Atenție marinarilor – în special căpitanii și echipajul din zona La Paz – ai lui Kimberly Weber (proprietarul de barca cu pânze al lui „Alita Fox” în acest videoclip). Ea a demonstrat că îți va fura timpul, efortul, abilitățile și banii fără ezitare. Nu știam despre ea înainte de acest fiasco, așa că simțim nevoia să avertizăm alți potențiali căpitani și echipaj din zonă. Am vrut ca aceasta să fie o poveste simplă despre navigarea de la Puerto Penasco la La Paz, dar, în schimb, a devenit un scenariu în care am fost pur și simplu înșelați. Actualizări live: Mulțumim tuturor patronilor acestui canal! Patreon: Sau pur și simplu lăsați un bacșiș prin Paypal: Dacă vă aflați în State, comandați tricouri din magazinul nostru În caz contrar, verificați noul magazin de dulce: Aruncă o privire la lista noastră de dorințe: Camere Am folosit: Sony A7C Canon EOS M10
Navigați din Puerto Penasco către La Paz, Mexic

32 thoughts on “Navigați din Puerto Penasco către La Paz, Mexic”
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Speaking of scams – please do not accept any offers of prizes, merch, deals, etc. from any account in the comment section that looks like our Youtube channel. Just like many other channels have pointed out, it will definitely be the infamous comments section scam. Thanks for watching!
I think it's it's a responsibility to name the vessel and person who scammed you both. So others will be forwarned
You guys are the most kind and awesome people here in YouTube, big hug and a good New Year PS: good fishing is the way , I hope good fortunes come to you guys again
I don't know what to say other than that really sucks! I'm not the overly vindictive type but I still hope that karma catches up to them.
That's shocking to hear, you didn't deserve that !
I wonder what she thinks you did to deserve that ?
At least you are not bitter about it, that shows your true character !
I'll see what I can do for you by way of a small contribution
Sorry to ear this sad story.. you surely don't deserve it.. I wish you a splendid 2023.. you deserve the best.. your kindness, skills and love for the ocean are of example.. trust your future.. your will get many good things on your good way.. take good care of yourself and I look forward to meet you sometimes soon.. fair winds and lots of love.. Millo from Switzerland
Happy New Year! So sorry to hear the tale of woe! It looks like a nice sail though.
I found her on Facebook and she was complaining that the crew was a bunch of godless atheists lol. She seems like a nut. I'm sorry that this happened to you guys. I saw your boat in Isla Mujeres I wish I had gone over to see you before you left. I love your videos hopefully we'll see you out there.
Glad you warned others…it always sucks to have your trust betrayed.
I think I would have made sure a few seacocks were nice and tight.
I reckon those were drascombes run by NOLS Baja
Not sure what can be said that has not already been sincerely expressed!
In time this will make for another sailing story, however in time… there will be a conclusion that will include an outcome that will not be of your demise, but rather one that effects the other party!!!
What a great story that will make….
Best if wishes and better success to you for the upcoming year!
And may I add.. Look out for Pirates… there not nice people!
From Oklahoma USA
Best wishes for 2023

I was once in business, this kind of scammer preys on those who have the least to lose. They do it over and over till they can no longer get someone to trust them. I got burned a few times. They Infect all situations.
You did what you thought was right, and the people you encountered prove normally it is. Time to move on, in the end she will be stuck somewhere. Having ripped of her last victim. And you will be moving on with life.
Good luck, love the channel
Thing are alway what they appear to be. Lessons are always the to learn from you said being taken advantage of humbling is it not alway pretty you guys are very humble and super kind ! The is an saying I give you my hand and you take my arm ! Thank you !
That is totally messed up. I hope she enjoys the Karma to the fullest!
Happy new year. Cheers.
When helping someone out never use more or your money than you can afford to give away. I know it sounds inhumane, but people who have their credit cards denied it's because of non-payment. I do this with family all the time when they ask to borrow money, for example my daughter said if she could borrow $1000.00 she said she would pay me back. I said no, I can give you $500.00 take it or leave it. You can guess her choice, I'm out of $500.00 which is a heck less than $1000.00. Hopefully whoever reads this will be frugal with their money. Robbie God will pay you in blessings but you'll still be out of the amount you spent. Hopefully next time you'll ask for some collateral of some king. I enjoy your videos keep them coming.
Thanks for the video and thank you both for your generosity. You are living a great life. Brush it off and move on. It may not feel right, but it is the bust for you both.
That is sad news. Glad you published this updated and exposed this dead beat owner.
Contracts can be very useful in these situations.
They should put her picture on the marina wall, with "scumbag of the year" award.
Never ever do anything for anyone when you do some thing like this unless they pay up front .ass holes are everywhere on this planet.
She didn’t give him any money at all or just some of what was owed?
If she didn’t give him anything he should have filled her gas tank with sand.
This is why I don’t help women. A similar thing happened to me.
Wow. It hurts to get scammed and deal with sick people. Thankfully you are all safe and made the most of it. That lady is going to have stormy seas for a long time.
That was great video. A pity about the scam artist though. No doubt karma will take care of her eventually…
What a bad experience! I've seen this woman a few times at Marina La Paz in the last few days. She's always with her little dog.
Uhg sorry to hear about this, guys! We were in la paz during Chris and we saw that woman at the Club Cruceros. She was hanging out with another sketchy older guy who was getting into arguments with fellow cruisers, causing a scene. She had weird vibes and this story confirms our feelings. So sorry that you guys were taken advantage of, amidst all the great sailors out there, there are still some rotten eggs!
what happen to the male that was on Allita fox, we met in loretto???
She has the Jesabel spirit Rotten
Thank you for sharing your experience in such a thoughtful way, and I am sorry that you were taken advantage of like this. I recall seeing the listing for this boat, as it is pretty recongisable, and I expect the owner will get what she is owed one day. All the best to you guys.
Hi guys. My husband, our friends and I know this person and we’re asked to captain it down prior to Robbie doing it. We were right across the dock from her. I’m so sorry she did this to y’all. I Can obtain info about her so y’all can sue her. She and her husband own a VERY nice condo in Penasco. We’re guessing that once she disappeared (left her husband) he cut off all access to their accounts. She can be very nasty. She cussed out a friend for not coming to her launch party. She’s CRAZY.
KARMA CAN BE A BITCH. She’ll stay in the waltz until she finds a new man to live off of