SUNTEM NEBUNI??? Se lucrează la DOUA bărci de proiect!!!! Trecând catargele [S3-E14]

SUNTEM NEBUNI???  Se lucrează la DOUA bărci de proiect!!!!  Trecând catargele [S3-E14]

În acest episod, catargele frumoasei noastre Bowman 46 Yawl sunt călcate pentru prima dată în 10 ani, în timp ce facem încă un pas uriaș mai aproape de visul nostru de a trăi la bord și de a naviga cu normă întreagă. Sincer, dacă am câștiga la loterie mâine, mă îndoiesc că am cumpăra o altă barcă, deoarece aceasta se află, probabil, în primele 10 bărci Bluewater construite vreodată. Sprijină-ne pe Patreon: Sau: KO-FI – Vrem să le mulțumim HUUUUUUUGE tuturor celor care au contribuit în orice fel și iată link-urile dacă vrei să ne ajuți în această călătorie uimitoare. MARFĂ NOUĂ! Tricouri și căni și altele în curând. Pentru a cumpăra albumul lui Andy, vă rugăm să trimiteți un e-mail la, astfel încât să putem primi plata și să vă trimitem un link de descărcare Linkurile noastre Susține-ne pe Patreon : https :// Verificați-ne pe Instagram: Vino să ne vorbești pe facebook: Sau contribuie o singură dată prin PayPal sau Ko-Fi folosind aceste linkuri Verificați lista noastră de dorințe pe site-ul PRO MARINE STORE Card cadou https://www. Lista de dorințe Avem și o listă de dorințe Amazon . Echipamentul nostru Sony a6400 Feiyutech a1000 gimbal GoPro 7 Hero GoPro 3 Hero Rode Studiomic pro Rode Studiomic mini Rode Wireless Go-2


24 thoughts on “SUNTEM NEBUNI??? Se lucrează la DOUA bărci de proiect!!!! Trecând catargele [S3-E14]

  1. Absolutely love the channel I'm an ex merchant seaman and RYA costal skipper I need advice. How do I get in contact I'm you tube idiot lol. I once had a rival Bowman. Good yachts. Can't wait to see here in the water stay safe.

  2. Your family has done such a great job on Melody and I know the family that ends up with her are in for a traveling treat. It makes absolute sense (atleast to me), that your growing family will need the larger boat to enjoy for years to come. I wish you well in your travels near and far.

  3. Hrm.. You're pregnant and need a bigger boat, so you're going to do them both up and then decide which one is better? I mean you say it right there, the extra room will be everything to you. I think you should just rip the bandaid off and set Melody off to drift. I'm pretty sure everyone is here to see you guys, not a specific boat being fixed up.Good luck!

  4. As they say life is a journey. It is what you make of it. Keep on keeping on, it will turn out the way it's meant to be no matter what.
    Love to you all 4. You are truly an inspiration to us all.

  5. A good place for teak is your local household/furniture auction. Teak garden benches often turn up (careful not to get cheap B&Q benches) we still have my parents teak bench 90years old having spent its whole life outside. Also 1970's furniture legs etc. for teak. Mahogony dining(not sapele) tables and solid furniture (not veneered). Last one cost £14 for 6sq ft of 3/4 sheet.

  6. Hi guys if you remember it's Neil and now my wife Lizzie actually presently in Portugal to register the marriage with the notary here.
    That's to say if we get divorced it has to be in a Portuguese court!!! (Obviously not going there)
    A little news on the hotel we are a month behind but not too much to worry on there as Easter is late this year.
    So news flash!! my boat in Narbonne is now sold and, as the hotel will be closed over winte,r Lizzie has agreed with me cruising for months is the way forward typical!!! Lol 😉
    The idea now I'm told is to buy a 30 ft plus boat ideally in Portugal or UK one month prep before hotel closure for the winter around October time and head to the Caribbean for 2 months putting a month either side for the crossings.

    Found a few boats in v good nick actually as Lizzie obviously speaks Portuguese Spanish Italian and French (yea I know!) And she is a hard bargainer we hope to secure a decent inventory with the boat Inc watermaker!!
    This we have had first contact with the owner he's 72 too old to sail and if I'm brutally honest humongous for a boat (too many chorizos!).

    I'm keeping cards to my chest and feeling like an international man of mystery!!
    No, just don't want to be gazumped (housing terminology obviously).
    So in essence, come December me and Lizzie are more than likely to be in the "Carribe" next festive season
    Keep up the good work and here's to the future I'll update you on the hotel St Patrick's Lourdes as it progresses!!!

    Neil & Lizzie Welsh

  7. The smile on your face Andy as you climbed the ladder so show us the masts in place just said it all for me. Super happy for you all that the life you want is another step closer.

  8. Is there somewhere I can preview and purchase an album of accoustic guitar songs similar to the ones featured in this video, they sound great!

  9. A new item & question? Tonight I checked Facebook and I received a comment from you guys saying I was a platinum responder on your Facebook page.. before I accept I want to know if it came from you?

  10. Czy to prawda że jacht z 1979 roku może nie wymagać kapitalnego remontu? *widziałem ogłoszenie sprzedaży za 10 000 E. i tam jest napisane że: jest w bardzo dobrym stanie a silnik ma tylko 555mth

  11. I have watched the progress you have made on Melody, and I am happy to hear that you will finish her up. I have a steel boat myself, and most of the rust I have on her is where wood meets steel, so be careful when you make anything in wood that is supposed to be outside and resting on the steel.

  12. Hi, I wondered why I instantly liked Andy (and the rest of you guys of course) watching the bit from Mark with you on Melody I picked up that you are a Paramedic, you might have mentioned it before on one of your other videos and I didn't notice. I was a Paramedic at Malvern for 16 Years, before prolapsing L5 S1. Looking forward to the boats in the water and some of your sailing adventures, been following you and Wildlings for a while, great how you can binge watch the videos and catch up on the series. Now being retired and often sitting in my Radio Ham shack I can watch you and talk to the World 🙂Furthest contact so far Today, Taiwan, around 6000 miles. But of course you will be physically be going places soon. Good luck, "lets be careful out there"

  13. You are a clever bloke. What a great channel. Thank you for bringing us along. Be great to see where you all plan on going.

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