Nu poți naviga fără MOTOR! | Navigare Ep 332

Nu poți naviga fără MOTOR!  |  Navigare Ep 332

Domnii nu navighează niciodată spre vânt. Înseamnă că și ei merg doar cu bicicleta la vale? ☝️ Trimite-ne un rapid „Ta foarte mult” prin Super Mulțumiri! ☝️ Dacă aforismul este adevărat, atunci nu există domni la bordul SY Esper. Pentru că în următorii 100 de mile sau cam așa ceva am făcut exact asta, în diferite grade de disconfort și dificultate. Și mai ales cu motorul pornit. Poate vă întrebați de ce naiba ne-am pune în această situație ridicolă. Ei bine, cu siguranță nu a fost alegerea noastră… 00:00 De ce navigam spre vânt 01:30 Traseul nostru către Lombok 05:38 Lung și greu spre sud 12:12 Aterizare Pulau Tiga 14:58 Sud-est către Pulau Wowomi 🤙 Sprijină-ne: PATREON | FTBMates | Fondul de rom – Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare, vă rugăm să dați LIKE și SUBSCRIBE, ne ajută cu adevărat să fim remarcați. Pace și vânturi bune! Liz și Jamie ▶️ CUM AM ÎNCEPUT SĂ NAVIGAM – ▶️ SABAH LA LOMBOK [PLAYLIST]
– ▶️ TOTAL REFIT SERIES – ▶️ REASONYWKVtDanCr ▶️ NOT SAIL5 -_GU ▶️ 5 MOTIVE PENTRU CARE TREBUIE SĂ CUMPĂRĂ O BARCĂ CU PÂLE – ▶️ CÂT SĂ NAVILIZAȚI ÎN LUMEA? – ▶️ SUNTEȚI PREA BĂTRÂN PENTRU A NAVIGA? – ▶️ CUM SE CUMPĂRĂ O BARCĂ CON PLANIE – ▶️ CEA MAI BUNĂ BARCĂ PENTRU VELIER PENTRU LUMEA? – 🎣 Cele mai bune 3 sfaturi de pescuit ale lui Liz – MARFĂ FTB SĂ CONECTĂM! FB – Instagram – Twitter: Toată muzică de la Epidemic Sound BARCA NOASTRA CON PÂLE Construită în 1989, SY Esper este un ketch echipat cu tăietor Oyster435 LOCARE Pulau Bundu – 1°55’23.8″S 123°08’55.4″E Pulau Tiga – 3°21’49.0″S 122°36’05.6″E Pulay Wowomi – 4°02 ‘09.5″S 122°57’47.0″E URMĂȚI-NE ÎN TIMP REAL CU AIS * MMSI – 235026188 #storms #indonesia #sailing


28 thoughts on “Nu poți naviga fără MOTOR! | Navigare Ep 332

  1. Yes, they do say that "gentlemen never sail to windward." And they say it for a very good reason. Once the lines are cast off, the mooring ball dropped, or the anchor weighed, a sailing vessel is the least likely place on the planet that you are likely to find a gentleman.
    And in the rare instance that you find a gentleman on board, a long beat in lumpy waters will most certainly change his temperament, and never for the better.
    Thank you for the content again and all the best for the new year.

  2. Seen older people and heard stories about those who sailed without and engine, even docked with sails. Those are called experienced sailors.
    And how do you think the Vikings and past times made it across oceans.

  3. Like the Tug going two knots, we working class stiffs have schedules we must keep to get paid. The "Gentlemen" referred to in the old adadge didn't even saddle their own horses!

  4. Happy New Year, guys! Loved the introductory graphics and – an FTB First, I believe – Bossa Nova! Even with a visa requirement looming over your heads you never lose your aplomb; that is the trait of gentlemen!! Regards. ♥️♥️♥️♥️

  5. As I sit here working a 10 hour day many days out of the week, I think how you guys do not have any requirements on your time other than what it takes to make these videos and sail around. Please stop complaining about seas, winds and squalls. These are the things you should absorb without even thinking about it. Actually, I like a rolling sea when I have any time to boat.

  6. Interesting Art-Deco feel to the start sequence – you should have added a flapper in a boa and cloche 😄Your sail into swell and wind was very reminiscent of the conditions we frequently get in western Scotland and the north coast of Ireland. We find in those conditions it is better to roll the genoa away and pull out the main, flatten it as much as possible and pull it right over to windward on the traveller. That way we can get some sail assist as close as 10° to the wind and since you have two "main" sails thanks to Esper's design it might work even better for you.

    No gentlemen on our boat which is just as well as Salty Lass loves going close hauled. It is easily her favourite point of sail…

  7. Nice!
    Loved the retro intro. Were you going for " The girl from Ipanema"? Anyways, I was along for the ride. Reach into those creative juices again! I struggle figuring where you are going? Philippines or Raja Ampat?
    Thanks again!

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