Spirit adevărat | Trailer oficial | Netflix

Spirit adevărat |  Trailer oficial |  Netflix

Când Jessica Watson își propune să fie cea mai tânără persoană care navighează singură, non-stop și neasistată în jurul lumii, ea trebuie să-și învingă cea mai mare frică în timp ce navighează pe cele mai dificile porțiuni de ocean ale lumii. Bazat pe o poveste adevarata. ABONAȚI-VĂ: http://bit.ly/29qBUt7 Despre Netflix: Netflix este cel mai important serviciu de divertisment de streaming din lume, cu 223 de milioane de abonamente plătite în peste 190 de țări, bucurându-se de seriale TV, documentare, lungmetraje și jocuri pentru mobil într-o mare varietate de genuri și limbi. . Membrii pot juca, întrerupe și relua vizionarea cât doresc, oricând și oriunde și își pot schimba planurile în orice moment. Spirit adevărat | Trailer oficial | Netflix https://www.youtube.com/@Netflix


29 thoughts on “Spirit adevărat | Trailer oficial | Netflix

  1. Was ein schlechter Film. Schnittfehler, Logik-Lücken, unrealistisch und schlecht erzählt.
    Die Synchro ist auch nicht gerade das gelbe vom Ei.
    Die echte Geschichte dahinter ist bestimmt wahnsinnig interessant, der Film ist es aber nicht.
    Großen Respekt dafür, dass sie es geschafft hat (in echt).

    Der Abspann ist besser als der Film 🤣 da sieht man zumindest ein paar der original Bilder/Videos.

  2. ВДОХНОВЛЯЮЩИЙ ФИЛЬМ. но снято спустя тринадцать лет после этой удивительной документальной истории. Этот фильм надо смотреть всем.! Он помогает поверить в себя. Мечта это это не грезы а действие. Бывает сложно, тяжело но это и есть пусть к мечте. Счастье это найти свою мечту и впахивать ради нее. И не бояться препятствий.

  3. do yourself a favour and dont watch this crap, the story is good but cast, acting and narrating is horrible and it has one of the worst CGI ive seen
    really could have been better

  4. I thought this was going to be a light hearted teen Netflix film. I didn't expect it to be deeply inspirational and make me cry several times. I have come away thinking that I can face and overcome challenges in my life. We are so much stronger than we think. I'm so happy I watched this today. A great film to watch with your children with a beautiful message. If anyone is struggling right now watch this film. I now want to read Jessica's book!

  5. Sailing a boat alone in the ocean for 180 days is a very demanding and challenging task that requires a lot of focus, determination, and skill. However, for those who love sailing and being out on the open water, the experience can be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling.

    For one, the solitude and peacefulness of being alone on the water for such an extended period can be quite meditative and rejuvenating. It allows you to disconnect from the outside world and truly immerse yourself in the present moment.

    Additionally, the constantly changing conditions of the ocean can provide a thrilling and ever-evolving challenge. The feeling of being at the mercy of the elements, and successfully navigating through storms, currents, and waves can be an adrenaline-pumping adventure.

    Moreover, sailing alone for such an extended period can be a personal journey of self-discovery and growth. It can provide an opportunity to reflect on one's life, priorities, and goals. The mental and physical challenges of the journey can also build resilience, self-reliance, and confidence.

    Overall, the entertainment of sailing a boat alone in the ocean for 180 days can be a combination of peace, adventure, and personal growth.

  6. Guys this is based on a True story 2010 16 year old Jessica Watson survived 7 knockdowns and survived 15 foot under water, in sea for 210days.

  7. This is a C- movie for me. I am super picky though. If it doesn’t succeed in all arts of movie making, I don’t watch again. Yes, I did watch it, unfortunately

  8. Thanks N you have just proven that a nice movie can be made without F words . Without kissing . Without sex scenes. A movie you can watch with the FAMILY.

  9. I was privileged to be standing at the Opera House waiting for her arrival on that big day.
    Wasn't dissapointed. Watched her disembark the yacht then walk up the carpet with her family. The atmosphere was electric, looking forward to seeing this flick. 🇦🇺👍

  10. Thank you for the making this true amazing inspirational story into a movie, didn't know about this until now, and am grateful to know such and see such truthful inspiration.

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