Știri despre Cupa Americii – 23 ian

Știri despre Cupa Americii - 23 ian

Începând cu 2023 – Apoi au fost cinci! Echipa franceză K-Challenge se înscrie la cea de-a 37-a Cupă a Americii O chemare strânsă pentru britanici Italienii ies în briză Patriotul lui American Magic se răsturnează Și de ce kiwii au vrut să fie cei mai rapizi de pe uscat


15 thoughts on “Știri despre Cupa Americii – 23 ian

  1. Excellent reporting as always. So the Brits are only allowed one mast but the Kiwis have 2 boats? Seems a bit unfair.

  2. I’m sorry to say this but I’ve sailed all my life including a 12 metre. I used to love the Americas Cup but the last I’ve watched was when fellow Wisconsinite, Buddy Melges won. Since then I’ve lost all interest due to corporate control and sponsorship and I really hate the boats. Yes new technology but I think the AC has become too much about the boats. The competition is, well, do the boats compete against each other like traditional match racing or just sprint around the course as if they were competing against the clock. It’s so sterile and absurd to watch. Just my opinion.

  3. Don't you think that the Brits 'hobbled' themselves?
    Maybe they were testing the rules to play it safe before trying their tow mast.

  4. …grown up as a swedish sailer…dont watch america cup anymore…its not sailing anymore…abstract dead and sterile high tech nonsense with new rules every week…

  5. Well if its all about yachts? In the 2024 America's Cup in Barcelona there are none competing. Instead these dreadful looking low wooded canoes drowned in sail are a total joke. The race to squeeze more speed over water and not on it has consigned F1 on Water not the America's Cup to a freak show especially when Red Bull and Mercedes become involved. Next Team NZ will join F1 for the 2028 challenge. The AC70's were more than enough for me big, powerful and very fast, isn't that enough? No more money needed to be spent on coming second. Kiwi sailors will watch out of curiosity these craft tearing across the water doing 50 knots in 10 knots of breeze.

  6. If Mercedes and BAR are working so closely and information is flowing both ways then surely BAR's expenditure needs to be added on to Mercedes cost cap.

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