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Navigați pe linie dreaptă din Pakistan către RUSIA???

29 thoughts on “Navigați pe linie dreaptă din Pakistan către RUSIA???”
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Earth is flat

Flat earthers explain
It will be expensive.
Love from Pakistan.

Me a Pakistani: Interesting…
"90 days around the world"
Its imposible
Funny part is Pakistan don't have enough money for this journey

You already know fidias is gonna try this.
Never let them know your next move: A plane.
Bro forgot about Antarctica
*A random island
"'Well I'm gonna ruin it"'
Random 15th century Pakistani sailor : "Let's sail to Russia through west instead of east"
*stranded in Madagascar
Natives : "Welcome to Mad-"
Pakistani Sailor: "Ah yes! Russia, and i shall call you Russian"
Yeah, maybe, but will a PAK boat be welcome in Russia considering current relations? LOL
We wait you to prove it with real sailing not just talk
Very useful info, I was planning to take a flight towards North but now I'll take this 8 days voyage
Fun fact:if it wasn't for Italy you could sail in the straight line between Italy and Italy
imagine getting pinned by the best geography chanel
You miss your real content
In india in Gujarat there is a ancient temple or a historical place where in a pole written that( their is no land of you go from their) and the pole is thousand years old
and this written on in language Sanskrit
When you lost yourself on Google Earth :
Around the world in 80…….
Pakistan after reaching in 99 days
Russia : we don't want to trade with you
Did you know that without touching any piece of land you can make it from Pakistan back to pakistan all around the world ?
As a Pakistani i feel that our country is useful in useless things

Thats a curve not a straight line

Its called great circle sailing
Me a brit with a full understanding about how this theory might actually work :
Me also remembering that my great great grandparents were probably doing this :
I think it's still a curve
U forgot the curvature of the earth
C i did not wanted to be a nerd
But u are the who was like
Huhh do u know u can go completely straight from here to here
U don't believe
C a globe n all
Sailing from Russia to Alaska,America