls and friendly sharks. My brother still me I'm crazy.
Hi, a nice comfortable go anywhere boat that doesn't have to rely on technology all the time, unlike so many of the floating plastic gin palaces

Cheers DougT
Travelling the distances this can achieve, I’d like at least a wing engine . But a beautiful trawler yacht for coastal cruising. Thanks for showing.
A good looking boat with neat lines,very well appointed but I am not keen on thwart ship beds having slept in one in a Gale at sea.(a side trawler).
I like this sort of boat because of their simple lines and practicality A question. What sort of qualifications, as a non-sailor would you need to buy and skipper one for private (family) use only, within 5 miles of the UK coast. Just curious.
Would be great to see some Circa Marine review. Tks a lot!
I like the forward raking windows, but I really want to see a yacht builder put in triangular windows rather than rectangular…give it that Imperial Star Destroyer look!
Good bones, soft furnishings make us want to gak.
I prefer trawler yachts, particularly ones with classic wood interiors!
Great video….except for the music. That's not good music…..sorry.
Good Man a decent Engineroom that you can walk around instead of having to get on your knees, chequer plate plays havoc with your knees
That's the cleanest uncluttered well designed engine room I've ever seen.
She's a beauty! Stretch it a few meters for faster cruise speed and longer range with bigger fuel tanks and maybe a head with tub. 5000nm to Hawaii, right?
She looks a proper sea going vessel (without a stupid flybridge) so a nice low profile that would be safe in a storm. Would have liked a longer range so that you could take her across the Atlantic in safety. Also a wing engine would be nice.
The only real criticism, and only a slight one, that could be corrected is that there aren't any fiddle rails or pan clamps on the cooker. You couldn't use it in rough weather.
How much?
No dingy?
I'm a sail boat boy but I would definitely have this as my support vessel
Great vid and trawler yacht, I just wish you’d say how much they’re asking for it at the time of filming

I'd bring her to Miami Florida
Great presentation and video!!! Modifications I would make is a wing engine, water maker, and lots more freezer/refrigerator storage! Otherwise, it is a beautiful boat!!!
Where does the trawler part come in there's no deck space to trawl.
Lovely video, thanks!
Makes a nice and cozy living place…
Nice job on the trawler, lookin forward to the cat.
Dreamboat for me. Classic lines and beautiful timeless built – what's not to love?
Seems to be under powered.
Freefall lifeboat adapted for long traveling is much better. And safer too.
Love Dutch steel boats,had a stevens myself and would often cruise from UK to France Belgium and Holland, Two engines would be my choice over thrusters.
I had already decided where I’d go with her, Monaco. She would fit right in.
Прекрасное крепкое судно! просто люблю весь маломерный флот.
8 knots ? Knot gonna be out running any weather.
Apparantly john deere say 46.5 litres per hour for that model engine @2600 revs
so if u say 30 litres @ 3/4 throttle, 3250 ltires divided by 30 = 108.3 miles range. A bit short of 3000 miles.
Would you like to donate the boat to worthy cause?
How far is 17 meters? You give the range in miles?
If I won the lottery, I'd buy one of these, trick it out for boat angling, then take my fishing buddies to all the great wreck fishing places around the British Isles and beyond.
Lack of a second engine and second generator is worrying. If the engine packs up in the middle of the North Sea you're in trouble. Nice boat though and the interior woodwork is gorgeous.
$6K US+- Fuel Tank Fill
Nice rig….but needs some sort of auxiliary propulsion.
the video has an early 90s feel…..talking about 'desktop computers' and such
Ay, como me gusta este embarcación. Muy bonito y útil.
Perfect yacht to spend the rest of our days exploring Canada's Great Lakes in comfort. It would likely take over 10 years to do the complete tour of most marinas in Canada and in the US. Great ship for this and plenty of room for family guests.
sweartogod I thought the title said Liver Board when I first looked at it. lol
Gorgeous. Love the simplicity too.