Ep80 | Cât de sigur este echipamentul tău?

Ep80 |  Cât de sigur este echipamentul tău?

A sosit timpul să reinstalăm Fair Isle, din fericire, se întâmplă să cunoaștem un rigger de top. Jade este un rigger pentru Cursa Globului de Aur, știe cum să se asigure că o platformă poate rezista rigorilor oceanului de Sud și a venit să ne vadă în Muntenegru. Deci, pe lângă ancorarea în ceea ce trebuie să fie cel mai bun fundal pentru lumini de Crăciun din lume și să vedem mai mult din minunatul Muntenegru, avem o secțiune tehnică grozavă pentru tine în acest episod. Urmează multe altele! Jade are sediul în nordul Țării Galilor și are o mansardă mare, precum și afaceri de tachelaj. Vine foarte recomandat! https://www.theboatshedwales.co.uk/ ––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––– Urmărește-ne pe Instagram #svfairisle –––––- ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– Vă rugăm să vă abonați – NU COSTA NIMIC ȘI NE AJUTĂ CU ALGORITMUL YOU TUBE –––––––––––- ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––– Mai degrabă vezi videoclipurile noastre fără reclame?… Există o modalitate… PATREON: Există o modalitate de a vedea videoclipurile actuale fără reclame înainte de a fi lansate publicului, devenind membru de onoare al echipajului și alăturându-se grupului nostru Patreon. Veți avea patru sau cinci zile pentru a vedea cel mai recent videoclip înaintea oricui. Există, de asemenea, o mulțime de videoclipuri suplimentare disponibile pe Patreon și ne puteți contacta direct la bord. De asemenea, avem acum sesiuni lunare Zoom cu Patreons, ceea ce este foarte distractiv! Continuarea producerii acestor videoclipuri depinde de patronii noștri și suntem foarte recunoscători pentru sprijin: https://www.patreon.com/sailingfairis… ––––––- ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––– FACEBOOK: Puteți urmări și pe facebook, unde actualizăm constant ce se întâmplă: https://www.facebook.com/svfairisle/?…. ––––––- ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––- SITE WEB: Loturi mai multe informatii pe site; http://www.sailingfairisle.com –––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––


28 thoughts on “Ep80 | Cât de sigur este echipamentul tău?

  1. Thanks for such an informative vlog. You never seem to fail on informing and entertaining us, especially as our temperature is in the minus degrees C atm! Montenegro is now on our bucket list. Our best wishes for Xmas & the New Year and we look forward to more fantastic episodes in 2023. Sailing Fair Isle is something I look forward to every week but I'm sure you need a break 'sometimes'. 😎

  2. Hi Steve

    You guys have done well.
    I just had my 48T re-rigged, and all chain plates renewed.
    We found lots of problems with the steel itself.
    The chainplate for the inner forestay was in really bad shape. And a nightmare to change; the whole bowsprit had to be removed completely.
    Found some rot behind the two aft chain plates; again, a huge job! Anyways, I'll pick the boat up next week.
    I look forward to seeing the next video about your rigging process.
    Best and merry Xmas to you both.

  3. Absolutely beautiful location! Great video! What a super combination or subject matters, including a little football! Nice! Merry Christmas and I hope you both have a marvelous New Year!

  4. Great learning from the rigger…. I have been studying one rig from an old boat, but in the end, I believe that without maintenance records on the rigging it is utterly impossible to determine the remaining life. Alas, just like the football World Cup, at any given time rigging issues seem to keep 99% of sailors rummaging at night, while only 1% of sailors are actually "enjoying" it (and these 1% are the ones that just installed a new one). Ah, you should receive a prize for the cleanest/tidiest anchor locker ever, smell is indeed the best selling point for replacing an old chain for a new stainless one!!

  5. By coincidence I have just arranged to have my 8 year old standing rigging replaced. Next years plan involves 8000 miles plus, some of which is southern ocean – it won't seem expensive when lying in my bunk at sea listening to the wind howl

  6. My 2nd transatlantic was as crew with an appalling skipper who was an alcoholic. His routine was to rise in the morning, inspect the rig & deck, give us a bollocking and then start drinking, leaving us crew to run the watches all night. While in the canaries we bought a big bag of split pins, rings, clevis pins etc. We took to leaving a selection on the deck every morning for the skipper to discover on his morning inspection . On a 19 day crossing to St Lucia he became increasingly stressed and spent many hours up the rig. On arrival he was an incoherent, anxious mess. Job well done.

  7. Whenever you have doubts about stainless steel or any material, clean and polish the piece and check with a good magnifying glass all the welds and according to the direction in which the piece exerts force (were fatigue start), so you will see if there is an imperfection and as the expert said touch it. Happy Holidays and sorry for my English.

  8. When you sail over open water for 2 -3 days straight, is there always one person who stays up at night watching the boat, wind and sails? How to other sailors handle this? or Solo Sailors? I know you can put the boat on auto pilot, but you wouldn't want to "auto pilot" right into another ship !!

  9. Great episode. If I remove a chainplate bolt I replace it and its nut with a new one. For relatively (?) little expense it gives me piece of mind against missing microcracks that could prove disastrous at a most inconvenient time. Best wishes for the festive season and I look forward to following you adventures in 2023.

  10. Jade re rigged my Westerly Oceanlord last year. 1st class rigger he spotted additional problems with my spars and fitments I hadn't noticed. Will he be doing your rigging replacements? How did you manage to get him out there from North Wales?

  11. Hello,

    To help you out with the rust stains on your stainless steel, I saw that the welds are getting rusty surely because the welder didn't used the right stainless rods to weld. The welds looks very nice, but it needed to use the right welding rods. With 316 it needs 316 rods, with 304 it needs 304 rods, and if it's two different stainless steel, exemple, 316 and 304, it needs 309 rods, etc. There's charts to select the right rods…

    You need to clean the rusted welds with acid, to treat the affected areas with a rust stopper, to clean it well after and put a protection over it after. It needs to be compatible and for the right applications.


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